2,822 research outputs found

    Automated Tool To Generate Global Clock Distribution For Spine Structure

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    Clock is a signal which synchronizes the logic as well as register read/write activities of a synchronous circuitry. Therefore a good way to design a reliable clock distributor network is always the top priority in IC design. Clock spine is well known for the robustness in clock signal quality delivered. Spine structure had shown good performance in terms of skew, jitter and OCV. Thus this scheme is popular for the high speed circuitry such as CPU chipset design. However, the clock spine is not commonly employed in SoC, due to the design as well as the validation complexity of this scheme. Many SoC design toolsets do not support this scheme up until now. So in this thesis, an automated methodology will be introduced and proven to integrate clock spine into a SoC to distribute a high frequency clock signal. These include the know-how and automation of the methodologies to minimize the complexity of designing the clock spine

    Scalable Energy-Recovery Architectures.

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    Energy efficiency is a critical challenge for today's integrated circuits, especially for high-end digital signal processing and communications that require both high throughput and low energy dissipation for extended battery life. Charge-recovery logic recovers and reuses charge using inductive elements and has the potential to achieve order-of-magnitude improvement in energy efficiency while maintaining high performance. However, the lack of large-scale high-speed silicon demonstrations and inductor area overheads are two major concerns. This dissertation focuses on scalable charge-recovery designs. We present a semi-automated design flow to enable the design of large-scale charge-recovery chips. We also present a new architecture that uses in-package inductors, eliminating the area overheads caused by the use of integrated inductors in high-performance charge-recovery chips. To demonstrate our semi-automated flow, which uses custom-designed standard-cell-like dynamic cells, we have designed a 576-bit charge-recovery low-density parity-check (LDPC) decoder chip. Functioning correctly at clock speeds above 1 GHz, this prototype is the first-ever demonstration of a GHz-speed charge-recovery chip of significant complexity. In terms of energy consumption, this chip improves over recent state-of-the-art LDPCs by at least 1.3 times with comparable or better area efficiency. To demonstrate our architecture for eliminating inductor overheads, we have designed a charge-recovery LDPC decoder chip with in-package inductors. This test-chip has been fabricated in a 65nm CMOS flip-chip process. A custom 6-layer FC-BGA package substrate has been designed with 16 inductors embedded in the fifth layer of the package substrate, yielding higher Q and significantly improving area efficiency and energy efficiency compared to their on-chip counterparts. From measurements, this chip achieves at least 2.3 times lower energy consumption with better area efficiency over state-of-the-art published designs.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/116653/1/terryou_1.pd

    Advanced Timing and Synchronization Methodologies for Digital VLSI Integrated Circuits

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    This dissertation addresses timing and synchronization methodologies that are critical to the design, analysis and optimization of high-performance, integrated digital VLSI systems. As process sizes shrink and design complexities increase, achieving timing closure for digital VLSI circuits becomes a significant bottleneck in the integrated circuit design flow. Circuit designers are motivated to investigate and employ alternative methods to satisfy the timing and physical design performance targets. Such novel methods for the timing and synchronization of complex circuitry are developed in this dissertation and analyzed for performance and applicability.Mainstream integrated circuit design flow is normally tuned for zero clock skew, edge-triggered circuit design. Non-zero clock skew or multi-phase clock synchronization is seldom used because the lack of design automation tools increases the length and cost of the design cycle. For similar reasons, level-sensitive registers have not become an industry standard despite their superior size, speed and power consumption characteristics compared to conventional edge-triggered flip-flops.In this dissertation, novel design and analysis techniques that fully automate the design and analysis of non-zero clock skew circuits are presented. Clock skew scheduling of both edge-triggered and level-sensitive circuits are investigated in order to exploit maximum circuit performances. The effects of multi-phase clocking on non-zero clock skew, level-sensitive circuits are investigated leading to advanced synchronization methodologies. Improvements in the scalability of the computational timing analysis process with clock skew scheduling are explored through partitioning and parallelization.The integration of the proposed design and analysis methods to the physical design flow of integrated circuits synchronized with a next-generation clocking technology-resonant rotary clocking technology-is also presented. Based on the design and analysis methods presented in this dissertation, a computer-aided design tool for the design of rotary clock synchronized integrated circuits is developed

    Energy-Efficient Neural Network Architectures

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    Emerging systems for artificial intelligence (AI) are expected to rely on deep neural networks (DNNs) to achieve high accuracy for a broad variety of applications, including computer vision, robotics, and speech recognition. Due to the rapid growth of network size and depth, however, DNNs typically result in high computational costs and introduce considerable power and performance overheads. Dedicated chip architectures that implement DNNs with high energy efficiency are essential for adding intelligence to interactive edge devices, enabling them to complete increasingly sophisticated tasks by extending battery lie. They are also vital for improving performance in cloud servers that support demanding AI computations. This dissertation focuses on architectures and circuit technologies for designing energy-efficient neural network accelerators. First, a deep-learning processor is presented for achieving ultra-low power operation. Using a heterogeneous architecture that includes a low-power always-on front-end and a selectively-enabled high-performance back-end, the processor dynamically adjusts computational resources at runtime to support conditional execution in neural networks and meet performance targets with increased energy efficiency. Featuring a reconfigurable datapath and a memory architecture optimized for energy efficiency, the processor supports multilevel dynamic activation of neural network segments, performing object detection tasks with 5.3x lower energy consumption in comparison with a static execution baseline. Fabricated in 40nm CMOS, the processor test-chip dissipates 0.23mW at 5.3 fps. It demonstrates energy scalability up to 28.6 TOPS/W and can be configured to run a variety of workloads, including severely power-constrained ones such as always-on monitoring in mobile applications. To further improve the energy efficiency of the proposed heterogeneous architecture, a new charge-recovery logic family, called zero-short-circuit current (ZSCC) logic, is proposed to decrease the power consumption of the always-on front-end. By relying on dedicated circuit topologies and a four-phase clocking scheme, ZSCC operates with significantly reduced short-circuit currents, realizing order-of-magnitude power savings at relatively low clock frequencies (in the order of a few MHz). The efficiency and applicability of ZSCC is demonstrated through an ANSI S1.11 1/3 octave filter bank chip for binaural hearing aids with two microphones per ear. Fabricated in a 65nm CMOS process, this charge-recovery chip consumes 13.8µW with a 1.75MHz clock frequency, achieving 9.7x power reduction per input in comparison with a 40nm monophonic single-input chip that represents the published state of the art. The ability of ZSCC to further increase the energy efficiency of the heterogeneous neural network architecture is demonstrated through the design and evaluation of a ZSCC-based front-end. Simulation results show 17x power reduction compared with a conventional static CMOS implementation of the same architecture.PHDElectrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147614/1/hsiwu_1.pd

    Energy-Efficient Digital Circuit Design using Threshold Logic Gates

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    abstract: Improving energy efficiency has always been the prime objective of the custom and automated digital circuit design techniques. As a result, a multitude of methods to reduce power without sacrificing performance have been proposed. However, as the field of design automation has matured over the last few decades, there have been no new automated design techniques, that can provide considerable improvements in circuit power, leakage and area. Although emerging nano-devices are expected to replace the existing MOSFET devices, they are far from being as mature as semiconductor devices and their full potential and promises are many years away from being practical. The research described in this dissertation consists of four main parts. First is a new circuit architecture of a differential threshold logic flipflop called PNAND. The PNAND gate is an edge-triggered multi-input sequential cell whose next state function is a threshold function of its inputs. Second a new approach, called hybridization, that replaces flipflops and parts of their logic cones with PNAND cells is described. The resulting \hybrid circuit, which consists of conventional logic cells and PNANDs, is shown to have significantly less power consumption, smaller area, less standby power and less power variation. Third, a new architecture of a field programmable array, called field programmable threshold logic array (FPTLA), in which the standard lookup table (LUT) is replaced by a PNAND is described. The FPTLA is shown to have as much as 50% lower energy-delay product compared to conventional FPGA using well known FPGA modeling tool called VPR. Fourth, a novel clock skewing technique that makes use of the completion detection feature of the differential mode flipflops is described. This clock skewing method improves the area and power of the ASIC circuits by increasing slack on timing paths. An additional advantage of this method is the elimination of hold time violation on given short paths. Several circuit design methodologies such as retiming and asynchronous circuit design can use the proposed threshold logic gate effectively. Therefore, the use of threshold logic flipflops in conventional design methodologies opens new avenues of research towards more energy-efficient circuits.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Ultra-low Voltage Digital Circuits and Extreme Temperature Electronics Design

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    Certain applications require digital electronics to operate under extreme conditions e.g., large swings in ambient temperature, very low supply voltage, high radiation. Such applications include sensor networks, wearable electronics, unmanned aerial vehicles, spacecraft, and energyharvesting systems. This dissertation splits into two projects that study digital electronics supplied by ultra-low voltages and build an electronic system for extreme temperatures. The first project introduces techniques that improve circuit reliability at deep subthreshold voltages as well as determine the minimum required supply voltage. These techniques address digital electronic design at several levels: the physical process, gate design, and system architecture. This dissertation analyzes a silicon-on-insulator process, Schmitt-trigger gate design, and asynchronous logic at supply voltages lower than 100 millivolts. The second project describes construction of a sensor digital controller for the lunar environment. Parts of the digital controller are an asynchronous 8031 microprocessor that is compatible with synchronous logic, memory with error detection and correction, and a robust network interface. The digitial sensor ASIC is fabricated on a silicon-germanium process and built with cells optimized for extreme temperatures

    Case Study: First-Time Success ASIC Design Methodology Applied to a Multi-Processor System-on-Chip

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    Achieving first-time success is crucial in the ASIC design league considering the soaring cost, tight time-to-market window, and competitive business environment. One key factor in ensuring first-time success is a well-defined ASIC design methodology. Here we propose a novel ASIC design methodology that has been proven for the RUMPS401 (Rahman University Multi-Processor System 401) Multiprocessor System-on-Chip (MPSoC) project. The MPSoC project is initiated by Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) VLSI design center. The proposed methodology includes the use of Universal Verification Methodology (UVM). The use of electronic design automation (EDA) software during each step of the design methodology is also presented. The first-time success RUMPS401 demonstrates the use of the proposed ASIC design methodology and the good of using one. Especially this project is carried on in educational environment that is even more limited in budget, resources and know-how, compared to the business and industrial counterparts. Here a novel ASIC design methodology that is tailored to first-time success MPSoC is presented

    Integration of a Digital Built-in Self-Test for On-Chip Memories

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    The ability of testing on-chip circuitry is extremely essential to ASIC implemen- tations today. However, providing functional tests and verification for on-chip (embedded) memories always poses a huge number of challenges to the designer. Therefore, a co-existing automated built-in self-test block with the Design Under Test (DUT) seems crucial to provide comprehensive, efficient and robust testing features. The target DUT of this thesis project is the state-of-the-arts Ultra Low Power (ULP) dual-port SRAMs designed in ASIC group of EIT department at Lund University. This thesis starts from system RTL modeling and verification from an earlier project, and then goes through ASIC design phase in 28 nm FD-SOI technology from ST-Microelectronics. All scripts during the ASIC design phase are developed in TCL. This design is implemented with multiple power domains (using CPF approach and introducing level-shifters at crossing-points between domains) and multiple clock sources in order to make it possible to perform various measurements with a high reliability on different flavours of a dual-port SRAM.This design is able to reduce dramatically the complexity of verification and measurement to integrated memories. This digital integrated circuit (IC) is developed as an application-specific IC (ASIC) chip for functional verification of integrated memories and measuring them in different aspects such as power consumption. The design is automated and capable of being reconfigured easily in terms of required actions and data for testing on-chip memories. Put it in other words, this design has automated and optimized the generation of what data to be stored on which location on memories as well as how they have been treated and interpreted later on. For instance, it refreshes and delivers different operation modes and working patterns to the entire test system in order to fully utilize integrated memories, of which such an automation is instructed by the stimuli to the chip. Besides, the pattern generation of the stimuli is implemented on MATLAB in an automated way. Due to constant advancements in chip manufacturing technology, more devices are squeezed into the same silicon area. Meaning that in order to monitor more internal signals introduced by the increased complexity of the circuits, more dedicated input/output ports (the physical interface between the chip internal signals and outside world) are required, that makes the chip bonding and testing in the future difficult and time-consuming. Additionally, memories usually have a bigger number of pins for signal reactions than other circuit blocks do, the method of dealing with so many pins should also be taken into account. Thus, a few techniques are adopted in this system to assist the designers deal with all mentioned issues. Once the ASIC chip has been fabricated (manufactured) and bonded, the on-chip memories can be tested directly on a printed circuit board in a simple and flexible way: Once test instruction input is loaded into the chip, the system starts to update the system settings and then to generate the internal configurations(parameters) so that all different operations, modes or instructions related to memory testing are automatically processed