752 research outputs found

    Tensor-based regression models and applications

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    Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2017-2018Avec l’avancement des technologies modernes, les tenseurs d’ordre élevé sont assez répandus et abondent dans un large éventail d’applications telles que la neuroscience informatique, la vision par ordinateur, le traitement du signal et ainsi de suite. La principale raison pour laquelle les méthodes de régression classiques ne parviennent pas à traiter de façon appropriée des tenseurs d’ordre élevé est due au fait que ces données contiennent des informations structurelles multi-voies qui ne peuvent pas être capturées directement par les modèles conventionnels de régression vectorielle ou matricielle. En outre, la très grande dimensionnalité de l’entrée tensorielle produit une énorme quantité de paramètres, ce qui rompt les garanties théoriques des approches de régression classique. De plus, les modèles classiques de régression se sont avérés limités en termes de difficulté d’interprétation, de sensibilité au bruit et d’absence d’unicité. Pour faire face à ces défis, nous étudions une nouvelle classe de modèles de régression, appelés modèles de régression tensor-variable, où les prédicteurs indépendants et (ou) les réponses dépendantes prennent la forme de représentations tensorielles d’ordre élevé. Nous les appliquons également dans de nombreuses applications du monde réel pour vérifier leur efficacité et leur efficacité.With the advancement of modern technologies, high-order tensors are quite widespread and abound in a broad range of applications such as computational neuroscience, computer vision, signal processing and so on. The primary reason that classical regression methods fail to appropriately handle high-order tensors is due to the fact that those data contain multiway structural information which cannot be directly captured by the conventional vector-based or matrix-based regression models, causing substantial information loss during the regression. Furthermore, the ultrahigh dimensionality of tensorial input produces huge amount of parameters, which breaks the theoretical guarantees of classical regression approaches. Additionally, the classical regression models have also been shown to be limited in terms of difficulty of interpretation, sensitivity to noise and absence of uniqueness. To deal with these challenges, we investigate a novel class of regression models, called tensorvariate regression models, where the independent predictors and (or) dependent responses take the form of high-order tensorial representations. We also apply them in numerous real-world applications to verify their efficiency and effectiveness. Concretely, we first introduce hierarchical Tucker tensor regression, a generalized linear tensor regression model that is able to handle potentially much higher order tensor input. Then, we work on online local Gaussian process for tensor-variate regression, an efficient nonlinear GPbased approach that can process large data sets at constant time in a sequential way. Next, we present a computationally efficient online tensor regression algorithm with general tensorial input and output, called incremental higher-order partial least squares, for the setting of infinite time-dependent tensor streams. Thereafter, we propose a super-fast sequential tensor regression framework for general tensor sequences, namely recursive higher-order partial least squares, which addresses issues of limited storage space and fast processing time allowed by dynamic environments. Finally, we introduce kernel-based multiblock tensor partial least squares, a new generalized nonlinear framework that is capable of predicting a set of tensor blocks by merging a set of tensor blocks from different sources with a boosted predictive power

    Multiple Network Embedding for Anomaly Detection in Time Series of Graphs

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    This paper considers the graph signal processing problem of anomaly detection in time series of graphs. We examine two related, complementary inference tasks: the detection of anomalous graphs within a time series, and the detection of temporally anomalous vertices. We approach these tasks via the adaptation of statistically principled methods for joint graph inference, specifically multiple adjacency spectral embedding (MASE) and omnibus embedding (OMNI). We demonstrate that these two methods are effective for our inference tasks. Moreover, we assess the performance of these methods in terms of the underlying nature of detectable anomalies. Our results delineate the relative strengths and limitations of these procedures, and provide insight into their use. Applied to a large-scale commercial search engine time series of graphs, our approaches demonstrate their applicability and identify the anomalous vertices beyond just large degree change.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Machine Learning, Low-Rank Approximations and Reduced Order Modeling in Computational Mechanics

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    The use of machine learning in mechanics is booming. Algorithms inspired by developments in the field of artificial intelligence today cover increasingly varied fields of application. This book illustrates recent results on coupling machine learning with computational mechanics, particularly for the construction of surrogate models or reduced order models. The articles contained in this compilation were presented at the EUROMECH Colloquium 597, « Reduced Order Modeling in Mechanics of Materials », held in Bad Herrenalb, Germany, from August 28th to August 31th 2018. In this book, Artificial Neural Networks are coupled to physics-based models. The tensor format of simulation data is exploited in surrogate models or for data pruning. Various reduced order models are proposed via machine learning strategies applied to simulation data. Since reduced order models have specific approximation errors, error estimators are also proposed in this book. The proposed numerical examples are very close to engineering problems. The reader would find this book to be a useful reference in identifying progress in machine learning and reduced order modeling for computational mechanics

    Machine Learning Methods with Noisy, Incomplete or Small Datasets

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    In many machine learning applications, available datasets are sometimes incomplete, noisy or affected by artifacts. In supervised scenarios, it could happen that label information has low quality, which might include unbalanced training sets, noisy labels and other problems. Moreover, in practice, it is very common that available data samples are not enough to derive useful supervised or unsupervised classifiers. All these issues are commonly referred to as the low-quality data problem. This book collects novel contributions on machine learning methods for low-quality datasets, to contribute to the dissemination of new ideas to solve this challenging problem, and to provide clear examples of application in real scenarios

    State of the Art in Face Recognition

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    Notwithstanding the tremendous effort to solve the face recognition problem, it is not possible yet to design a face recognition system with a potential close to human performance. New computer vision and pattern recognition approaches need to be investigated. Even new knowledge and perspectives from different fields like, psychology and neuroscience must be incorporated into the current field of face recognition to design a robust face recognition system. Indeed, many more efforts are required to end up with a human like face recognition system. This book tries to make an effort to reduce the gap between the previous face recognition research state and the future state

    Latent variable regression and applications to planetary seismic instrumentation

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    The work presented in this thesis is framed by the concept of latent variables, a modern data analytics approach. A latent variable represents an extracted component from a dataset which is not directly measured. The concept is first applied to combat the problem of ill-posed regression through the promising method of partial least squares (PLS). In this context the latent variables within a data matrix are extracted through an iterative algorithm based on cross-covariance as an optimisation criterion. This work first extends the PLS algorithm, using adaptive and recursive techniques, for online, non-stationary data applications. The standard PLS algorithm is further generalised for complex-, quaternion- and tensor-valued data. In doing so it is shown that the multidimensional algebras facilitate physically meaningful representations, demonstrated through smart-grid frequency estimation and image-classification tasks. The second part of the thesis uses this knowledge to inform a performance analysis of the MEMS microseismometer implemented for the InSight mission to Mars. This is given in terms of the sensor's intrinsic self-noise, the estimation of which is achieved from experimental data with a colocated instrument. The standard coherence and proposed delta noise estimators are analysed with respect to practical issues. The implementation of algorithms for the alignment, calibration and post-processing of the data then enabled a definitive self-noise estimate, validated from data acquired in ultra-quiet, deep-space environment. A method for the decorrelation of the microseismometer's output from its thermal response is proposed. To do so a novel sensor fusion approach based on the Kalman filter is developed for a full-band transfer-function correction, in contrast to the traditional ill-posed frequency division method. This algorithm was applied to experimental data which determined the thermal model coefficients while validating the sensor's performance at tidal frequencies 1E-5Hz and in extreme environments at -65C. This thesis, therefore, provides a definitive view of the latent variables perspective. This is achieved through the general algorithms developed for regression with multidimensional data and the bespoke application to seismic instrumentation.Open Acces

    Capsule networks: a new approach for brain imaging

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    Nel campo delle reti neurali per il riconoscimento immagini, una delle più recenti e promettenti innovazioni è l’utilizzo delle Capsule Networks (CapsNet). Lo scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è studiare l'approccio CapsNet per l'analisi di immagini, in particolare per quelle neuroanatomiche. Le odierne tecniche di microscopia ottica, infatti, hanno posto sfide significative in termini di analisi dati, per l'elevata quantità di immagini disponibili e per la loro risoluzione sempre più fine. Con l'obiettivo di ottenere informazioni strutturali sulla corteccia cerebrale, nuove proposte di segmentazione possono rivelarsi molto utili. Fino a questo momento, gli approcci più utilizzati in questo campo sono basati sulla Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), architettura che raggiunge le performance migliori rappresentando lo stato dell'arte dei risultati di Deep Learning. Ci proponiamo, con questo studio, di aprire la strada ad un nuovo approccio che possa superare i limiti delle CNNs come, ad esempio, il numero di parametri utilizzati e l'accuratezza del risultato. L’applicazione in neuroscienze delle CapsNets, basate sull’idea di emulare il funzionamento della visione e dell’elaborazione immagini nel cervello umano, concretizza un paradigma di ricerca stimolante volto a superare i limiti della conoscenza della natura e i limiti della natura stessa
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