1,073 research outputs found

    Augmenting Emotional Requirements with Emotion Markers and Emotion Prototypes

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    Abstract A production-phase weakness in emotional requirements was identified and resolved during a follow-up study. The definition of emotional requirements was extended to include emotion prototypes and emotion markers. Improved practices for identifying media assets for emotional requirements were developed, enhancing their utility to the production process

    Experience requirements

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    Video game development is a high-risk effort with low probability of success. The interactive nature of the resulting artifact increases production complexity, often doing so in ways that are unexpected. New methodologies are needed to address issues in this domain. Video game development has two major phases: preproduction and production. During preproduction, the game designer and other members of the creative team create and capture a vision of the intended player experience in the game design document. The game design document tells the story and describes the game - it does not usually explicitly elaborate all of the details of the intended player experience, particularly with respect to how the player is intended to feel as the game progresses. Details of the intended experience tend to be communicated verbally, on an as-needed basis during iterations of the production effort. During production, the software and media development teams attempt to realize the preproduction vision in a game artifact. However, the game design document is not traditionally intended to capture production-ready requirements, particularly for software development. As a result, there is a communications chasm between preproduction and production efforts that can lead to production issues such as excessive reliance on direct communication with the game designer, difficulty scoping project elements, and difficulty in determining reasonably accurate effort estimates. We posit that defining and capturing the intended player experience in a manner that is influenced and informed by established requirements engineering principles and techniques will help cross the communications chasm between preproduction and production. The proposed experience requirements methodology is a novel contribution composed of: a model for the elements that compose experience requirements, a framework that provides guidance for expressing experience requirements, and an exemplary process for the elicitation, capture, and negotiation of experience requirements. Experience requirements capture the designer' s intent for the user experience; they represent user experience goals for the artifact and constraints upon the implementation and are not expected to be formal in the mathematical sense. Experience requirements are evolutionary in intent - they incrementally enhance and extend existing practices in a relatively lightweight manner using language and representations that are intended to be mutually acceptable to preproduction and to production

    Discovering affect-laden requirements to achieve system acceptance

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    Novel envisioned systems face the risk of rejection by their target user community and the requirements engineer must be sensitive to the factors that will determine acceptance or rejection. Conventionally, technology acceptance is determined by perceived usefulness and ease-of-use, but in some domains other factors play an important role. In healthcare systems, particularly, ethical and emotional factors can be crucial. In this paper we describe an approach to requirements discovery that we developed for such systems. We describe how we have applied our approach to a novel system to passively monitor users for signs of cognitive decline consistent with the onset of dementia. A key challenge was eliciting users’ reactions to emotionally charged events never before experienced by them at first hand. Our goal was to understand the range of users’ emotional responses and their values and motivations, and from these formulate requirements that would maximise the likelihood of acceptance of the system. The problem was heightened by the fact that the key stakeholders were elderly people who represent a poorly studied user constituency. We discuss the elicitation and analysis methodologies used, and our experience with tool support. We conclude by reflecting on the affect issues for RE and for technology acceptance

    The emotional intelligence of machines

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    Technologies today claim to be capable of detecting human emotion. When such technologies appear on our everyday objects, how will our interactions be like? Can these objects know when we are frustrated with them? Wouldn’t that radically change the field of user experience design? However, would people be scared of such capability? Born from this curiosity, this thesis project is a speculative and an experimental approach that explores the overlap of the fields of User Experience Design, Affective Technologies, and Artificial Intelligence. This exploration is aimed at investigating its need and illustrating a newly designed adaptive nature of domestic appliances. The purpose of this book is to showcase the range of collaborative explorations that led to the formulation the theory - “Emotional Intelligence of Objects.

    Affective Design In Technical Communication

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    Traditional human-computer interaction (HCI) is based on \u27cold\u27 models of user cognition; that is, models of users as purely rational beings based on the information processing metaphor; however, an emerging perspective suggests that for the field of HCI to mature, its practitioners must adopt models of users that consider broader human needs and capabilities. Affective design is an umbrella term for research and practice being conducted in diverse domains, all with the common thread of integrating emotional aspects of use into the creation of information products. This thesis provides a review of the current state of the art in affective design research and practice to technical communicators and others involved in traditional HCI and usability enterprises. This paper is motivated by the developing technologies and the growing complexity of interaction that demand a more robust notion of HCI that incorporates affect in an augmented and holistic representation of the user and situated use

    Ubiquitous haptic feedback in human-computer interaction through electrical muscle stimulation

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    The use of extended reality and machine learning to improve healthcare and promote greenhealth

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    Com a Quarta Revolução Industrial, a propagação da Internet das Coisas, o avanço nas áreas de Inteligência Artificial e de Machine Learning até à migração para a Computação em Nuvem, o termo "Ambientes Inteligentes" cada vez mais deixa de ser uma idealização para se tornar realidade. Da mesma forma as tecnologias de Realidade Extendida também elas têm aumentado a sua presença no mundo tecnológico após um "período de hibernação", desde a popularização do conceito de Metaverse assim como a entrada das grandes empresas informáticas como a Apple e a Google num mercado onde a Realidade Virtual, Realidade Aumentada e Realidade Mista eram dominadas por empresas com menos experiência no desenvolvimento de sistemas (e.g. Meta), reconhecimento a nível mundial (e.g. HTC Vive), ou suporte financeiro e confiança do mercado. Esta tese tem como foco o estudo do potencial uso das tecnologias de Realidade Estendida de forma a promover Saúde Verde assim como seu uso em Hospitais Inteligentes, uma das variantes de Ambientes Inteligentes, incorporando Machine Learning e Computer Vision, como ferramenta de suporte e de melhoria de cuidados de saúde, tanto do ponto de vista do profissional de saúde como do paciente, através duma revisão literarária e análise da atualidade. Resultando na elaboração de um modelo conceptual com a sugestão de tecnologias a poderem ser usadas para alcançar esse cenário selecionadas pelo seu potencial, sendo posteriormente descrito o desenvolvimento de protótipos de partes do modelo conceptual para Óculos de Realidade Extendida como validação de conceito.With the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the spread of the Internet of Things, the advance in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning until the migration to Cloud Computing, the term "Intelligent Environments" increasingly ceases to be an idealization to become reality. Likewise, Extended Reality technologies have also increased their presence in the technological world after a "hibernation period", since the popularization of the Metaverse concept, as well as the entry of large computer companies such as Apple and Google into a market where Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality were dominated by companies with less experience in system development (e.g. Meta), worldwide recognition (e.g. HTC Vive) or financial support and trust in the market. This thesis focuses on the study of the potential use of Extended Reality technologies in order to promote GreenHealth as well as their use in Smart Hospitals, one of the variants of Smart Environments, incorporating Machine Learning and Computer Vision, as a tool to support and improve healthcare, both from the point of view of the health professional and the patient, through a literature review and analysis of the current situation. Resulting in the elaboration of a conceptual model with the suggestion of technologies that can be used to achieve this scenario selected for their potential, and then the development of prototypes of parts of the conceptual model for Extended Reality Headsets as concept validation

    A review and framework for designing interactive technologies for emotion regulation training

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    Emotion regulation is foundational to mental health and well-being. In the last ten years there has been an increasing focus on the use of interactive technologies to support emotion regulation training in a variety of contexts. However, research has been done in diverse fields, and no cohesive framework exists that explicates what features of such system are important to consider, guidance on how to design these features, and what remains unknown, which should be explored in future design research. To address this gap, this thesis presents the results of a descriptive review of 54 peer-reviewed papers. Through qualitative and frequency analysis I analyzed previous technologies, reviewed their theoretical foundations, the opportunities where they appear to provide unique benefits, and their conceptual and usability challenges. Based on the findings I synthesized a design framework that presents the main concepts and design considerations that researchers and designers may find useful in designing future technologies in the context of emotion regulation training

    Designing enriched aesthetic interaction for garment comfort

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    This thesis describes a research through design approach to identifying comfort factors within the kinaesthetic experiences of human sensory activities and perceptions. The research explores the experience of women through the way they touch, move and feel when interacting with wool garments. The research provides (1) a body of creative work, (2) a framework of ‘enriched aesthetic interaction’ and (3) the development of design principles for the comfort and related aesthetic qualities of clothing
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