31 research outputs found

    Dampak E-commerce Terhadap Pengendalian Internal Dan Proses Audit

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    The USAge of an Internet has been developing fastly in recent years. Many companies have been increased their business competitiveness by following these developments to make cooperation and doing trade electronically, which is popularly known as e-commerce. E-commerce is defined as the ability to conduct transactions between two or more parties using computers which is connected together in networks. E-commerce on the entire transaction is conducted electronically and some corporate accounting system can be accessed by outsiders, it brings an impact for its internal control. E-commerce brings an impact for company internal control that raises new issues regarding the validity of transactions, transaction authorization, and security of company property. On e-commerce business the need of physical evidence in the form of paper will also be decreased because all the electronic documents, electronic data, electronic payments, digital signatures and electronic transactions, it saves more paper in the company environment, also known as paperless. Those changes also impact in company auditing process which is did by an external auditor because all of the evidences are in electronical proof. So external auditor has to understand the company's accounting internal controls system to obtain reliable evidence. As a note to get an evidence, analysis evidence and to test internal control and substantive, the external auditor is required to use a software audit

    IT adoption by internal auditors in public sector: A conceptual study

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    This study is initiated by the interest in understanding Information Technology (IT) adoption by government internal auditors. With the tremendous development of IT in public sectors such as e-government that has been developed to support National IT and transformation agenda, the auditors also are expected to equip not only with the knowledge of IT but also with the tools required to work with this situation.The objectives of this study are to investigate the current IT adoption among internal auditors and to identify the factors that influence IT adoption or non-adoption.This study is expected to discover the current IT adoption practices by government internal auditors.The items for the factor that influence the usage or non-usage of IT in performing the audit tasks also will be catalogued and it will then help to design the model of IT adoption and to guide the future study in exploring IT adoption by internal auditors in public sector

    Forensic Accounting: a Relief to Corporate Fraud

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    We investigated the effect of forensic accounting on corporate fraud and performance outcome in the Nigerian manufacturing sector. Using a match sample of 306 manufacturing firms registered with the Manufacturing Association of Nigeria (MAN). 3 hypotheses proposed and tested and the findings revealed that corporate fraud is on the increase in this sector of the economy, and the reason is that most managers want to be independent at the expense of their employers. That most managers incorporate firms that supply goods to their company at very high prices thereby increasing cost of production. Keywords: Corporate Fraud, Financial Reporting, Financial Statement, Forensic Accounting, Managemen

    Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Adoption and Use of Continuous Audit Tools and Techniques: Comparison between the public and private sector

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    The aim of this study is to identify the factors that significantly affect current and potential users of the continuous audit tools and techniques. Apart from this, users are faced with an emerging technology that is in the initial phases of implementation. Subjects of this study are auditors of the Big-4 and of the Chamber of Accounts of Spain. The questionnaire is based on the Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) and the Structural Model based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The comparative study between the private and public sectors allows us to note that the peculiarities and differences between private and public bodies bear an influence when it comes to accepting and using a given innovation in the work routine

    Auditoria Contínua - o Futuro da Auditoria no Contexto dos Enterprise Resource Planning

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    Os sistemas de informação empresarias, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), conjuntamente com as recentes tecnologias de negócios da era digital, tem levado a profundas mudanças no sistema de informação contabilístico. Neste contexto, a auditoria tradicional transforma-se com a realidade da auditoria contínua. O objetivo deste estudo é compreender e demonstrar o processo de evolução da auditoria tradicional para a auditoria contínua com o aparecimento dos sistemas de informação empresariais ERP´s. Esta investigação é do tipo exploratório-descritiva, de natureza qualitativa e realizada através de revisão da literatura. Os principais resultados demonstram, entre outros aspetos, a auditoriacontínua como o futuro da auditoria tradicional

    The Adaptation and Routinization Processes of A Continuous Auditing System Implementation

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    How to adopt computer-assisted auditing techniques (CAATTs) quickly and develop a continuous auditing system are the critical issues for the implementation of automated auditing techniques. In this research, we study the technological adaptation process of a case company, which continuously implemented four CAATTs projects in three years. We summarized and analyzed the routinization process of how the case company adapted their computer-aided audit procedures from an experimental action to daily usage. An approach based on organizational routines theories was adopted to study group learning and interactions among project members, and to understand how they integrated automated auditing techniques and mechanisms into the existing manual auditing procedures. The process also reveals the incremental progress of an emerging routine from CAATTs adoption to continuous auditing systems. The research results show that the documentation of CAATTs projects and group learning among different functions contribute to the routinization of automated auditing procedures; the continuous auditing system based on the automated auditing program also contributes to routinely audited tasks. However, the improvisational nature of auditing activities, implicit characteristics within general auditing software, and rigidity of automatic auditing programs cause the resistance of internal auditors on CAATTs use, and also impede the emergence and flexibility of computer-aided auditing procedures

    Does Auditor Objectivity Impact on the Relationship Between Information Technology and Efficiency and Effectiveness of Auditing: Evidence from Iraq

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    This work aims to determine the effect of information technology on effectiveness and efficiency of auditors in the context of non-profit organizations in Iraq. Also to investigate the mediating influence on the relationship between information technology and the audit process' effectiveness and efficiency. The study framework was based on those reported in literature pertaining to the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). The target population in this work are auditors of Iraqi non-profit organizations. 354 questionnaires were sent to the participants, however, only 262 were returned and deemed applicable for this work, which culminates in a 74.3 percent response rate. SPSS (Statistical Package of Social Science) version 24 was utilized to examine the research model. The data were processed using many statistical techniques, such as (Descriptive Statistics, Correlations Analysis and Multiple Regressions). The study found that there is a significant influence on the auditors' objectivity due to their role as a mediator on the relationship between IT and auditing non-profit organizations. The findings also confirmed that the auditors are required to upgrade their knowledge vis-à-vis computerized information systems to plan, direct, supervise, and review the performed tasks. The implications of these findings in this work are significant for managers and auditors, while also providing insights and encouraging evaluation of computerized accounting systems


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    Financial auditing is faced with an intensified regulatory framework and an increasing volume of ac-counting-relevant data. In order to address these challenges, information technology (IT) and corre-sponding information systems (IS) are implemented to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of audit services. In this context, continuous auditing (CA) is defined as an approach to deliver audit assurance in terms of an audit subject in real-time or almost real-time. Although CA is discussed in literature for more than thirty years, fully implemented CA systems are still exceptional cases in practice. The aim of this paper is to structure the relevant CA literature and to discuss insights in order to derive major challenges of CA adoption. To do so, we followed a structured literature review approach including backward search and forward search according to Webster and Watson (2002). Consequently, we trans-form insights and trends of CA research into a conceptual model by describing a scenario of a cloud-based service provider. Our results have a number of implications for both researchers and practition-ers. Foremost, we suggest researchers and practitioners to direct their attention on the changes of tra-ditional paradigms and focus on the digitization of the economy


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    Information technology has changed the business transaction, recording dan business process. When most financial information exist in electronic form, auditors should consider audit procedures. In the other hand, the use of information technology can be used to improve the audit techniques and tools. The information technology also can help auditor increase their productivity, as well as that of the audit function. Generalized audit software is the tool use by auditors to automate various audit tasks. This method is rarely used by auditors because they have to examine the whole data. It will takes more time and more money. When accounting and electronic data interchange popularizing, the computerized audit tools are becoming more necessary. With electronic data interchange, an entity and it’s customers or suppliers use communication links to transact business electronically, but some electronic evidence may exist for only a short time and be irretrievable after a specified period if files are changed and backup files do not exist. Thus, auditors should consider the time during which information exists or is available in determining the nature, timing and extent of their substantive tests and applicable tests of controls

    Process-mining-enabled audit of information systems: Methodology and an application

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    Current methodologies for Information Systems (ISs) audits suffer from some limitations that could question the effectiveness of such procedures in detecting deviations, frauds, or abuses. Process Mining (PM), a set of business-process-related diagnostic and improvement techniques, can tackle these weaknesses, but literature lacks contributions that address this possibility concretely. Thus, by framing PM as an Expert System (ES) engine, this paper presents a five-step PM-based methodology for IS audits and validates it through a case in a freight export port process managed by a Port Community System (PCS), an open electronic platform enabling information exchange among port stakeholders. The validation pointed out some advantages (e.g. depth of analysis, easier automation, less invasiveness) of our PM-enabled methodology over extant ESs and tools for IS audit. The substantive test and the check on the PCS processing controls and output controls allowed to identify four major non-conformances likely implying both legal and operational risks, and two unforeseen process deviations that were not known by the port authority, but that could improve the flexibility of the process. These outcomes set the stage for an export process reengineering, and for revising the boundaries in the process flow of the PCS