2,703 research outputs found

    Horizon Report Europe - 2014 Schools Edition

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    The NMC Horizon Project from the New Media Consortium is a long-term investigation launched in 2002 that identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact over the coming five years in education around the globe. The NMC Horizon Report Europe: 2014 Schools Edition, the first of its kind for Europe, examines six key trends, six significant challenges and six important developments in educational technology that are very likely to impact educational change processes in European schools over the next five years (2014-2018). The topics within each section were carefully selected by the Horizon Project Europe Expert Panel, a body of 53 experts in European education, technology, and other fields. They come from 22 European countries, as well as international organisations and European networks. Throughout the report, references and links are made to more than 150 European publications (reports, articles, policy documents, blog posts etc.), projects (both EU-funded and national initiatives) and various policy initiatives from all over Europe. The Creative Classrooms multidimensional framework, developed by European Commission’s JRC-IPTS on behalf of DG EAC, was used for analysing the trends, challenges and technologies impacting European schools over the next five years. The analysis reveals that a systemic approach is needed for integrating new technologies in European schools and impacting educational change over the next five years.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    “Learning on a chip:” Microfluidics for formal and informal science education

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    © 2019 Author(s). Microfluidics is a technique for the handling of small volumes of liquids on the order of picoliters to nanoliters and has impact for miniaturized biomedical science and fundamental research. Because of its multi- and interdisciplinary nature (i.e., combining the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering), microfluidics offers much potential for educational applications, both at the university level as well as primary and secondary education. Microfluidics is also an ideal "tool" to enthuse and educate members of the general public about the interdisciplinary aspects of modern sciences, including concepts of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects such as (bio)engineering, chemistry, and biomedical sciences. Here, we provide an overview of approaches that have been taken to make microfluidics accessible for formal and informal learning. We also point out future avenues and desired developments. At the extreme ends, we can distinguish between projects that teach how to build microfluidic devices vs projects that make various microscopic phenomena (e.g., low Reynolds number hydrodynamics, microbiology) accessible to learners and the general public. Microfluidics also enables educators to make experiments low-cost and scalable, and thereby widely accessible. Our goal for this review is to assist academic researchers working in the field of microfluidics and lab-on-a-chip technologies as well as educators with translating research from the laboratory into the lecture hall, teaching laboratory, or public sphere

    Wunderkammers: Powerful Metaphors for ‘Tangible’ Experiential Knowledge Building

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    The paper identifies the need to support powerful metaphors that capture innovations of new emerging human computer interaction (HCI) technologies and innovative question and answering (Q&A) systems in the context of spatial learning and inquiry-based learning in education. Aim/goals of the research: Explore the potential of ‘Wunderkammer’ (curiosity cabinet) as a powerful metaphor to design new types of learning experiences catering for an ecology of artefacts (real or virtual objects) to provide a holistic context for educators to share and extend learning in action. Conclusions: We provide insight into the emergence of smart interactive objects with different types of sensors that can potentially support everyday life and the increasing access to new visual experiences through augment reality and virtual reality, for new types of tangible knowledge building that can be personalised and shared. This reshaping of human centred design and creating new experiences through tangible creations that externalize in real time and through new materials, the creative power of the ‘imaginations of movement’ provides new user experience design thinking through the concept of powerful metaphors, to provide core design requirements where the blending of worlds is common place

    ALT-C 2010 - Conference Proceedings

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    State-of-the-art analysis of the pedagogical underpinnings of open science, citizen science and open innovation activities

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    The document corresponds to O2A1 of the INOS Project. This state-of-theart analysis elaborates on the current state of knowledge on learning design in open science, citizen science, and innovation activities, in order to improve their pedagogical value. This includes reporting on the different types of activities, the learning design of these activities, and the learning outcomes of these activities

    Examining the Impact of Student-Generated Screencasts on Middle School Science Students’ Interactive Modeling Behaviors, Inquiry Learning, and Conceptual Development

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    Student activities involving screencast production can serve as scaffolds to enhance inquiry behavior, heighten explanation development, and encourage the connection of conceptual ideas developed by eighth grade science students engaged in interactive computer modeling. Screencast recordings enabled students to simultaneously combine their narrative explanations with a visual record of their computer modeling activity. Students (n=210) generated numerous screencasts and written explanations during an online exploration regarding global climate change. The quasi-experimental design used in this study prompted student groups in four classrooms to screencast their final explanations concerning their modeling activity, while groups in the four control classrooms used a text entry tool to provide their explanations. Results indicated that student groups constructing screencast explanations spent 72% more time with the model (t=7.13, p<.001, d=2.23) and spoke an average of 131 words compared to the 44 written by control classroom groups (t=3.15, p=.002, d=0.99). Screencast groups were 42% more likely to describe their inquiry behavior activity when prompted by two design components developed to measure on-task behavior (t=2.89, p=.003, d=0.90). Knowledge integration was also heightened as 24% of the screencast groups provided scientifically normative ideas to support their explanations compared to less than 5% of the text entry groups