889 research outputs found

    Anonymity and trust in the electronic world

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    Privacy has never been an explicit goal of authorization mechanisms. The traditional approach to authorisation relies on strong authentication of a stable identity using long term credentials. Audit is then linked to authorization via the same identity. Such an approach compels users to enter into a trust relationship with large parts of the system infrastructure, including entities in remote domains. In this dissertation we advance the view that this type of compulsive trust relationship is unnecessary and can have undesirable consequences. We examine in some detail the consequences which such undesirable trust relationships can have on individual privacy, and investigate the extent to which taking a unified approach to trust and anonymity can actually provide useful leverage to address threats to privacy without compromising the principal goals of authentication and audit. We conclude that many applications would benefit from mechanisms which enabled them to make authorization decisions without using long-term credentials. We next propose specific mechanisms to achieve this, introducing a novel notion of a short-lived electronic identity, which we call a surrogate. This approach allows a localisation of trust and entities are not compelled to transitively trust other entities in remote domains. In particular, resolution of stable identities needs only ever to be done locally to the entity named. Our surrogates allow delegation, enable role-based access control policies to be enforced across multiple domains, and permit the use of non-anonymous payment mechanisms, all without compromising the privacy of a user. The localisation of trust resulting from the approach proposed in this dissertation also has the potential to allow clients to control the risks to which they are exposed by bearing the cost of relevant countermeasures themselves, rather than forcing clients to trust the system infrastructure to protect them and to bear an equal share of the cost of all countermeasures whether or not effective for them. This consideration means that our surrogate-based approach and mechanisms are of interest even in Kerberos-like scenarios where anonymity is not a requirement, but the remote authentication mechanism is untrustworthy

    Anonymous Authentication for Smartcards

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    The paper presents an innovative solution in the field of RFID (Radio-Frequency IDentification) smartcard authentication. Currently the smartcards are used for many purposes - e.g. employee identification, library cards, student cards or even identity credentials. Personal identity is revealed to untrustworthy entities every time we use these cards. Such information could later be used without our knowledge and for harmful reasons like shopping pattern scanning or even movement tracking. We present a communication scheme for keeping one’s identity private in this paper. Although our system provides anonymity, it does not allow users to abuse this feature. The system is based on strong cryptographic primitives that provide features never available before. Besides theoretical design of the anonymous authentication scheme and its analysis we also provide implementation results

    A Decentralised Digital Identity Architecture

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    Current architectures to validate, certify, and manage identity are based on centralised, top-down approaches that rely on trusted authorities and third-party operators. We approach the problem of digital identity starting from a human rights perspective, with a primary focus on identity systems in the developed world. We assert that individual persons must be allowed to manage their personal information in a multitude of different ways in different contexts and that to do so, each individual must be able to create multiple unrelated identities. Therefore, we first define a set of fundamental constraints that digital identity systems must satisfy to preserve and promote privacy as required for individual autonomy. With these constraints in mind, we then propose a decentralised, standards-based approach, using a combination of distributed ledger technology and thoughtful regulation, to facilitate many-to-many relationships among providers of key services. Our proposal for digital identity differs from others in its approach to trust in that we do not seek to bind credentials to each other or to a mutually trusted authority to achieve strong non-transferability. Because the system does not implicitly encourage its users to maintain a single aggregated identity that can potentially be constrained or reconstructed against their interests, individuals and organisations are free to embrace the system and share in its benefits.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    Blockchain, consensus, and cryptography in electronic voting

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    Motivated by the recent trends to conduct electronic elections using blockchain technologies, we review the vast literature on cryptographic voting and assess the status of the field. We analyze the security requirements for voting systems and describe the major ideas behind the most influential cryptographic protocols for electronic voting. We focus on the great importance of consensus in the elimination of trusted third parties. Finally, we examine whether recent blockchain innovations can satisfy the strict requirements set for the security of electronic voting