12 research outputs found

    Modes of Encryption Secure against Blockwise-Adaptive Chosen-Plaintext Attack

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    Blockwise-adaptive chosen-plaintext and chosen-ciphertext attack are new models for cryptanalytic adversaries, first discovered by Joux, et al [JMV02], and describe a vulnerability in SSH discovered by Bellare, et al [BKN02]. Unlike traditional chosen-plaintext (CPA) or chosen-ciphertext (CCA) adversaries, the blockwise adversary can submit individual blocks for encryption or decryption rather than entire messages. This paper focuses on the search for on-line encryption schemes which are resistant to blockwise-adaptive chosen-plaintext attack. We prove that one oracle query with non-equal inputs is sufficient to win the blockwise-adaptive chosen-plaintext game if the game can be won by any adversary in ppt with non-negligible advantage. In order to uniformly describe such encryption schemes, we define a canonical representation of encryption schemes based on functions believed to be pseudorandom (i.e. Block Ciphers). This Canonical Form is general enough to cover many modes currently in use, including ECB, CBC, CTR, OFB, CFB, ABC, IGE, XCBC, HCBC and HPCBC. An immediate result of the theorems in this paper is that CTR, OFB, CFB, HCBC and HPCBC are proven secure against blockwise-adaptive CPA, as well as S-ABC under certain conditions. Conversely ECB, CBC, IGE, and P-ABC are proven to be blockwise-adaptive CPA insecure. Since CBC, IGE and P-ABC are chosen-plaintext secure, this indicates that the blockwise-adaptive chosen-plaintext model is a non-trivial extension of the traditional chosen-plaintext attack model

    Nonce-Misuse Security of the SAEF Authenticated Encryption mode

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    ForkAE is a NIST lightweight cryptography candidate that uses the forkcipher primitive in two modes of operation -- SAEF and PAEF -- optimized for authenticated encryption of the shortest messages. SAEF is a sequential and online AEAD that minimizes the memory footprint compared to its alternative parallel mode PAEF, catering to the most constrained devices. SAEF was proven AE secure against nonce-respecting adversaries. Due to their more acute and direct exposure to device misuse and mishandling, in most use cases of lightweight cryptography, nonce reuse presents a very realistic attack vector. Furthermore, many lightweight applications mandate security for their online AEAD schemes against block-wise adversaries. Surprisingly, very few NIST lightweight AEAD candidates come with provable guarantees against these security threats. In this work, we investigate the provable security guarantees of SAEF when nonces are repeated under a refined version of the notion of online authenticated encryption OAE given by Fleischmann et al. in 2012. We apply Using the coefficient H technique we show that, with no modifications, SAEF is OAE secure up to the birthday security bound, i.e., up to 2n/22^{n/2} processed blocks of data, where nn is the block size of the forkcipher. The implications of our work are that SAEF is safe to use in a block-wise fashion, and that if nonces get repeated, this has no impact on ciphertext integrity and confidentiality only degrades by a limited extent up to repetitions of common message prefixes

    Misuse Resistant Parallel Authenticated Encryptions

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    The authenticated encryptions which resist misuse of initial value (or nonce) at some desired level of privacy are two-pass or Mac-then-Encrypt constructions (inherently inefficient but provide full privacy) and online constructions, e.g., McOE, sponge-type authenticated encryptions (such as duplex, AEGIS) and COPA. Only the last one is almost parallelizable with some bottleneck in processing associated data. In this paper, {\em we design a new online secure authenticated encryption, called \tx{ELmE} or Encrypt-Linear mix-Encrypt, which is completely (two-stage) {\bf parallel} (even in associated data) and {\bf pipeline implementable}}. It also provides full privacy when associated data (which includes initial value) is not repeated. The basic idea of our construction and COPA are based on \tx{EME}, an Encrypt-Mix-Encrypt type SPRP constructions (secure against chosen plaintext and ciphertext). Unlike \tx{EME}, we consider (so does COPA) online computable {\bf linear mixing}. In addition with getting rid of bottleneck, our construction optionally supports {\bf intermediate tags} which can be verified faster with less buffer size. Intermediate tag provides security against block-wise adversaries which is meaningful in low-end device implementation

    A New Authenticated Encryption Technique for Handling Long Ciphertexts in Memory Constrained Devices

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    In authenticated encryption schemes, there are two techniques for handling long ciphertexts while working within the constraints of a low buffer size: Releasing unverified plaintext (RUP) or Producing intermediate tags (PIT). In this paper, in addition to the two techniques, we propose another way to handle a long ciphertext with a low buffer size by storing and releasing only one (generally, or only few) intermediate state without releasing or storing any part of an unverified plaintext and without need of generating any intermediate tag. In this paper we explain this generalized technique using our new construction sp-AELM. sp-AELM is a sponge based authenticated encryption scheme that provides support for limited memory devices. We also provide its security proof for privacy and authenticity in an ideal permutation model, using a code based game playing framework. Furthermore, we also present two more variants of sp-AELM that serve the same purpose and are more efficient than sp-AELM. The ongoing CAESAR competition has 9 submissions which are based on the Sponge construction. We apply our generalized technique of storing single intermediate state to all these submissions, to determine their suitability with a Crypto module having limited memory. Our findings show that only ASCON and one of the PRIMATE\u27s mode(namely GIBBON) satisify the limited memory constraint using this technique, while the remaining schemes (namely, Artemia, ICEPOLE, Ketje, Keyak, NORX, Π\Pi-cipher, STRIBOB and two of the PRIMATEs mode: APE \& HANUMAN) are not suitable for this scenario directly

    Release of Unverified Plaintext: Tight Unified Model and Application to ANYDAE

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    International audienceAuthenticated encryption schemes are usually expected to offer confidentiality and authenticity. In case of release of unverified plaintext (RUP), an adversary gets separated access to the decryption and verification functionality, and has more power in breaking the scheme. Andreeva et al. (ASIACRYPT 2014) formalized RUP security using plaintext awareness, informally meaning that the decryption functional-ity gives no extra power in breaking confidentiality, and INT-RUP security, covering authenticity in case of RUP. We describe a single, unified model, called AERUP security, that ties together these notions: we prove that an authenticated encryption scheme is AERUP secure if and only if it is conventionally secure, plaintext aware, and INT-RUP secure. We next present ANYDAE, a generalization of SUNDAE of Banik et al. (ToSC 2018/3). ANYDAE is a lightweight deterministic scheme that is based on a block cipher with block size n and arbitrary mixing functions that all operate on an n-bit state. It is particularly efficient for short messages, it does not rely on a nonce, and it provides maximal robustness to a lack of secure state. Whereas SUNDAE is not secure under release of unverified plaintext (a fairly simple attack can be mounted in constant time), ANYDAE is. We make handy use of the AERUP security model to prove that ANYDAE achieves both conventional security as RUP security, provided that certain modest conditions on the mixing functions are met. We describe two simple instances, called MONDAE and TUESDAE, that conform to these conditions and that are competitive with SUNDAE, in terms of efficiency and optimality

    How to Securely Release Unverified Plaintext in Authenticated Encryption

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    Scenarios in which authenticated encryption schemes output decrypted plaintext before successful verification raise many security issues. These situations are sometimes unavoidable in practice, such as when devices have insufficient memory to store an entire plaintext, or when a decrypted plaintext needs early processing due to real-time requirements. We introduce the first formalization of the releasing unverified plaintext (RUP) setting. To achieve privacy, we propose using plaintext awareness (PA) along with IND-CPA. An authenticated encryption scheme is PA if it has a plaintext extractor, which tries to fool adversaries by mimicking the decryption oracle without the secret key. Releasing unverified plaintext then becomes harmless as it is infeasible to distinguish the decryption oracle from the plaintext extractor. We introduce two notions of plaintext awareness in the symmetric-key setting, PA1 and PA2, and show that they expose a new layer of security between IND-CPA and IND-CCA. To achieve integrity of ciphertexts, INT-CTXT in the RUP setting is required, which we refer to as INT-RUP. These new security notions are used to make a classification of symmetric-key schemes in the RUP setting. Furthermore, we re-analyze existing authenticated encryption schemes, and provide solutions to fix insecure schemes

    Robust Authenticated-Encryption: AEZ and the Problem that it Solves

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    With a scheme for \textit{robust} authenticated-encryption a user can select an arbitrary value λ≥0\lambda \ge 0 and then encrypt a plaintext of any length into a ciphertext that\u27s λ\lambda characters longer. The scheme must provide all the privacy and authenticity possible for the requested~λ\lambda. We formalize and investigate this idea, and construct a well-optimized solution, AEZ, from the AES round function. Our scheme encrypts strings at almost the same rate as OCB-AES or CTR-AES (on Haswell, AEZ has a peak speed of about 0.7 cpb). To accomplish this we employ an approach we call \textit{prove-then-prune}: prove security and then instantiate with a \textit{scaled-down} primitive (e.g., reducing rounds for blockcipher calls)

    Online Authenticated-Encryption and its Nonce-Reuse Misuse-Resistance

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    A definition of \textit{online authenticated-encryption} (OAE), call it OAE1, was given by Fleischmann, Forler, and Lucks (2012). It has become a popular definitional target because, despite allowing encryption to be online, security is supposed to be maintained even if nonces get reused. We argue that this expectation is effectively wrong. OAE1 security has also been claimed to capture best-possible security for any online-AE scheme. We claim that this understanding is wrong, too. So motivated, we redefine OAE-security, providing a radically different formulation, OAE2. The new notion effectively \textit{does} capture best-possible security for a user\u27s choice of plaintext segmentation and ciphertext expansion. It is achievable by simple techniques from standard tools. Yet even for OAE2, nonce-reuse can still be devastating. The picture to emerge is that no OAE definition can meaningfully tolerate nonce-reuse, but, at the same time, OAE security ought neverhave been understood to turn on this question

    Analysis and Design of Blockcipher Based Cryptographic Algorithms

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    This thesis focuses on the analysis and design of hash functions and authenticated encryption schemes that are blockcipher based. We give an introduction into these fields of research – taking in a blockcipher based point of view – with special emphasis on the topics of double length, double call blockcipher based compression functions. The first main topic (thesis parts I - III) is on analysis and design of hash functions. We start with a collision security analysis of some well known double length blockcipher based compression functions and hash functions: Abreast-DM, Tandem-DM and MDC-4. We also propose new double length compression functions that have elevated collision security guarantees. We complement the collision analysis with a preimage analysis by stating (near) optimal security results for Abreast-DM, Tandem-DM, and Hirose-DM. Also, some generalizations are discussed. These are the first preimage security results for blockcipher based double length hash functions that go beyond the birthday barrier. We then raise the abstraction level and analyze the notion of ’hash function indifferentiability from a random oracle’. So we not anymore focus on how to obtain a good compression function but, instead, on how to obtain a good hash function using (other) cryptographic primitives. In particular we give some examples when this strong notion of hash function security might give questionable advice for building a practical hash function. In the second main topic (thesis part IV), which is on authenticated encryption schemes, we present an on-line authenticated encryption scheme, McOEx, that simultaneously achieves privacy and confidentiality and is secure against nonce-misuse. It is the first dedicated scheme that achieves high standards of security and – at the same time – is on-line computable.Die Schwerpunkte dieser Dissertation sind die Analyse und das Design von blockchiffrenbasierten Hashfunktionen (Abschnitte I-III) sowie die Entwicklung von robusten Verfahren zur authentifizierten erschlüsselung (Abschnitt IV). Die Arbeit beginnt mit einer Einführung in diese Themengebiete, wobei – insbesondere bei den Hashfunktionen – eine blockchiffrenzentrierte Perspektive eingenommen wird. Die Abschnitte I-III dieser Dissertation beschäftigen sich mit der Analyse und dem Design von Hashfunktionen. Zu Beginn werden die Kollisionssicherheit einiger wohlbekannter Kompressions- und Hashfunktionen mit zweifacher Blockchiffrenausgabelänge näher analysiert: Abreast-DM, Tandem-DMundMDC-4. Ebenso werden neue Designs vorgestellt, welche erhöhte Kollisionssicherheitsgarantien haben. Ergänzend zur Kollisionssicherheitsanalyse wird die Resistenz gegen Urbildangriffe von Kompressionsfunktionen doppelter Ausgabelänge untersucht. Dabei werden nahezu optimale Sicherheitsschranken für Abreast-DM, Tandem-DM und Hirose-DM abgeleitet. Einige Verallgemeinerungen sind ebenfalls Teil der Diskussion. Das sind die ersten Sicherheitsresultate gegen Urbildangriffe auf blockchiffrenbasierte Kompressionsfunktionen doppelter Länge, die weit über die bis dahin bekannten Sicherheitsresultate hinausgehen. Daran anschließend folgt eine Betrachtung, die auf einem erhöhten Abstraktionslevel durchgeführt wird und den Begriff der Undifferenzierbarkeit einer Hashfunktion von einem Zufallsorakel diskutiert. Hierbei liegt der Fokus nicht darauf, wie man eine gute Kompressionfunktion auf Basis anderer kryptographischer Funktionen erstellt, sondern auf dem Design einer Hashfunktionen auf Basis einer Kompressionsfunktion. Unter Einnahme eines eher praktischen Standpunktes wird anhand einiger Beispiele aufgezeigt, dass die relativ starke Eigenschaft der Undifferenzierbarkeit einer Hashfunktion zu widersprüchlichen Designempfehlungen für praktikable Hashfunktionen führen kann. Im zweiten Schwerpunkt, in Abschnitt IV, werden Verfahren zur authentifizierten Verschlüsselung behandelt. Es wird ein neues Schema zur authentifizierten Verschlüsselung vorgestellt,McOEx. Es schützt gleichzeitig die Integrität und die Vertrauchlichkeit einer Nachricht. McOEx ist das erste konkrete Schema das sowohl robust gegen die Wiederverwendung von Nonces ist und gleichzeitig on-line berechnet werden kann

    Provably Secure Authenticated Encryption

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    Authenticated Encryption (AE) is a symmetric key cryptographic primitive that ensures confidentiality and authenticity of processed messages at the same time. The research of AE as a primitive in its own right started in 2000. The security goals of AE were captured in formal definitions in the tradition in the tradition of provable security (such as NAE, MRAE, OAE, RAE or the RUP), where the security of a scheme is formally proven assuming the security of an underlying building block. The prevailing syntax moved to nonce-based AE with associated data (which is an additional input that gets authenticated, but not encrypted). Other types of AE schemes appeared as well, e.g. ones that supported stateful sessions. Numerous AE schemes were designed; in the early years, these were almost exclusively blockcipher modes of operation, most notably OCB in 2001, CCM in 2003 and GCM in 2004. At the same time, issues were discovered both with the security and applicability of the most popular AE schemes, and other applications of symmetric key cryptography. As a response, the Competition for Authenticated Encryption: Security, Applicability, and Robustness (CAESAR) was started in 2013. Its goals were to identify a portfolio of new, secure and reliable AE schemes that would satisfy the needs of practical applications, and also to boost the research in the area of AE. Prompted by CAESAR, 57 new schemes were designed, new types of constructions that gained popularity appeared (such as the Sponge-based AE schemes), and new notions of security were proposed (such as RAE). The final portfolio of the CAESAR competition should be announced in 2018. In this thesis, we push the state of the art in the field of AE in several directions. All of them are related to provable security, in one way, or another. We propose OMD, the first provably secure dedicated AE scheme that is based on a compression function. We further modify OMD to achieve nonce misuse-resistant security (MRAE). We also propose another provably secure variant of OMD called pure OMD, which enjoys a great improvement of performance over OMD. Inspired by the modifications that gave rise to pure OMD, we turn to the popular Sponge-based AE schemes and prove that similar measures can also be applied to the keyed Sponge and keyed Duplex (a variant of the Sponge), allowing a substantial increase of performance without an impact on security. We then address definitional aspects of AE. We critically evaluate the security notion of OAE, whose authors claimed that it provides the best possible security for online schemes under nonce reuse. We challenge these claims, and discuss what are the meaningful requirements for online AE schemes. Based on our findings, we formulate a new definition of online AE security under nonce-reuse, and demonstrate its feasibility. We next turn our attention to the security of nonce-based AE schemes under stretch misuse; i.e. when a scheme is used with varying ciphertext expansion under the same key, even though it should not be. We argue that varying the stretch is plausible, and formulate several notions that capture security in presence of variable stretch. We establish their relations to previous notions, and demonstrate the feasibility of security in this setting. We finally depart from provable security, with the intention to complement it. We compose a survey of universal forgeries, decryption attacks and key recovery attacks on 3rd round CAESAR candidates