5 research outputs found

    Contribuciones al uso de marcadores para Navegaci贸n Aut贸noma y Realidad Aumentada

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    Square planar markers are a widely used tools for localization and tracking due to their low cost and high performance. Many applications in Robotics, Unmanned Vehicles and Augmented Reality employ these markers for camera pose estimation with high accuracy. Nevertheless, marker-based systems are affected by several factors that limit their performance. First, the marker detection process is a time-consuming task, which is intensified as the image size increases. As a consequence, the current high-resolution cameras has weakened the processing efficiency of traditional marker systems. Second, marker detection is affected by the presence of noise, blurring and occlusion. The movement of the camera produces image blurriness, generated even by small movements. Furthermore, the marker may be partially or completely occluded in the image, so that it is no longer detected. This thesis deals with the above limitations, proposing novel methodologies and strategies for successful marker detection improving both the efficiency and robustness of these systems. First, a novel multi-scale approach has been developed to speed up the marker detection process. The method takes advantage of the different resolutions at which the image is represented to predict at runtime the optimal scale for detection and identification, as well as following a corner upsampling strategy necessary for an accurate pose estimation. Second, we introduce a new marker design, Fractal Marker, which using a novel keypoint-based method achieves detection even under severe occlusion, while allowing detection over a wider range of distance than traditional markers. Finally, we propose a new marker detection strategy based on Discriminative Correlation Filters (DCF), where the marker and its corners represented in the frequency domain perform more robust and faster detections than state-ofthe- art methods, even under extreme blur conditions.Los marcadores planos cuadrados son una de las herramientas ampliamente utilizadas para la localizaci贸n y el tracking debido a su bajo coste y su alto rendimiento. Muchas aplicaciones en Rob贸tica, Veh铆culos no Tripulados y Realidad Aumentada emplean estos marcadores para estimar con alta precisi贸n la posici贸n de la c谩mara. Sin embargo, los sistemas basados en marcadores se ven afectados por varios factores que limitan su rendimiento. En primer lugar, el proceso de detecci贸n de marcadores es una tarea que requiere mucho tiempo y este incrementa a medida que aumenta el tama帽o de la imagen. En consecuencia, las actuales c谩maras de alta resoluci贸n han debilitado la eficacia del procesamiento de los sistemas de marcadores tradicionales. Por otra parte, la detecci贸n de marcadores se ve afectada por la presencia de ruido, desenfoque y oclusi贸n. El movimiento de la c谩mara produce desenfoque de la imagen, generado incluso por peque帽os movimientos. Adem谩s, el marcador puede aparecer en la imagen parcial o completamente ocluido, dejando de ser detectado. Esta tesis aborda las limitaciones anteriores, proponiendo metodolog铆as y estrategias novedosas para la correcta detecci贸n de marcadores, mejorando as铆 tanto la eficiencia como la robustez de estos sistemas. En primer lugar, se ha desarrollado un novedoso enfoque multiescala para acelerar el proceso de detecci贸n de marcadores. El m茅todo aprovecha las diferentes resoluciones en las que la imagen est谩 representada para predecir en tiempo de ejecuci贸n la escala 贸ptima para la detecci贸n e identificaci贸n, a la vez que sigue una estrategia de upsampling de las esquinas necesaria para estimar la pose con precisi贸n. En segundo lugar, introducimos un nuevo dise帽o de marcador, Fractal Marker, que, mediante un m茅todo basado en keypoints, logra detecciones incluso en casos de oclusi贸n extrema, al tiempo que permite la detecci贸n en un rango de distancias m谩s amplio que los marcadores tradicionales. Por 煤ltimo, proponemos una nueva estrategia de detecci贸n de marcadores basada en Discriminate Correlation Filters (DCF), donde el marcador y sus esquinas representadas en el dominio de la frecuencia realizan detecciones m谩s robustas y r谩pidas que los m茅todos de referencia, incluso bajo condiciones extremas de emborronamiento

    Augmented marker tracking for peri-acetabular osteotomy surgery.

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    We developed and validated a small, easy to use and cost-effective augmented marker-based hybrid navigation system for peri-acetabular osteotomy (PAO) surgery. The hybrid system consists of a tracking unit directly placed on the patient's pelvis, an augmented marker with an integrated inertial measurement unit ('MU) attached to the patient's acetabular fragment and the host computer. The tracking unit sends a live video stream of the marker to the host computer where the marker's pose is estimated. The augmented marker with the 'MU sends its pose estimate to the host computer where we apply sensor fusion to compute the final marker pose estimate. The host computer then tracks the orientation of the acetabular fragment during peri-acetabular osteotomy surgery. Anatomy registration is done using a previously developed registration device. A Kalman filter-based sensor fusion was added to complete the system. A plastic bone study was performed for validation between an optical tracking-based navigation system and our proposed system. Mean absolute difference for inclination and anteversion was 1.63 degrees and 1.55 degrees, respectively. The results show that our system is able to accurately measure the orientation of the acetabular fragment

    Augmented marker tracking for peri-acetabular osteotomy surgery.

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    OBJECTIVE To develop a hybrid augmented marker-based navigation system for acetabular reorientation during peri-acetabular osteotomy (PAO). METHODS The system consists of a tracking unit attached to the patient's pelvis, augmented marker attached to the acetabular fragment and a host computer to do all the computations and visualization. The augmented marker is comprised of an external planar Aruco marker facing toward the tracking unit and an internal inertial measurement unit (IMU) to measure its orientation. The orientation output from the IMU is sent to the host computer. The tracking unit streams a live video of the augmented marker to the host computer, where the planar marker is detected and its pose is estimated. A Kalman filter-based sensor fusion combines the output from marker tracking and the IMU. We validated the proposed system using a plastic bone study and a cadaver study. Every time, we compared the inclination and anteversion values measured by the proposed system to those from a previously developed optical tracking-based navigation system. RESULTS Mean absolute differences for inclination and anteversion were 1.34 ([Formula: see text]) and 1.21 ([Formula: see text])[Formula: see text], respectively, for the cadaver study. Mean absolute differences were 1.63 ([Formula: see text]) and 1.55 ([Formula: see text])[Formula: see text] for inclination and anteversion for the plastic bone study. In both validation studies, very strong correlations were observed. CONCLUSION We successfully demonstrated the feasibility of our system to measure the acetabular orientation during PAO