4 research outputs found

    Monitoring of fish behaviors with computerized ımage processing methods for the aquaculture

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    Hayvan davranışlarının izlenip, yorumlanarak faydalı bilgiler haline getirilmesi son yıllarda önem kazanan konulardan birisi olmuştur. Makine öğrenmesi ve derin öğrenme algoritmaları gibi yazılımsal gelişmeler, görüntüleme cihazları ve elde edilen görüntülerin işlenmesine imkân tanıyan donanımsal gelişmeler, hayvan davranışlarının izlenmesine altyapı oluşturmaktadır. Özellikle insanlarla sesli veya fiziki etkileşim yeteneği bulunmayan balıkların yaşam alanlarında temassız ve tahribatsız izlenmesi, bu teknolojiler sayesinde mümkün olabilmektedir. Alternatif türlerin yoğun akuakültüre kazandırılmasında karşılaşılan problemlerin başında canlının biyotik ve abiyotik gereksinimlerinin bilinmemesi gelmektedir. Bu çalışmada görüntü işleme yöntemleri ile balıkların günlük yaşamları, bakımları, beslenmeleri, bazı deneysel işlemlerin yapılması, bireysel veya sürü hareketleri, bu hareketlerin izlenmesi için oluşturulmuş donanımsal ve yazılımsal düzenekler ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalar hakkında bilgiler verilmiştir. Ayrıca, düzeneklerde kullanılan balıklar ve deney prosedürleri, elde edilen görüntülerin işlenme yöntemleri, kullanılan istatistiksel yöntemler ve sonuçlarda ele alınmıştır. Bu makalede, su ürünleri yetiştiriciliği sektörü için kullanılabilecek görüntü işleme alanındaki çalışmalar incelenip sunulmuştur.Observing and interpreting animal behaviors and turning them into useful information has become an issue that has gained importance in recent years. Software developments such as machine learning and deep learning algorithms, imaging devices, and hardware developments allow the processing of obtained images from the infrastructure for monitoring animal behavior. Thanks to these technologies, non-contact and non-destructive detection of fish, which cannot interact with people verbally or physically, in their habitats is possible. One of the problems encountered in introducing alternative species into intensive aquaculture is the lack of knowledge of the biotic and abiotic requirements of the living thing. This study gives information about the image processing methods, the daily life of fish, their care, feeding, some experimental procedures, individual or swarm movements, and the hardware and software mechanisms created to monitor these movements. In addition, the fish used in the setups and the experimental procedures, the processing methods of the images obtained, the statistical techniques used, and the results are discussed. This manuscript reviews and presents studies in the field of image processing that can be used for the aquaculture secto

    Algorithms for propagation-aware underwater ranging and localization

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorWhile oceans occupy most of our planet, their exploration and conservation are one of the crucial research problems of modern time. Underwater localization stands among the key issues on the way to the proper inspection and monitoring of this significant part of our world. In this thesis, we investigate and tackle different challenges related to underwater ranging and localization. In particular, we focus on algorithms that consider underwater acoustic channel properties. This group of algorithms utilizes additional information about the environment and its impact on acoustic signal propagation, in order to improve the accuracy of location estimates, or to achieve a reduced complexity, or a reduced amount of resources (e.g., anchor nodes) compared to traditional algorithms. First, we tackle the problem of passive range estimation using the differences in the times of arrival of multipath replicas of a transmitted acoustic signal. This is a costand energy- effective algorithm that can be used for the localization of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), and utilizes information about signal propagation. We study the accuracy of this method in the simplified case of constant sound speed profile (SSP) and compare it to a more realistic case with various non-constant SSP. We also propose an auxiliary quantity called effective sound speed. This quantity, when modeling acoustic propagation via ray models, takes into account the difference between rectilinear and non-rectilinear sound ray paths. According to our evaluation, this offers improved range estimation results with respect to standard algorithms that consider the actual value of the speed of sound. We then propose an algorithm suitable for the non-invasive tracking of AUVs or vocalizing marine animals, using only a single receiver. This algorithm evaluates the underwater acoustic channel impulse response differences induced by a diverse sea bottom profile, and proposes a computationally- and energy-efficient solution for passive localization. Finally, we propose another algorithm to solve the issue of 3D acoustic localization and tracking of marine fauna. To reach the expected degree of accuracy, more sensors are often required than are available in typical commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) phased arrays found, e.g., in ultra short baseline (USBL) systems. Direct combination of multiple COTS arrays may be constrained by array body elements, and lead to breaking the optimal array element spacing, or the desired array layout. Thus, the application of state-of-the-art direction of arrival (DoA) estimation algorithms may not be possible. We propose a solution for passive 3D localization and tracking using a wideband acoustic array of arbitrary shape, and validate the algorithm in multiple experiments, involving both active and passive targets.Part of the research in this thesis has been supported by the EU H2020 program under project SYMBIOSIS (G.A. no. 773753).This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks InstitutePrograma de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Paul Daniel Mitchell.- Secretario: Antonio Fernández Anta.- Vocal: Santiago Zazo Bell