13 research outputs found

    Tracking the Active Speaker Based on a Joint Audio-Visual Observation Model

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    International audienceAny multi-party conversation system benefits from speaker diarization, that is, the assignment of speech signals among the participants. We here cast the diarization problem into a tracking formulation whereby the active speaker is detected and tracked over time. A probabilistic tracker exploits the on-image (spatial) coincidence of visual and auditory observations and infers a single latent variable which represents the identity of the active speaker. Both visual and auditory observations are explained by a recently proposed weighted-data mixture model, while several options for the speaking turns dynamics are fulfilled by a multi-case transition model. The modules that translate raw audio and visual data into on-image observations are also described in detail. The performance of the proposed tracker is tested on challenging data-sets that are available from recent contributions which are used as baselines for comparison

    Person Tracking Using Audio and Depth Cues

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    In this paper, a novel probabilistic Bayesian tracking scheme is proposed and applied to bimodal measurements consisting of tracking results from the depth sensor and audio recordings collected using binaural microphones. We use random finite sets to cope with varying number of tracking targets. A measurement-driven birth process is integrated to quickly localize any emerging person. A new bimodal fusion method that prioritizes the most confident modality is employed. The approach was tested on real room recordings and experimental results show that the proposed combination of audio and depth outperforms individual modalities, particularly when there are multiple people talking simultaneously and when occlusions are frequent

    Video-aided model-based source separation in real reverberant rooms

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    Source separation algorithms that utilize only audio data can perform poorly if multiple sources or reverberation are present. In this paper we therefore propose a video-aided model-based source separation algorithm for a two-channel reverberant recording in which the sources are assumed static. By exploiting cues from video, we first localize individual speech sources in the enclosure and then estimate their directions. The interaural spatial cues, the interaural phase difference and the interaural level difference, as well as the mixing vectors are probabilistically modeled. The models make use of the source direction information and are evaluated at discrete timefrequency points. The model parameters are refined with the wellknown expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. The algorithm outputs time-frequency masks that are used to reconstruct the individual sources. Simulation results show that by utilizing the visual modality the proposed algorithm can produce better timefrequency masks thereby giving improved source estimates. We provide experimental results to test the proposed algorithm in different scenarios and provide comparisons with both other audio-only and audio-visual algorithms and achieve improved performance both on synthetic and real data. We also include dereverberation based pre-processing in our algorithm in order to suppress the late reverberant components from the observed stereo mixture and further enhance the overall output of the algorithm. This advantage makes our algorithm a suitable candidate for use in under-determined highly reverberant settings where the performance of other audio-only and audio-visual methods is limited

    Detection and localization of 3d audio-visual objects using unsupervised clustering

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    Efficient Video Coding based on Audio-Visual Focus of Attention

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    This paper proposes an efficient video coding method using audio-visual focus of attention, which is based on the observation that sound-emitting regions in an audio-visual sequence draw viewers' attention. First, an audio-visual source localization algorithm is presented, where the sound source is identified by using the correlation between the sound signal and the visual motion information. The localization result is then used to encode different regions in the scene with different quality in such a way that regions close to the source are encoded with higher quality than those far from the source. This is implemented in the framework of H.264/AVC by assigning different quantization parameters for different regions. Through experiments with both standard and high definition sequences, it is demonstrated that the proposed method can yield considerable coding gains over the constant quantization mode of H.264/AVC without noticeable degradation of perceived quality

    Detection and Localization of 3D Audio-Visual Objects Using Unsupervised Clustering

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the issues of detecting and localizing objects in a scene that are both seen and heard. We explain the benefits of a human-like configuration of sensors (binaural and binocular) for gathering auditory and visual observations. It is shown that the detection and localization problem can be recast as the task of clustering the audio-visual observations into coherent groups. We propose a probabilistic generative model that captures the relations between audio and visual observations. This model maps the data into a common audio-visual 3D representation via a pair of mixture models. Inference is performed by a version of the expectationmaximization algorithm, which is formally derived, and which provides cooperative estimates of both the auditory activity and the 3D position of each object. We describe several experiments with single- and multiple-speaker detection and localization, in the presence of other audio sources

    Hypothesis Testing and Model Estimation with Dependent Observations in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks

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    Advances in microelectronics, communication and signal processing have enabled the development of inexpensive sensors that can be networked to collect vital information from their environment to be used in decision-making and inference. The sensors transmit their data to a central processor which integrates the information from the sensors using a so-called fusion algorithm. Many applications of sensor networks (SNs) involve hypothesis testing or the detection of a phenomenon. Many approaches to data fusion for hypothesis testing assume that, given each hypothesis, the sensors\u27 measurements are conditionally independent. However, since the sensors are densely deployed in practice, their field of views overlap and consequently their measurements are dependent. Moreover, a sensor\u27s measurement samples may be correlated over time. Another assumption often used in data fusion algorithms is that the underlying statistical model of sensors\u27 observations is completely known. However, in practice these statistics may not be available prior to deployment and may change over the lifetime of the network due to hardware changes, aging, and environmental conditions. In this dissertation, we consider the problem of data fusion in heterogeneous SNs (SNs in which the sensors are not identical) collecting dependent data. We develop the expectation maximization algorithm for hypothesis testing and model estimation. Copula distributions are used to model the correlation in the data. Moreover, it is assumed that the distribution of the sensors\u27 measurements is not completely known. we consider both parametric and non-parametric model estimation. The proposed approach is developed for both batch and online processing. In batch processing, fusion can only be performed after a block of data samples is received from each sensor, while in online processing, fusion is performed upon arrival of each data sample. Online processing is of great interest since for many applications, the long delay required for the accumulation of data in batch processing is not acceptable. To evaluate the proposed algorithms, both simulation data and real-world datasets are used. Detection performances of the proposed algorithms are compared with well-known supervised and unsupervised learning methods as well as with similar EM-based methods, which either partially or entirely ignore the dependence in the data