6 research outputs found

    Auditory prediction cues motor preparation in the absence of movements

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    There is increasing evidence for integrated representation of sensory and motor information in the brain, and that seeing or hearing action-related stimuli may automatically cue the movements required to respond to or produce them. In this study we tested whether anticipation of tones in a known melody automatically activates corresponding motor representations in a predictive way, in preparation for potential upcoming movements. Therefore, we trained 20 non-musicians (8 men, 12 women) to play a simple melody. Then, while they passively listened to the learned or unlearned melodies, we applied single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over M1 to measure motor evoked potentials from the associated finger muscle either preceding or following the onset of individual tones. Our results show that listening to the learned melody increased corticospinal excitability for specific finger muscles before tone onset. This demonstrates that predictable auditory information can activate motor representations in an anticipatory muscle-specific manner, even in the absence of intention to move. This suggests that the motor system is involved in the prediction of sensory events, likely based on auditory-parietal-prefrontal feedforward/feedback loops that automatically prepare predictable sound-related actions independent of actual execution and the associated auditory feedback. Overall, we propose that multimodal forward models of upcoming sounds and actions support motor preparation, facilitate error detection and correction, and guide perception

    Multimodal Music Perception Engages Motor Prediction: A TMS Study

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    Corticospinal excitability (CSE) in humans measured with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is generally increased by the perception of other people’s actions. This perception can be unimodal (visual or auditory) or multimodal (visual and auditory). The increase in TMS-measured CSE is typically prominent for muscles involved in the perceived action (muscle specificity). There are two main classes of accounts for this phenomenon. One suggests that the motor system mirrors the actions that the observer perceives (the resonance account). The other suggests that the motor system predicts the actions that the observer perceives (the predictive account). To test these accounts (which need not be mutually exclusive), subjects were presented with four versions of three-note piano sequences: sound only, sight only, audiovisual, and audiovisual with sound lagging behind (the prediction violation condition). CSE was measured in two hand muscles used to play the notes. CSE increased reliably in one muscle only for the prediction violation condition, in line with the predictive account, while the other muscle demonstrated CSE increase for all conditions, in line with the resonance account. This finding supports both predictive coding accounts as well as resonance accounts of motor facilitation during action perception

    As especificidades das representações mentais em função de diferentes condições de privações sensoriais na prática pianística : um estudo experimental

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    A presente tese teve como objetivo investigar as especificidades das representações mentais em função de diferentes condições de privação de feedbacks sensoriais por estudantes de diferentes níveis acadêmicos. Para tal, um experimento foi realizado no qual 16 participantes aprenderam quatro peças do compositor Franz Schubert em diferentes condições de privações sensoriais, desde um ponto de vista cognitivo já adotado por Wollner e Williamon (2007) e Brown e Palmer (2012). Os 16 participantes da amostra foram alocados em quatro diferentes grupos, de acordo com seu nível de instrução formal: extensão universitária; início de curso de graduação; fim de curso de graduação; e pós-graduação. As quatro condições de privações sensoriais envolveram a privação singular ou pareada de feedbacks e foram definidas como: (a) prática mental, com privação de feedbacks auditivo e cinestésico; (b) prática auditiva, com privação de feedbacks visual e cinestésico; (c) prática motora, com privação de feedback auditivo; (d) prática de tirar de ouvido, com privação de feedback visual. 64 sessões de coletas de dados foram realizadas, nas quais os 16 participantes praticaram sob as quatro condições, com o balanceamento da distribuição das variáveis sendo assegurado por um quadrado latino. As sessões de coleta de dados envolveram a prática, por período de até 15 minutos, sob as condições impostas, a gravação de produto de performance e a realização de entrevista semiestruturada. A análise dos dados envolveu o cômputo de incidências dos comportamentos observáveis durante a prática gravada, de acordo com 15 categorias propostas, bem como a avaliação dos produtos de performance por três árbitros independentes. Os resultados apontaram diferenças quanto aos seguintes aspectos: o tamanho dos trechos abordados, a seleção dos meios de execução (mãos juntas e mãos separadas) e o emprego de mecanismos de manipulação e pausas entre as quatro condições. Interações observadas entre comportamentos no âmbito de cada modalidade (por meio de análise de componentes principais e escalonamento multidimensional) evidenciam formas diferentes de construção e manipulação representacional em cada condição, conferindo às condições diferentes naturezas, a saber: especulativa na prática mental; elusiva na prática auditiva; motora e mecânica na prática motora; e manipulativa na prática de tirar de ouvido. Avaliações dos produtos de performance gerados atestam a inviabilidade, na amostra investigada, da utilização da prática auditiva como meio de construção performático e a viabilidade da prática mental para esse mesmo fim. Conclui-se que as diferentes modalidades de privações sensoriais investigadas possuem diferentes especificidades com relação à formação e manipulação de representações mentais associadas ao aprendizado de materiais musicais novos.The present thesis aimed to investigate the specificities of mental representations as a function of different conditions of feedback deprivation by students at different academic levels. An experiment was designed in which 16 participants learned four pieces by the composer Franz Schubert in different conditions of sensory deprivations, in a cognitivist perspective already adopted in studies such as Wollner and Williamon (2007) and Brown and Palmer (2012). The 16 participants we allocated to four different groups, according to their levels of formal instruction: university extension program; freshmen and sophomore; junior and senior; and graduate. The four conditions of sensory deprivation involved were so defined: (a) mental practice, with deprivation of auditory and kinesthetic feedbacks; (b) auditory practice, with deprivation of visual and kinesthetic feedbacks; (c) motor practice, with deprivation of auditory feedback; (d) learning by ear, with the deprivation of visual feedback. 64 experimental sessions were conducted wherein the participants practiced under the four conditions. The balanced distribution of the variables was assured by the utilization of a Latin square design. During the experimental sessions the participants practiced for periods whose duration did not exceed 15 minutes under the imposed conditions, recorded performance products and participated in semi-structured interviews. Data analysis involved the scoring of incidences of the observable behaviors according to 15 categories. The performance products were assessed by three independent referees. Results pointed to differences regarding the following aspects: the length of practiced music spans, the selection of means of execution (hands together and separate), the utilization of manipulation mechanisms, and the occurrence of pauses across the four conditions. Observed interactions among the behaviors in the scope of each modality (assessed via principal components analysis and multidimensional scaling) pointed to different ways of constructing and manipulating representations in each condition, endowing each of them with a distinctive nature: speculative in mental practice; elusive in auditory practice; motor and mechanic in motor practice; and manipulative in playing by ear. Assessments of the performance products attested the infeasibility of auditory practice as a means for generating performances. Mental practice was deemed valid when aiming to achieve performance products. Concluding, the different modalities of sensory deprivations possess different specificities with relation to mental representations associated to the learning of novel music materials