1 research outputs found

    Cognitive and Brain-inspired Processing Using Parallel Algorithms and Heterogeneous Chip Multiprocessor Architectures

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    This thesis explores how some neuromorphic engineering approaches can be used to speed up computations and reduce power consumption using neuromorphic hardware systems. These hardware designs are not well-suited to conventional algorithms, so new approaches must be used to take advantage of the parallel nature of these architectures. Background regarding probabilistic graphical models is presented along with brain-inspired ways to perform inference in Bayesian networks. A spiking neuron implementation is developed on two general-purpose parallel neuromorphic hardware devices, the SpiNNaker and the Parallella. Scalability results are shown along with speed improvements as compared to using mainstream processors on a desktop computer. General vector-matrix multiplication computations at various levels of precision are also explored using IBM's TrueNorth Neurosynaptic System. The TrueNorth contains highly-configurable hardware neurons and axons connected via crossbar arrays and consumes very little power but is less flexible than a more general-purpose neuromorphic system such as the SpiNNaker. Nevertheless, techniques described here enable useful computations to be performed utilizing such crossbar arrays with spiking neurons including computing word similarities using trained word vector embeddings. Another technique describes how to perform computations using only one column of the crossbar array at a time despite the fact that incoming spikes normally affect all columns of the array. A way to perform cognitive audio-visual beamforming is presented. Using two systems, each containing a spherical microphone array, sounds are localized using spherical harmonic beamforming. Combining the microphone arrays with 360 degree cameras provides an opportunity to overlay the sound localization with the visual data and create a combined audio-visual salience map. Cognitive computations can be performed on the audio signals to localize specific sounds while ignoring others based on their spectral characteristics. Finally, an ARM Cortex M0 processor design is shown that will be used to bootstrap and coordinate other processing units on a chip developed in the lab for the DARPA Unconventional Processing of Signals for Intelligent Data Exploitation (UPSIDE) program. This design includes a bootloader which provides full programmability each time the chip is booted, and the processor interfaces with other hardware modules to access the Networks-on-Chip and main memory