3 research outputs found

    Automated Feedback for 'Fill in the Gap' Programming Exercises

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    Timely feedback is a vital component in the learning process. It is especially important for beginner students in Information Technology since many have not yet formed an effective internal model of a computer that they can use to construct viable knowledge. Research has shown that learning efficiency is increased if immediate feedback is provided for students. Automatic analysis of student programs has the potential to provide immediate feedback for students and to assist teaching staff in the marking process. This paper describes a “fill in the gap” programming analysis framework which tests students’ solutions and gives feedback on their correctness, detects logic errors and provides hints on how to fix these errors. Currently, the framework is being used with the Environment for Learning to Programming (ELP) system at Queensland University of Technology (QUT); however, the framework can be integrated into any existing online learning environment or programming Integrated Development Environment (IDE

    A Perspective Of Automated Programming Error Feedback Approaches In Problem Solving Exercises

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    Programming tools are meant for student to practice programming. Automated programming error feedback will be provided for students to self-construct the knowledge through their own experience. This paper has clustered current approaches in providing automated error programming feedback to the students during problem solving exercises. These include additional syntax error messages, solution template mismatches, test data comparison, assisted agent report and collaborative comment feedback. The study is conducted based on published papers for last two decades. The trends are analyzed to get the overview of latest research contributions towards eliminating programming difficulties among students. The result shows that future direction of automated programming error feedback approaches may combine agent and collaborative feedback approaches towards more interactive, dynamic, end-user oriented and specific goal oriented. Such future direction may help other researchers fill in the gap on new ways of assisting learners to better understand feedback messages provided by automated assessment tool

    Identifying evidences of computer programming skills through automatic source code evaluation

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    Orientador: Roberto PereiraCoorientador: Eleandro MaschioTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/03/2020Inclui referências: p. 98-106Área de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Esta tese e contextualizada no ensino de programacao de computadores em cursos de Computacao e investiga aspectos e estrategias para avaliacao automatica e continua de codigos fonte desenvolvidos pelos alunos. O estado da arte foi identificado por meio de revisao sistematica de literatura e revelou que as pesquisas anteriores tendem a realizar avaliacoes baseadas em aspectos tecnicos de codigos fonte, como a avaliacao de corretude funcional e a deteccao de erros. Avaliacoes baseadas em habilidades, por outro lado, sao pouco exploradas e possuem potencial para fornecer detalhes a respeito de habilidades representadas por conceitos de alto nivel, como desvios condicionais e estruturas de repeticao. Um metodo de identificacao automatica de evidencias de aprendizado e entao proposto como uma abordagem baseada em habilidades para a avaliacao automatica de codigos fonte de programacao. O metodo e caracterizado pela implementacao de diferentes estrategias para avaliacao de codigos fonte, identificacao de evidencias de habilidades de programacao, e representacao destas habilidades em um modelo do aluno. Experimentos realizados em ambientes controlados (bases de dados artificiais) mostraram que estrategias automaticas de avaliacao de codigo fonte sao viaveis. Experimentos conduzidos em ambientes reais (codigos fonte produzidos por alunos) produziram resultados semelhantes aos ambientes controlados, entretanto revelaram limitacoes relacionadas a implementacao das estrategias, como vulnerabilidades a sintaxes inesperadas e falhas em expressoes regulares. Um conjunto de habilidades foi selecionado para compor o modelo do aluno, representado por uma rede bayesiana dinamica. Por meio de experimentos foi demonstrado que a alimentacao do modelo com evidencias resultantes da avaliacao automatica de codigos fonte permite o acompanhamento do progresso das habilidades dos alunos. Finalmente, as estrategias automaticas em conjunto com os recursos do modelo do aluno permitiram a demonstracao da avaliacao baseada em habilidades, que se mostrou um recurso valioso para identificacao de solucoes funcionalmente corretas, porem conceitualmente incorretas; quando o programa e funcionalmente correto, retornando resultados esperados a determinadas entradas, porem foi construido com recursos e conceitos incorretos. Palavras-chave: Programacao de Computadores, Avaliacao Automatica, Avaliacao Baseada em HabilidadesAbstract: This thesis is contextualized in the teaching of computer programming in Computing courses and investigates aspects and strategies for automatic and continuous evaluation of student developed source codes. The state of the art was identified through systematic literature review and revealed previous research tends to perform evaluations based on source codes technical aspects, such as functional correctness assessment and error detection. Skills-based assessments, in turn, are less explored although having potential to provide details of skills represented by high-level concepts, such as conditionals and repetition structures. A method for automatic identification of learning evidences is then proposed as a skills-based approach to automatic evaluation of programming source codes. The method is characterized by implementing different strategies for source code evaluation, identifying evidences of programming skills, and representing these skills in a student model. Experiments conducted in controlled scenarios (testing datasets) have shown automatic source code evaluation strategies are viable. Experiments conducted in real scenarios (student-made source codes) produced results similar to controlled scenarios, however, implementation-related limitations were revealed for some strategies, such as vulnerabilities to unexpected syntax and flaws in regular expressions. A skill set was selected to compose our student model, represented by a Dynamic Bayesian Network. Experiments have shown feeding the model with evidences resulting from source codes automatic evaluation allows monitoring students' skills progress. Finally, automatic strategies coupled with student model capabilities enabled demonstrating skills-based assessment, which showed a valuable resource for identifying functionally correct source codes, but conceptually incorrect; when a program is correct functionally, returning expected results to specific inputs, but it was built with erroneous concepts and resources. Keywords: Computer Programming, Automatic Evaluation, Skills-Based Assessmen