554 research outputs found

    Colour normalisation to reduce inter-patient and intra-patient variability in microaneurysm detection in colour retinal images

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    Images of the human retina vary considerably in their appearance depending on the skin pigmentation (amount of melanin) of the subject. Some form of normalisation of colour in retinal images is required for automated analysis of images if good sensitivity and specificity at detecting lesions is to be achieved in populations involving diverse races. Here we describe an approach to colour normalisation by shade-correction intra-image and histogram normalisation inter-image. The colour normalisation is assessed by its effect on the automated detection of microaneurysms in retinal images. It is shown that the Na¨ıve Bayes classifier used in microaneurysm detection benefits from the use of features measured over colour normalised images

    Automated microaneurysm detection algorithms applied to diabetic retinopathy retinal images

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    Diabetic retinopathy is the commonest cause of blindness in working age people. It is characterised and graded by the development of retinal microaneurysms, haemorrhages and exudates. The damage caused by diabetic retinopathy can be prevented if it is treated in its early stages. Therefore, automated early detection can limit the severity of the disease, improve the follow-up management of diabetic patients and assist ophthalmologists in investigating and treating the disease more efficiently. This review focuses on microaneurysm detection as the earliest clinically localised characteristic of diabetic retinopathy, a frequently observed complication in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Algorithms used for microaneurysm detection from retinal images are reviewed. A number of features used to extract microaneurysm are summarised. Furthermore, a comparative analysis of reported methods used to automatically detect microaneurysms is presented and discussed. The performance of methods and their complexity are also discussed

    Lesion detection and Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy via Two-stages Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    We propose an automatic diabetic retinopathy (DR) analysis algorithm based on two-stages deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN). Compared to existing DCNN-based DR detection methods, the proposed algorithm have the following advantages: (1) Our method can point out the location and type of lesions in the fundus images, as well as giving the severity grades of DR. Moreover, since retina lesions and DR severity appear with different scales in fundus images, the integration of both local and global networks learn more complete and specific features for DR analysis. (2) By introducing imbalanced weighting map, more attentions will be given to lesion patches for DR grading, which significantly improve the performance of the proposed algorithm. In this study, we label 12,206 lesion patches and re-annotate the DR grades of 23,595 fundus images from Kaggle competition dataset. Under the guidance of clinical ophthalmologists, the experimental results show that our local lesion detection net achieve comparable performance with trained human observers, and the proposed imbalanced weighted scheme also be proved to significantly improve the capability of our DCNN-based DR grading algorithm