4 research outputs found

    Native Code Security for Java Grid Services

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    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming in Java

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    This book contains the proceedings of the 4th international conference on principles and practices of programming in Java. The conference focuses on the different aspects of the Java programming language and its applications

    Automated and portable native code isolation

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    The coexistence of programs written in a safe language with user-supplied unsafe (native) code is convenient (it enables direct access to hardware and operating system resources and can improve application performance), but at the same time it is problematic (it leads to undesirable interference with the language runtime, decreases overall reliability, and lowers debuggability). This work aims at retaining most of the benefits of interfacing a safe language with native code while addressing its problems. It is carried out in the context of the Java â„¢ Native Interface (JNI). Our approach is to execute the native code in an operating system process different from that of the safe language application. A technique presented in this paper accomplishes this transparently, automatically, and without sacrificing any of the JNI functionality. No changes to the Java virtual machine (JVMâ„¢) or its runtime are necessary. The resulting prototype does not depend on a particular implementation of the JVM, and is highly portable across hardware architectures and operating systems. This approach can readily be used to improve reliability of applications consisting of a mix of safe and native code; to enable the execution of user-supplied native code in multitasking systems based on safe languages and in embedded virtual machines; and to facilitate mixed-mode debugging, without the need to re-implement any of the components of the language runtime. The design and implementation of a prototype system, performance implications, and the potential of this architecture are discussed in the paper

    Aplicações Em Teste De Desempenho Web Gis [teste De Desempenho Em Aplicações Sig Web]

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    [No abstract available]441462Aronoff, S., (1989) Geographic Information Systems, , WDL Publications, CanadaBull, G., Ecosystem Modelling with GIS (1994) Environmental Management, 18 (3), pp. 345-349. , -438Kim, D.-H., Kim, M.-S., Web GIS service component based on open environment (2002) Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2002. IGARSS '02. 2002 IEEE International, 6, pp. 3346-3348. , 24-28 JuneFilipak Machado, C.A., (2003) A Importância Dos Testes No Desenvolvimento De Sistemas. Compañia De Informática Do Paraná, , CELEPARAgritempo, (2005), http://www.agritempo.gov.br, última visita: novembroMartins, E., (2005) Apostila Sobre Testes De Software. Instituto De Computação, , UNICAMP, Campinas, BrasilMyers, G.J., (1979) The Art of Software Testing, , Jhon Wiley & Sons, Inc, CanadaMarick, B., New Models for Test Development (1999) Reliable Software Technologies, , Testing FoundationsPressman, R.S., (2001) Software Engineering: A Practioner's Approach, , MacGraw HillMolinari, L., (2003) Testes De Software: Produzindo Sistemas Melhores E Confiáveis, , Editora Érica Ltda, São PauloMiller, E., (2000) WebSite Loading and Capacity Analysis, , Software Research, Inc. San Francisco, USASubraya, B.M., Subrahmanya, S.V., Object driven performance testing of Web applications (2000) Quality Software, 2000, pp. 17-26. , Proceedings. First Asia-Pacific Conference on 30-31Menascé daniel, A., Almeida Virgilio, A.F., (2002) Capacity Planning For Web Services, , Metrics, Models, and Methods. Prentice Hall(2005), http://www.uml.org/, UML: Unified Modeling Language, última visita, novembro(2005), http://satelite.cptec.inpe.br/htmldocs/ndvi/ndvi_fram.htm, CPTEC, última visita: novembro(2005), http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov, Modis, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, última visita: novembroCzajkowski, G., Daynes, L., Wolczko, M., Automated and Portable Native Code Isolation(2001) ISSRE 2001, pp. 298-307. , Software Reliability Engineering, Proceedings. 12th International Symposium on 27-30 Nov. (2001)Escalona, M.J., (2004) Modelos Y Técnicas Para La Especificación Y El Análisis De La Navegación Ensistemas Software. Tese Doutoral. Escuela Técnica Superior De Ingeniería Informática, , Universidad de Sevilla, OctubrePillat, F.R., Ferreira, L., Dias, A.P., (2004) Ferramentas Para Automatização De Testes, , http://dinf.unicruz.edu.br/~pillatt/2004_urcamp.pdf, última visita: novembroJmeter, A., (2005), http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/, última visita: novembroGutiérrez, J.J., Pineda, R., Villadiego, D., Escalona, M.J., Mejías, M., Pruebas funcionales y pruebas de carga sobre aplicaciones Web (2005) Proceedings of Mundo Internet 2005, 2, pp. 208-219. , Madrid, Spai