1,586 research outputs found

    Bioinformatics analysis of alternative splice variants

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    Evolution of alternative and constitutive regions of mammalian 5'UTRs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Alternative splicing (AS) in protein-coding sequences has emerged as an important mechanism of regulation and diversification of animal gene function. By contrast, the extent and roles of alternative events including AS and alternative transcription initiation (ATI) within the 5'-untranslated regions (5'UTRs) of mammalian genes are not well characterized.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We evaluated the abundance, conservation and evolution of putative regulatory control elements, namely, upstream start codons (uAUGs) and open reading frames (uORFs), in the 5'UTRs of human and mouse genes impacted by alternative events. For genes with alternative 5'UTRs, the fraction of alternative sequences (those present in a subset of the transcripts) is much greater than that in the corresponding coding sequence, conceivably, because 5'UTRs are not bound by constraints on protein structure that limit AS in coding regions. Alternative regions of mammalian 5'UTRs evolve faster and are subject to a weaker purifying selection than constitutive portions. This relatively weak selection results in over-abundance of uAUGs and uORFs in the alternative regions of 5'UTRs compared to constitutive regions. Nevertheless, even in alternative regions, uORFs evolve under a stronger selection than the rest of the sequences, indicating that some of the uORFs are conserved regulatory elements; some of the non-conserved uORFs could be involved in species-specific regulation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings on the evolution and selection in alternative and constitutive regions presented here are consistent with the hypothesis that alternative events, namely, AS and ATI, in 5'UTRs of mammalian genes are likely to contribute to the regulation of translation.</p

    TassDB: a database of alternative tandem splice sites

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    Subtle alternative splice events at tandem splice sites are frequent in eukaryotes and substantially increase the complexity of transcriptomes and proteomes. We have developed a relational database, TassDB (TAndem Splice Site DataBase), which stores extensive data about alternative splice events at GYNGYN donors and NAGNAG acceptors. These splice events are of subtle nature since they mostly result in the insertion/deletion of a single amino acid or the substitution of one amino acid by two others. Currently, TassDB contains 114 554 tandem splice sites of eight species, 5209 of which have EST/mRNA evidence for alternative splicing. In addition, human SNPs that affect NAGNAG acceptors are annotated. The database provides a user-friendly interface to search for specific genes or for genes containing tandem splice sites with specific features as well as the possibility to download large datasets. This database should facilitate further experimental studies and large-scale bioinformatics analyses of tandem splice sites. The database is available at

    Analysis of Transcriptome and Epitranscriptome in Plants Using PacBio Iso-Seq and Nanopore-Based Direct RNA Sequencing

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    Nanopore sequencing from Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) and Pacific BioSciences (PacBio) single-molecule real-time (SMRT) long-read isoform sequencing (Iso-Seq) are revolutionizing the way transcriptomes are analyzed. These methods offer many advantages over most widely used high-throughput short-read RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) approaches and allow a comprehensive analysis of transcriptomes in identifying full-length splice isoforms and several other post-transcriptional events. In addition, direct RNA-Seq provides valuable information about RNA modifications, which are lost during the PCR amplification step in other methods. Here, we present a comprehensive summary of important applications of these technologies in plants, including identification of complex alternative splicing (AS), full-length splice variants, fusion transcripts, and alternative polyadenylation (APA) events. Furthermore, we discuss the impact of the newly developed nanopore direct RNA-Seq in advancing epitranscriptome research in plants. Additionally, we summarize computational tools for identifying and quantifying full-length isoforms and other co/post-transcriptional events and discussed some of the limitations with these methods. Sequencing of transcriptomes using these new single-molecule long-read methods will unravel many aspects of transcriptome complexity in unprecedented ways as compared to previous short-read sequencing approaches. Analysis of plant transcriptomes with these new powerful methods that require minimum sample processing is likely to become the norm and is expected to uncover novel co/post-transcriptional gene regulatory mechanisms that control biological outcomes during plant development and in response to various stresses

    Epigenetic features are significantly associated with alternative splicing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While alternative splicing (AS) contributes greatly to protein diversities, the relationship between various types of AS and epigenetic factors remains largely unknown.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we discover that a number of epigenetic features, including DNA methylation, nucleosome occupancy, specific histone modifications and protein features, are strongly associated with AS. To further enhance our understanding of the association between these features and AS, we cluster our investigated features based on their association patterns with each AS type into four groups, with H3K36me3, EGR1, GABP, SRF, SIN3A and RNA Pol II grouped together and showing strongest association with AS. In addition, we find that the AS types can be classified into two general classes, namely the exon skipping related process (ESRP), and the alternative splice site selection process (ASSP), based on their association levels with the epigenetic features.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our analysis thus suggests that epigenetic features are likely to play important roles in regulating AS.</p

    A Gene-Centered Method For Mapping 3’UTR-RBP Interactions: A Dissertation

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    Interactions between 3´ untranslated regions (UTRs) and RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) play critical roles in post-transcriptional gene regulation. Metazoan genomes encode hundreds of RBPs and thousands of 3’ UTRs have been experimentally identified, yet the spectrum of interactions between 3´UTRs and RBPs remains largely unknown. Several methods are available to map these interactions, including protein-centered methods such as RBP immunoprecipitation (RIP) and cross-link immunoprecipitation (CLIP), yeast three-hybrid assays and RNAcompete. However, there is a paucity of RNA-centered approaches for assaying an RNA element of interest against multiple RBPs in a parallel, scalable manner. Here, I present a strategy for delineating protein-RNA interaction networks using a gene centered approach. This approach includes annotating RBPs and identifying physical interactions between an RNA of interest and these RBPs using the Protein-RNA Interaction Mapping Assay (PRIMA). Few RBPs have been experimentally determined in most eukaryotic organisms. Therefore I show that existing RBP annotations can be supplemented using computational predictions of RNA binding domains (RBD) from protein sequences. A single RNA of interest can be tested using PRIMA against a library of RBPs constructed from these annotations. PRIMA utilizes the green fluorescent protein (GFP) in yeast as a reporter. PRIMA is based on reconstitution of the interaction between the 5´ and 3´ ends of an mRNA, which increases mRNA stability and enhances translation. PRIMA recapitulates known and uncovers new interactions involving RBPs from human, Caenorhabditis elegans and bacteriophage with short RNA fragments and full-length 3´UTRs. The development of RBP prey libraries will enable the testing of 3´UTRs against the hundreds of RBPs, which is essential to gain broad insights into post-transcriptional gene regulation at a systems level

    Alternative Splicing and Protein Structure Evolution

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    In den letzten Jahren gab es in verschiedensten Bereichen der Biologie einen dramatischen Anstieg verfügbarer, experimenteller Daten. Diese erlauben zum ersten Mal eine detailierte Analyse der Funktionsweisen von zellulären Komponenten wie Genen und Proteinen, die Analyse ihrer Verknüpfung in zellulären Netzwerken sowie der Geschichte ihrer Evolution. Insbesondere der Bioinformatik kommt hier eine wichtige Rolle in der Datenaufbereitung und ihrer biologischen Interpretation zu. In der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit werden zwei wichtige Bereiche der aktuellen bioinformatischen Forschung untersucht, nämlich die Analyse von Proteinstrukturevolution und Ähnlichkeiten zwischen Proteinstrukturen, sowie die Analyse von alternativem Splicing, einem integralen Prozess in eukaryotischen Zellen, der zur funktionellen Diversität beiträgt. Insbesondere führen wir mit dieser Arbeit die Idee einer kombinierten Analyse der beiden Mechanismen (Strukturevolution und Splicing) ein. Wir zeigen, dass sich durch eine kombinierte Betrachtung neue Einsichten gewinnen lassen, wie Strukturevolution und alternatives Splicing sowie eine Kopplung beider Mechanismen zu funktioneller und struktureller Komplexität in höheren Organismen beitragen. Die in der Arbeit vorgestellten Methoden, Hypothesen und Ergebnisse können dabei einen Beitrag zu unserem Verständnis der Funktionsweise von Strukturevolution und alternativem Splicing bei der Entstehung komplexer Organismen leisten wodurch beide, traditionell getrennte Bereiche der Bioinformatik in Zukunft voneinander profitieren können

    A new advance in alternative splicing databases: from catalogue to detailed analysis of regulation of expression and function of human alternative splicing variants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most human genes produce several transcripts with different exon contents by using alternative promoters, alternative polyadenylation sites and alternative splice sites. Much effort has been devoted to describing known gene transcripts through the development of numerous databases. Nevertheless, owing to the diversity of the transcriptome, there is a need for interactive databases that provide information about the potential function of each splicing variant, as well as its expression pattern.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>After setting up a database in which human and mouse splicing variants were compiled, we developed tools (1) to predict the production of protein isoforms from these transcripts, taking account of the presence of open reading frames and mechanisms that could potentially eliminate transcripts and/or inhibit their translation, i.e. nonsense-mediated mRNA decay and microRNAs; (2) to support studies of the regulation of transcript expression at multiple levels, including transcription and splicing, particularly in terms of tissue specificity; and (3) to assist in experimental analysis of the expression of splicing variants. Importantly, analyses of all features from transcript metabolism to functional protein domains were integrated in a highly interactive, user-friendly web interface that allows the functional and regulatory features of gene transcripts to be assessed rapidly and accurately.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In addition to identifying the transcripts produced by human and mouse genes, fast DB <url>http://www.fast-db.com</url> provides tools for analyzing the putative functions of these transcripts and the regulation of their expression. Therefore, fast DB has achieved an advance in alternative splicing databases by providing resources for the functional interpretation of splicing variants for the human and mouse genomes. Because gene expression studies are increasingly employed in clinical analyses, our web interface has been designed to be as user-friendly as possible and to be readily searchable and intelligible at a glance by the whole biomedical community.</p