6 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency Models for Scientific Applications on Supercomputers

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    Coordinated power management in heterogeneous processors

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    Coordinated Power Management in Heterogeneous Processors Indrani Paul 164 pages Directed by Dr. Sudhakar Yalamanchili With the end of Dennard scaling, the scaling of device feature size by itself no longer guarantees sustaining the performance improvement predicted by Moore’s Law. As industry moves to increasingly small feature sizes, performance scaling will become dominated by the physics of the computing environment and in particular by the transient behavior of interactions between power delivery, power management and thermal fields. Consequently, performance scaling must be improved by managing interactions between physical properties, which we refer to as processor physics, and system level performance metrics, thereby improving the overall efficiency of the system. The industry shift towards heterogeneous computing is in large part motivated by energy efficiency. While such tightly coupled systems benefit from reduced latency and improved performance, they also give rise to new management challenges due to phenomena such as physical asymmetry in thermal and power signatures between the diverse elements and functional asymmetry in performance. Power-performance tradeoffs in heterogeneous processors are determined by coupled behaviors between major components due to the i) on-die integration, ii) programming model and the iii) processor physics. Towards this end, this thesis demonstrates the needs for coordinated management of functional and physical resources of a heterogeneous system across all major compute and memory elements. It shows that the interactions among performance, power delivery and different types of coupling phenomena are not an artifact of an architecture instance, but is fundamental to the operation of many core and heterogeneous architectures. Managing such coupling effects is a central focus of this dissertation. This awareness has the potential to exert significant influence over the design of future power and performance management algorithms. The high-level contributions of this thesis are i) in-depth examination of characteristics and performance demands of emerging applications using hardware measurements and analysis from state-of-the-art heterogeneous processors and high-performance GPUs, ii) analysis of the effects of processor physics such as power and thermals on system level performance, iii) identification of a key set of run-time metrics that can be used to manage these effects, and iv) development and detailed evaluation of online coordinated power management techniques to optimize system level global metrics in heterogeneous CPU-GPU-memory processors.Ph.D

    Low-power System-on-Chip Processors for Energy Efficient High Performance Computing: The Texas Instruments Keystone II

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    The High Performance Computing (HPC) community recognizes energy consumption as a major problem. Extensive research is underway to identify means to increase energy efficiency of HPC systems including consideration of alternative building blocks for future systems. This thesis considers one such system, the Texas Instruments Keystone II, a heterogeneous Low-Power System-on-Chip (LPSoC) processor that combines a quad core ARM CPU with an octa-core Digital Signal Processor (DSP). It was first released in 2012. Four issues are considered: i) maximizing the Keystone II ARM CPU performance; ii) implementation and extension of the OpenMP programming model for the Keystone II; iii) simultaneous use of ARM and DSP cores across multiple Keystone SoCs; and iv) an energy model for applications running on LPSoCs like the Keystone II and heterogeneous systems in general. Maximizing the performance of the ARM CPU on the Keystone II system is fundamental to adoption of this system by the HPC community and, of the ARM architecture more broadly. Key to achieving good performance is exploitation of the ARM vector instructions. This thesis presents the first detailed comparison of the use of ARM compiler intrinsic functions with automatic compiler vectorization across four generations of ARM processors. Comparisons are also made with x86 based platforms and the use of equivalent Intel vector instructions. Implementation of the OpenMP programming model on the Keystone II system presents both challenges and opportunities. Challenges in that the OpenMP model was originally developed for a homogeneous programming environment with a common instruction set architecture, and in 2012 work had only just begun to consider how OpenMP might work with accelerators. Opportunities in that shared memory is accessible to all processing elements on the LPSoC, offering performance advantages over what typically exists with attached accelerators. This thesis presents an analysis of a prototype version of OpenMP implemented as a bare-metal runtime on the DSP of a Keystone I system. An implementation for the Keystone II that maps OpenMP 4.0 accelerator directives to OpenCL runtime library operations is presented and evaluated. Exploitation of some of the underlying hardware features of the Keystone II is also discussed. Simultaneous use of the ARM and DSP cores across multiple Keystone II boards is fundamental to the creation of commercially viable HPC offerings based on Keystone technology. The nCore BrownDwarf and HPE Moonshot systems represent two such systems. This thesis presents a proof-of-concept implementation of matrix multiplication (GEMM) for the BrownDwarf system. The BrownDwarf utilizes both Keystone II and Keystone I SoCs through a point-to-point interconnect called Hyperlink. Details of how a novel message passing communication framework across Hyperlink was implemented to support this complex environment are provided. An energy model that can be used to predict energy usage as a function of what fraction of a particular computation is performed on each of the available compute devices offers the opportunity for making runtime decisions on how best to minimize energy usage. This thesis presents a basic energy usage model that considers rates of executions on each device and their active and idle power usages. Using this model, it is shown that only under certain conditions does there exist an energy-optimal work partition that uses multiple compute devices. To validate the model a high resolution energy measurement environment is developed and used to gather energy measurements for a matrix multiplication benchmark running on a variety of systems. Results presented support the model. Drawing on the four issues noted above and other developments that have occurred since the Keystone II system was first announced, the thesis concludes by making comments regarding the future of LPSoCs as building blocks for HPC systems

    XSEDE: eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment Third Quarter 2012 Report

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    The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) is the most advanced, powerful, and robust collection of integrated digital resources and services in the world. It is an integrated cyberinfrastructure ecosystem with singular interfaces for allocations, support, and other key services that researchers can use to interactively share computing resources, data, and expertise.This a report of project activities and highlights from the third quarter of 2012.National Science Foundation, OCI-105357