2,263 research outputs found

    Fighting money laundering with technology: a case study of Bank X in the UK

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    This paper presents a longitudinal interpretive case study of a UK bank’s efforts to combat Money Laundering (ML) by expanding the scope of its profiling of ML behaviour. The concept of structural coupling, taken from systems theory, is used to reflect on the bank’s approach to theorize about the nature of ML-profiling. The paper offers a practical contribution by laying a path towards the improvement of money laundering detection in an organizational context while a set of evaluation measures is extracted from the case study. Generalizing from the case of the bank, the paper presents a systems-oriented conceptual framework for ML monitoring

    The Role of the Mangement Sciences in Research on Personalization

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    We present a review of research studies that deal with personalization. We synthesize current knowledge about these areas, and identify issues that we envision will be of interest to researchers working in the management sciences. We take an interdisciplinary approach that spans the areas of economics, marketing, information technology, and operations. We present an overarching framework for personalization that allows us to identify key players in the personalization process, as well as, the key stages of personalization. The framework enables us to examine the strategic role of personalization in the interactions between a firm and other key players in the firm's value system. We review extant literature in the strategic behavior of firms, and discuss opportunities for analytical and empirical research in this regard. Next, we examine how a firm can learn a customer's preferences, which is one of the key components of the personalization process. We use a utility-based approach to formalize such preference functions, and to understand how these preference functions could be learnt based on a customer's interactions with a firm. We identify well-established techniques in management sciences that can be gainfully employed in future research on personalization.CRM, Persoanlization, Marketing, e-commerce,

    Keywords at Work: Investigating Keyword Extraction in Social Media Applications

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    This dissertation examines a long-standing problem in Natural Language Processing (NLP) -- keyword extraction -- from a new angle. We investigate how keyword extraction can be formulated on social media data, such as emails, product reviews, student discussions, and student statements of purpose. We design novel graph-based features for supervised and unsupervised keyword extraction from emails, and use the resulting system with success to uncover patterns in a new dataset -- student statements of purpose. Furthermore, the system is used with new features on the problem of usage expression extraction from product reviews, where we obtain interesting insights. The system while used on student discussions, uncover new and exciting patterns. While each of the above problems is conceptually distinct, they share two key common elements -- keywords and social data. Social data can be messy, hard-to-interpret, and not easily amenable to existing NLP resources. We show that our system is robust enough in the face of such challenges to discover useful and important patterns. We also show that the problem definition of keyword extraction itself can be expanded to accommodate new and challenging research questions and datasets.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145929/1/lahiri_1.pd

    Age prediction of Spanish-speaking Twitter users

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    Incluye bibliografía y anexos.Incluye archivos complementarios.La predicción de la edad en la red social Twitter surge como necesidad para el mejoramiento de herramientas como pueden ser el marketing online, así como para colaborar en la detección de pedofilia en la red social, identificando a los usuarios que fingen ser menores de edad mediante el uso de perfiles falsos. En el presente trabajo se analizan diferentes soluciones a este problema, prediciendo el rango de edad de una persona a partir de una colección de textos cortos escrita por la misma. Se analizan tres tipos de atributos: metadatos del usuario, atributos de estilometría sobre el texto de los tuits y atributos resultantes de la aplicación de técnicas de Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural sobre tuits, así como listas de suscripción las cuales contienen información acerca de los intereses del usuario. También se incluyen una serie de atributos que modelan la vinculación del perfil de Twitter con otras redes sociales. Dichos atributos recolectados son posteriormente utilizados para entrenar los modelos de Aprendizaje Automático, con el fin de predecir la edad de los usuarios y así proceder a clasificarlos en los rangos etarios definidos. Finalmente se realizó una serie de experimentos con distintos set de datos y algoritmos. Los resultados experimentales muestran que los atributos extraídos constituyen un elemento muy útil a la hora de detectar la edad de los usuarios

    A framework for privacy preserving digital trace data collection through data donation

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    A potentially powerful method of social-scientific data collection and investigation has been created by an unexpected institution: the law. Article 15 of the EU’s 2018 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) mandates that individuals have electronic access to a copy of their personal data, and all major digital platforms now comply with this law by providing users with “data download packages” (DDPs). Through voluntary donation of DDPs, all data collected by public and private entities during the course of citizens’ digital life can be obtained and analyzed to answer social-scientific questions – with consent. Thus, consented DDPs open the way for vast new research opportunities. However, while this entirely new method of data collection will undoubtedly gain popularity in the coming years, it also comes with its own questions of representativeness and measurement quality, which are often evaluated systematically by means of an error framework. Therefore, in this paper we provide a blueprint for digital trace data collection using DDPs, and devise a “total error framework” for such projects. Our error framework for digital trace data collection through data donation is intended to facilitate high quality social-scientific investigations using DDPs while critically reflecting its unique methodological challenges and sources of error. In addition, we provide a quality control checklist to guide researchers in leveraging the vast opportunities afforded by this new mode of investigation

    Tackling Hate Speech in Low-resource Languages with Context Experts

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    Given Myanmars historical and socio-political context, hate speech spread on social media has escalated into offline unrest and violence. This paper presents findings from our remote study on the automatic detection of hate speech online in Myanmar. We argue that effectively addressing this problem will require community-based approaches that combine the knowledge of context experts with machine learning tools that can analyze the vast amount of data produced. To this end, we develop a systematic process to facilitate this collaboration covering key aspects of data collection, annotation, and model validation strategies. We highlight challenges in this area stemming from small and imbalanced datasets, the need to balance non-glamorous data work and stakeholder priorities, and closed data-sharing practices. Stemming from these findings, we discuss avenues for further work in developing and deploying hate speech detection systems for low-resource languages.Comment: ICTD 2022 Conference pape