2,119 research outputs found

    A pilot study of operating department practitioners undertaking high-risk learning: a comparison of experiential, part-task and hi-fidelity simulation teaching methods

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    Health care learners commonly rely on opportunistic experiential learning in clinical placements in order to develop cognitive and psychomotor clinical skills. In recent years there has been an increasing effort to develop effective alternative, non-opportunistic methods of learning, in an attempt to bypass the questionable tradition of relying on patients to practice on. As part of such efforts, there is an increased utilisation of simulation-based education. However, the effectiveness of simulation in health care education arguably varies between professions (Liaw, Chan, Scherpbier, Rethans, & Pua, 2012; Oberleitner, Broussard, & Bourque, 2011; Ross, 2012). This pilot study compares the effectiveness of three educational (or ‘teaching’) methods in the development of clinical knowledge and skills during Rapid Sequence Induction (RSI) of anaesthesia, a potentially life-threatening clinical situation. Students of Operating Department Practice (ODP) undertook either a) traditional classroom based and experiential learning, b) part-task training, or c) fully submersive scenario-based simulated learning


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    ABSTRAK Laboratorium virtual fisika menjadi salah satu topik penelitian yang berkembang dalam bidang fisika. Penerapannya berpengaruh terhadap transformasi di bidang pendidikan, yang membawa kegiatan pembelajaran kedalam konteks pembelajaran digital. Penelitian sebelumnya menyoroti bahwa laboratorium sangat dibutuhkan dalam bidang fisika dan penggunaannya menunjukkan keberhasilan dalam mengatasi permasalahan dalam belajar. Hasil dari setiap penelitian mengenai topik ini penting untuk dipantau karena menambah nilai efektivitas bagi desain dan penggunan laboratorium virtual di masa depan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji literatur bibliometrik laboratorium virtual fisika di universitas dan mengetahui jenis laboratorium virtual serta materi fisika yang banyak digunakan dalam topik ini sehingga dapat menyajikan peluang untuk penelitian selanjutnya juga membantu pendidik dalam memilih dan merancang laboratorium yang sesuai untuk pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan. Perangkat lunak VOSviewer dan alur PRISMA digunakan untuk pemetaan dan analisis literatur. Sebanyak 66 literatur yang diambil dari database scopus dari 2018-2022 dengan menggunakan empat kata kunci digunakan sebagai sumber ulasan, dan sebanyak 40 literatur dianalisis untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis dari laboratorium virtual fisika yang dikembangkan dan diteliti dalam topik penelitian ini Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa topik mengenai laboratorium virtual fisika di universitas mengalami pertumbuhan yang positif dan menunjukkan bahwa laboratorium virtual telah dikembangkan dalam berbagai topik fisika. Mengembangkan laboratorium virtual berbasis courselab dalam pembelajaran fisika yang berkaitan dengan sikap ilmiah peserta didik dapat menjadi alternatif topik untuk penelitian selanjutnya. Kata Kunci: Analisis bibliometrik, Laboratorium virtual fisika, Pembelajaran online, Teknologi pendidikan iii ABSTRACT Virtual laboratory physics is one of the growing research topics in the field of physics. Its application affects the transformation in the field of education, which brings learning activities into the context of digital learning. Previous research highlighted that laboratories are needed in the field of physics and their use has shown success in overcoming learning problems. The results of any research on this topic are important to monitor because they add value to the design and use of virtual laboratories in the future. The purpose of this study was to review the bibliometric literature on virtual physics laboratories at universities and know the types of virtual laboratories as well as physics materials that are widely used in this topic so that it can present opportunities for further research as well as assist educators in selecting and designing appropriate laboratories for the learning being carried out. Software VOSviewer and PRISMA paths were used for mapping and literature analysis. A total of 66 pieces of literature taken from the Scopus database from 2018-2022 using four keywords were used as a source for the review, and as many as 40 pieces of literature were analyzed to find out the types of physics virtual laboratories developed and researched in this research topic. This study shows that the topic of virtual physics laboratories at universities is experiencing positive growth and shows that virtual laboratories have been developed in various physics topics. Developing a course lab-based virtual laboratory in physics learning related to students' scientific attitudes can be an alternative topic for further research. Keywords: Bibliometric analysis, Physics virtual laboratory, Online learning, Education Technolog

    A Perspective Review on Integrating VR/AR with Haptics into STEM Education for Multi-Sensory Learning

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    As a result of several governments closing educational facilities in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, almost 80% of the world’s students were not in school for several weeks. Schools and universities are thus increasing their efforts to leverage educational resources and provide possibilities for remote learning. A variety of educational programs, platforms, and technologies are now accessible to support student learning; while these tools are important for society, they are primarily concerned with the dissemination of theoretical material. There is a lack of support for hands-on laboratory work and practical experience. This is particularly important for all disciplines related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), where labs and pedagogical assets must be continuously enhanced in order to provide effective study programs. In this study, we describe a unique perspective to achieving multi-sensory learning through the integration of virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) with haptic wearables in STEM education. We address the implications of a novel viewpoint on established pedagogical notions. We want to encourage worldwide efforts to make fully immersive, open, and remote laboratory learning a reality.publishedVersio

    A perspective review on integrating VR/AR with haptics into STEM education for multi-sensory learning

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    As a result of several governments closing educational facilities in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, almost 80% of the world’s students were not in school for several weeks. Schools and universities are thus increasing their efforts to leverage educational resources and provide possibilities for remote learning. A variety of educational programs, platforms, and technologies are now accessible to support student learning; while these tools are important for society, they are primarily concerned with the dissemination of theoretical material. There is a lack of support for hands-on laboratory work and practical experience. This is particularly important for all disciplines related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), where labs and pedagogical assets must be continuously enhanced in order to provide effective study programs. In this study, we describe a unique perspective to achieving multi-sensory learning through the integration of virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) with haptic wearables in STEM education. We address the implications of a novel viewpoint on established pedagogical notions. We want to encourage worldwide efforts to make fully immersive, open, and remote laboratory learning a reality.European Union through the Erasmus+ Program under Grant 2020-1-NO01-KA203-076540, project title Integrating virtual and AUGMENTED reality with WEARable technology into engineering EDUcation (AugmentedWearEdu), https://augmentedwearedu.uia.no/ [34] (accessed on 27 March 2022). This work was also supported by the Top Research Centre Mechatronics (TRCM), University of Agder (UiA), Norwa

    Web-based learning and teaching resources for microscopic detection of human parasites.

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    DMU e-Parasitology (http://parasitology.dmu.ac.uk) presents novel web-based resources co-developed by EU academics at De Montfort University (DMU) for the teaching and learning of microscopic diagnoses of common and emerging human parasites. The package will be completed early in 2019 and presents a Virtual Laboratory and Microscope, which are equipped with engaging units for learning parasitological staining and fresh preparation techniques for detecting cysts, oocysts, eggs and spores, in conjunction with a library of digitised clinical slides. Units are equipped with short videos of academics performing the different techniques and quizzes and exercises, to provide students with the most practical experience possible

    A Conceptual Framework for Integrating TPB With Context-Relevant Variables to Predict e-Learning Success During the Covid -19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the digitalization of some aspects of our lives including education. However, as we witness a phenomenal rise in the demand for online learning, the decision to migrate to online learning platforms is dependent on the learner’s preparedness to embrace it. The objective of this study is to conceptualize a framework that measures the tendency of learners to adopt online learning in an era characterised by so many disruptions. To do this, we adopt document analysis on databases such as SCOPUS, Web of Science, EBSCO and Google Scholar using Boolean search engines; AND, OR, NOT, *, (), ‘’’’, +, -, &lt;,&gt;. mainly on current scientific manuscripts through the use of the keywords “e-learning”, “theory of planned behaviour”, “Covid 19”, “distance learning”, “environmental factors” and “academic technology adoption”. Subsequently, we integrate the theory of planned behaviour with other context-relevant variables as the bases of the study, and conceptualise a framework to predict e-learning success in the covid-19 era. This study contributes to the scientific body of knowledge on e-learning, particularly from the perspective of a forced mass adoption of e-learning occasioned by a global pandemic.</p

    A Conceptual Framework for Integrating TPB With Context-Relevant Variables to Predict e-Learning Success During the Covid -19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the digitalization of some aspects of our lives including education. However, as we witness a phenomenal rise in the demand for online learning, the decision to migrate to online learning platforms is dependent on the learner’s preparedness to embrace it. The objective of this study is to conceptualize a framework that measures the tendency of learners to adopt online learning in an era characterised by so many disruptions. To do this, we adopt document analysis on databases such as SCOPUS, Web of Science, EBSCO and Google Scholar using Boolean search engines; AND, OR, NOT, *, (), ‘’’’, +, -, &lt;,&gt;. mainly on current scientific manuscripts through the use of the keywords “e-learning”, “theory of planned behaviour”, “Covid 19”, “distance learning”, “environmental factors” and “academic technology adoption”. Subsequently, we integrate the theory of planned behaviour with other context-relevant variables as the bases of the study, and conceptualise a framework to predict e-learning success in the covid-19 era. This study contributes to the scientific body of knowledge on e-learning, particularly from the perspective of a forced mass adoption of e-learning occasioned by a global pandemic

    A Conceptual Framework for Integrating TPB With Context-Relevant Variables to Predict e-Learning Success During the Covid -19 Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the digitalization of some aspects of our lives including education. However, as we witness a phenomenal rise in the demand for online learning, the decision to migrate to online learning platforms is dependent on the learner’s preparedness to embrace it. The objective of this study is to conceptualize a framework that measures the tendency of learners to adopt online learning in an era characterised by so many disruptions. To do this, we adopt document analysis on databases such as SCOPUS, Web of Science, EBSCO and Google Scholar using Boolean search engines; AND, OR, NOT, *, (), ‘’’’, +, -, &lt;,&gt;. mainly on current scientific manuscripts through the use of the keywords “e-learning”, “theory of planned behaviour”, “Covid 19”, “distance learning”, “environmental factors” and “academic technology adoption”. Subsequently, we integrate the theory of planned behaviour with other context-relevant variables as the bases of the study, and conceptualise a framework to predict e-learning success in the covid-19 era. This study contributes to the scientific body of knowledge on e-learning, particularly from the perspective of a forced mass adoption of e-learning occasioned by a global pandemic

    Reshaping the Museum of Zoology in Rome by Visual Storytelling and Interactive Iconography

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    This article summarizes the concept of a new immersive and interactive setting for the Zoology Museum in Rome, Italy. The concept, co-designed with all the museum’s curators, is aimed at enhancing the experiential involvement of the visitors by visual storytelling and interactive iconography. Thanks to immersive and interactive technologies designed by Centro Studi Logos, developed by Logosnet and known as e-REALâ and MirrorMeä, zoological findings and memoirs come to life and interact directly with the visitors in order to deepen their understanding, visualize stories and live experiences, and interact with the founder of the Museum (Mr. Arrigoni degli Oddi) who is now a virtualized avatar, or digital human, able to talk with the visitors. All the interactions are powered through simple hand gestures and, in a few cases, vocal inputs that transform into recognized commands from multimedia systems
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