4 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Lele merupakan salah satu jenis ikan yang banyak dibudidaya dan dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Namun demikian usaha ternak lele bukanlah tanpa kendala. Tingkat keasaman air sangat mempengaruhi keberhasilan ternak lele hingga panen. Hal tersebut juga dialami oleh peternak lele di Jatirejo, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timur. Air kolam yang terlalu asam dapat menyebabkan kematian pada ikan lele. Maka diperlukan penggantian air kolam untuk menetralkannya. Kegiatan ini memberikan sistem pemantau pH air dan penggantian air kolam otomatis saat terdeteksi terlalu asam (pH di bawah 6). Selain itu juga diberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan penggunaan alat pada peternak. Dari penggunaan alat ini, tingkat keasaman air kolam dapat distabilkan dan kematian ikan lele berkurang hingga 40%. Berdasarkan kuisioner didapatkan tingkat kepuasan mitra untuk program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah 92%.Abstract: Catfish is one type of fish that is widely cultivated and consumed by the people of Indonesia. However, the catfish farming business is not without problems. The acidity of the water significantly affects the success of catfish until harvesting. The same thing happened to catfish farmers in Jatirejo, Mojokerto Regency, East Java. Pond water that is too acidic can cause the death of catfish. Then it is necessary to replace the pool water to neutralize it. This activity provides a water pH monitoring system and automatic pool water replacement when it is too acidic (pH below 6). In addition, training and assistance in the use of tools are also provided to farmers. The resulting control system can keep the pH value of the pond water at a value of 7, and catfish mortality is reduced by 40%. Based on the questionnaire, it was found that the satisfaction level of partners for this community service program was 92%

    Telemonitoring of Water Quality for Koi Fish Hatchery Using Mechanical Turbine Method Based on Microcontroller

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    One way to meet the needs of fish seeds in the general public is to cultivate fish species. UPT BBI (Balai Benih Ikan) Tlogowaru, is one of the fish seed cultivation sites located on Tajinan Tlogowaru, Kedungkandang sub-district, Malang City. Fish seeds include koi fish seeds. In the pool using water from the river. To maintain the water of the koi fish hatchery, the condition of color turbidity is monitored as the level of turbidity of the water visible from above the waters of the koi fish hatchery, and a water flow sensor is processed by esp32. The water flows through the gravity pipe which will turn the turbine. With the rotation, the generator will produce power which is used to activate the telemonitoring device. The water then enters the filtration and will be channeled to the koi fish hatchery. The results of this study have an average pH value of 6.8 - 7.2 and a TDS of 257-282 ppm after water filtration with the turbine speed value being influenced by water flow and turbine rotation speed and the average power consumption generated for system performance of 8.265 w/h using a MiFi network with QoS parameters measured are delay and packet loss in the low category. And the use of the website makes it easier for users to monitor fish seed pond

    A custom sensor network for autonomous water quality assessment in fish farms

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    Producción CientíficaThe control of water quality is crucial to ensure the survival of fish in aquaculture production facilities. Today, the combination of sensors with communication technologies permits to monitor these crucial parameters in real-time, allowing to take fast management decisions. However, out-of-the-box solutions are expensive, due to the small market and the industrial nature of sensors, besides being little customizable. To solve this, the present work describes a low-cost hardware and software architecture developed to achieve the autonomous water quality assessment and management on a remote facility for fish conservation aquaculture within the framework of the Smart Comunidad Rural Digital (smartCRD) project. The developed sensor network has been working uninterruptedly since its installation (20 April 2021). It is based on open source technology and includes a central gateway for on-site data monitoring of water quality nodes as well as an online management platform for data visualization and sensor network configuration. Likewise, the system can detect autonomously water quality parameters outside configurable thresholds and deliver management alarms. The described architecture, besides low-cost, is highly customizable, compatible with other sensor network projects, machine-learning applications, and is capable of edge computing. Thus, it contributes to making open sensorization more accessible to real-world applications.Torres Quevedo (grant PTQ2018-010162


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    The In-pond Raceway (IPR) is a novel option for production aquaculture, depending on water moving devices to provide constant flow. Device failure may result in catastrophic fish loss, requiring power backup systems to mitigate risk in case of power outages. Because these systems must be dependable and many suitable locations are remote, off-grid solar photovoltaic (PV) systems with battery storage have been considered since they eliminate need for utility power. Such systems can be hard to size and expensive. This study modeled system requirements using an energy balance to determine whether systems could withstand varying loads based on climatological conditions. Sizing was iterative, with battery storage and panel size increasing until the model predicted continuous power was provided year-round. This study found failure events were clustered over multiple days in winter. Therefore, it determined undersized systems were suitable if there was no stocking in these months. Further work found an integrated generator backup system would decrease necessary system size. Likewise, substitution of continuous motor loadings with variable speed motors operated based on need may further decrease system demand. The presented modelling approach has broad implications for feasibility of IPR systems, providing reduced startup costs and possibilities for greater implementation of this novel technology