4 research outputs found

    Row-sensing Templates: A Generic 3D Sensor-based Approach to Robot Localization with Respect to Orchard Row Centerlines

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    Accurate robot localization relative to orchard row centerlines is essential for autonomous guidance where satellite signals are often obstructed by foliage. Existing sensor-based approaches rely on various features extracted from images and point clouds. However, any selected features are not available consistently, because the visual and geometrical characteristics of orchard rows change drastically when tree types, growth stages, canopy management practices, seasons, and weather conditions change. In this work, we introduce a novel localization method that doesn't rely on features; instead, it relies on the concept of a row-sensing template, which is the expected observation of a 3D sensor traveling in an orchard row, when the sensor is anywhere on the centerline and perfectly aligned with it. First, the template is built using a few measurements, provided that the sensor's true pose with respect to the centerline is available. Then, during navigation, the best pose estimate (and its confidence) is estimated by maximizing the match between the template and the sensed point cloud using particle-filtering. The method can adapt to various orchards and conditions by re-building the template. Experiments were performed in a vineyard, and in an orchard in different seasons. Results showed that the lateral mean absolute error (MAE) was less than 3.6% of the row width, and the heading MAE was less than 1.72 degrees. Localization was robust, as errors didn't increase when less than 75% of measurement points were missing. The results indicate that template-based localization can provide a generic approach for accurate and robust localization in real-world orchards

    Auto Recognition of Navigation Path for Harvest Robot Based on Machine Vision

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    International audienceAn algorithm of generating navigation path in orchard for harvesting robot based on machine vision was presented. According to the features of orchard images, a horizontal projection method was adopted to dynamically recognize the main trunks area. Border crossing points between the tree and the earth were detected by scanning the trunks areas, and these points were divided into two clusters on both sides. Resorting to least-square fitting, two border lines were extracted. The central clusters were gained by the two lines and this straight line was regarded as the navigation path.Matlab simulation result shows that the algorithm could effectively extract navigation path in complex orchard environment, and correct recognition rate was 91.7%. The method is proved to be stable and reliable, and with the deviation rate of simulation navigation angle compared with the artificial recognition angle is around 2%

    дис. … д-ра техн. наук : 05.05.11; 13

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