3 research outputs found

    Verification and Synthesis of Symmetric Uni-Rings for Leads-To Properties

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    This paper investigates the verification and synthesis of parameterized protocols that satisfy leadsto properties RQR \leadsto Q on symmetric unidirectional rings (a.k.a. uni-rings) of deterministic and constant-space processes under no fairness and interleaving semantics, where RR and QQ are global state predicates. First, we show that verifying RQR \leadsto Q for parameterized protocols on symmetric uni-rings is undecidable, even for deterministic and constant-space processes, and conjunctive state predicates. Then, we show that surprisingly synthesizing symmetric uni-ring protocols that satisfy RQR \leadsto Q is actually decidable. We identify necessary and sufficient conditions for the decidability of synthesis based on which we devise a sound and complete polynomial-time algorithm that takes the predicates RR and QQ, and automatically generates a parameterized protocol that satisfies RQR \leadsto Q for unbounded (but finite) ring sizes. Moreover, we present some decidability results for cases where leadsto is required from multiple distinct RR predicates to different QQ predicates. To demonstrate the practicality of our synthesis method, we synthesize some parameterized protocols, including agreement and parity protocols

    Algorithmic Analysis of Infinite-State Systems

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    Many important software systems, including communication protocols and concurrent and distributed algorithms generate infinite state-spaces. Model-checking which is the most prominent algorithmic technique for the verification of concurrent systems is restricted to the analysis of finite-state models. Algorithmic analysis of infinite-state models is complicated--most interesting properties are undecidable for sufficiently expressive classes of infinite-state models. In this thesis, we focus on the development of algorithmic analysis techniques for two important classes of infinite-state models: FIFO Systems and Parameterized Systems. FIFO systems consisting of a set of finite-state machines that communicate via unbounded, perfect, FIFO channels arise naturally in the analysis of distributed protocols. We study the problem of computing the set of reachable states of a FIFO system composed of piecewise components. This problem is closely related to calculating the set of all possible channel contents, i.e. the limit language. We present new algorithms for calculating the limit language of a system with a single communication channel and important subclasses of multi-channel systems. We also discuss the complexity of these algorithms. Furthermore, we present a procedure that translates a piecewise FIFO system to an abridged structure, representing an expressive abstraction of the system. We show that we can analyze the infinite computations of the more concrete model by analyzing the computations of the finite, abridged model. Parameterized systems are a common model of computation for concurrent systems consisting of an arbitrary number of homogenous processes. We study the reachability problem in parameterized systems of infinite-state processes. We describe a framework that combines Abstract Interpretation with a backward-reachability algorithm. Our key idea is to create an abstract domain in which each element (a) represents the lower bound on the number of processes at a control location and (b) employs a numeric abstract domain to capture arithmetic relations among variables of the processes. We also provide an extrapolation operator for the domain to guarantee sound termination of the backward-reachability algorithm