3,372 research outputs found

    On-demand Audio Streaming Menggunakan Metode Peer to Peer Block Scheduling

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    Audio streaming adalah memainkanberkas suara lewat jaringan sebelum berkas sepenuhnyaselesai diunduh, saat ini semakin banyak yangmemanfaatkan audio streaming. Makin banyaknya orangyang menggunakan audio streaming menimbulkanmasalah pada penerapan sistem audio streamingkonvensional yang terpusat. Dengan sistem terpusatmaka sumberdaya yang dibutuhkan pelayan (server)pusat harus makin besar mengikuti perkembanganpengguna. Pada audio streaming peer to peer metodeblock scheduling tidak ada pelayan (server) terpusat yangterbebani, melainkan beban didistribusikan padapengguna itu sendiri. Audio streaming Peer to Peermetode block scheduling di Implementasikanmenggunakan protokol TCP dengan memanfaatkan APISocket. Dari hasil pengujian beban pelayanan audiostreaming terbagi hampir sama rata pada sistem audiostreaming peer to peer metode block scheduling.Kata Kunci— Audio Streaming, Peer to Peer, TCP,Socket


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    Audio streaming adalah memainkanberkas suara lewat jaringan sebelum berkas sepenuhnyaselesai diunduh, saat ini semakin banyak yangmemanfaatkan audio streaming. Makin banyaknya orangyang menggunakan audio streaming menimbulkanmasalah pada penerapan sistem audio streamingkonvensional yang terpusat. Dengan sistem terpusatmaka sumberdaya yang dibutuhkan pelayan (server)pusat harus makin besar mengikuti perkembanganpengguna. Pada audio streaming peer to peer metodeblock scheduling tidak ada pelayan (server) terpusat yangterbebani, melainkan beban didistribusikan padapengguna itu sendiri. Audio streaming Peer to Peermetode block scheduling di Implementasikanmenggunakan protokol TCP dengan memanfaatkan APISocket. Dari hasil pengujian beban pelayanan audiostreaming terbagi hampir sama rata pada sistem audiostreaming peer to peer metode block scheduling.Kata Kunci— Audio Streaming, Peer to Peer, TCP,Socket

    Spotify: Strategic Plan and Analysis

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    Spotify is a worldwide music and podcast streaming company. Spotify has the most active users of any audio streaming company in the world and is a key competitor in a growing industry. It is important to evaluate the external environment and internal forces that impact Spotify’s strategic decision-making to identify opportunities and threats that could change the audio streaming landscape. Drawing on industry research, company financial statements, and media reports, this paper analyzes the external and internal environment of Spotify to identify a strategic recommendation for the company going forward. I analyze different business frameworks to evaluate the competitive landscape and current resources available to Spotify. This analysis provides the basis of my recommendation for Spotify to create its own original content in the music industry to differentiate itself from competitors and lower its cost structure in an effort to reach profitability. This paper encourages Spotify to evaluate the strategic potential and financial viability of creating original music content to establish itself as the leader of the audio streaming industry


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    ABSTRAKSI: Streaming merupakan sebuah teknologi yang mampu mengkompresi atau menyusutkan ukuran file audio dan video agar mudah ditransfer melalui media transmisi. Audio streaming yang biasanya ditransmisikan menggunakan jaringan IP, pada saat ini dapat dilewatkan melalui jaringan wireless bluetooth, menggunakan bluetooth A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Protocol) atau disebut juga bluetooth stereo, sebagai media transmisi untuk membawa paket data streaming.Bluetooth adalah standar radio dan protokol utama komunikasi yang didesain dengan konsumsi daya yang hemat dan mampu menyediakan layanan komunikasi data dan suara secara real-time. Bluetooth beroperasi dalam pita frekuensi 2,45 GHz unlicensed ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) memiliki jangkauan terbatas antara 10 hingga 100 meter. A2DP mendefinisikan protokol dan prosedur yang mendistribusikan audio content dengan kualitas tinggi dalam format mono atau stereo melalui bluetooth dari sebuah perangkat ke perangkat lainnya dan bersifat satu arah.Pemodelan dalam penelitian dilakukan pada server dan client. Dengan menggunakan profile A2DP, bluetooth tepat jika digunakan sebagai media streaming untuk musik atau audio dengan menggunakan format codec audio MP3. Kanal ACL (Asynchronous Connection-Less) link dalam bluetooth yang biasanya digunakan untuk mengirim paket data, dengan besar bandwidth link adalah 723 kbps, dapat digunakan untuk mengirimkan paket data audio streaming dari server ke client. Audio streaming dilakukan secara point to point, dengan sebuah client, dan point to multipoint, yaitu dari server ke 3 client.Analisa sistem dari audio streaming menggunakan bluetooth A2DP menunjukan bahwa dengan bertambahnya jumlah client yang mengakses dan background traffic, maka throughput akan menurun hingga 56,65%, delay akan meningkat hingga 7,448 s, jitter meningkat hingga 2,65 s, dan packet loss meningkat hingga 22,26%.Kata Kunci : audio streaming, bluetooth, A2DP, MP3ABSTRACT: Streaming is a technology that can compress size of audio and video file in order to make it easier to transfer in any transmission media. We know that audio streaming is commonly transmitted using IP network, but now it can be transmitted via wireless Bluetooth, with bluetooth A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Protocol) or it is known by bluetooth stereo transmission as media for packet data streaming carrier.Bluetooth is a radio standard and communication main protocol which is designed with low power consumption and can provide data and voice communication service in real-time. Bluetooth works on 2.45 GHz band unlicensed ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) and has limited range between 10 to 100 meters. A2DP defines protocol and procedure which distributes high quality audio content in mono or stereo format trough bluetooth from equipment to another in one direction.The observation model is run with server and client. With A2DP profile, bluetooth is properly compatible as streaming media for music or audio with MP3 audio codec format. ACL (Asynchronous Connection-Less) channel link in bluetooth that is commonly used for data packet, with 723 kbps link bandwidth, can be used for transmit audio streaming data packet from server to client. Audio streaming is run by point to point, with a client, and point to multipoint, i.e. from server to three clients.The system analysis from audio streaming using bluetooth A2DP shows that with clients increasing and background traffic, throughput declines up to 56.65 %, delay is risen up to 7.448 s, jitter is risen up to 2.65 s, and packet loss is risen up to 22.26%.Keyword: audio streaming, bluetooth, A2DP, MP

    Audio Cards Clock Skew Compensation over a Local Network

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    This paper is the continuation of a previous work done on clock skew compensation over a high latency network. It evaluates the efficiency of the EPTMA clock skew detection algorithm applied to real-time audio streaming over a local network. The presented results include real world apparent deviations of audio card clocks and acuracy of the skew detection. It appears that EPMTA is very suitable to measure clocks deviation in the context of audio transport. Finally, a simple method to compensate for the clock skew is presented, mainly to evaluate a complete solution for audio streaming

    Real Time Digital Audio Streaming Over The Internet Network

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    The distributions of music over the internet have become the popular ways for the music lovers to exchange their music experience. Since the file can be downloaded easily, especially using the mp3 format, users don't have to wait for a long a time to listen to any songs of their interest. Most of the music companies also have taken a step in introducing their recording artist by allowing user to hear a preview ofthe songs through websites, using the audio streaming technique. Ofcourse, they are several ways a user can choose to listen to music, but the streaming is basically to create an alternative way in broadcasting and to share the music experienced over the internet network. The objective of this project is to create a system where two computers can listen to a high quality audio through audio streaming in real-time. This project covers a network programming, multimedia application and some of the softwareengineering knowledge in implementing the audio streaming program. Using Visual Basic 6 as them main programming language, both the networking programming and GUI or Graphical User Interface ofthe program can be applied. The results produced are the full working programthat enabled user to have a good qualityaudio streaming betweentwo computers and also the project flow before and after the audio streaming. The founding from the results are discussed and concluded as a whole, where the aim of the studies have been fulfilled, thus making the project success. Finally, the author has made several recommendations to improve the relevant study and future works.

    Audio Streaming System Using Real-Time Transport Protocol Based on Java Media Framework

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    Audio streaming is an important component of multimedia networking applications.Today’s Internet, however, offers only poor support for such streams due to the lack of the bandwidth and network traffic problems. The work presented in this thesis discusses the problems of real-time audio streaming and investigates solutions for improving the audio data transmitting over the network.To achieve audio media data transmitting over the network in an efficient manner (realtime), the following issues: Initial delay of playing time (downloading time); current streaming protocols which can not cope well with network congestion; compression algorithms efficiency; network bandwidth utilization (network infrastructure); and security concerns of content owners, need to be considered.In this thesis, the implementation method of a real-time audio streaming service system is discussed. The performance of the system implementation both in terms of resulting packet loss, initial delay and delay jitter is presented. This thesis describes audio streaming transmission protocols that are used to implement the system, the system architecture and how the system investigates and addresses the previous issues. A design proposal was outlined to provide an adaptive client/server approach to stream audio contents using Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) involving architecture based on the Java Media Framework (JMF) Application Programmable Interfaces (API).RTP protocol is the Internet-standard protocol for the transport of real-time data, including audio and video and can be implemented by using Java Media Framework (JMF). Java Media Framework library and the RTP protocol for audio transmission were used as development tools.The developed system designed in this thesis together with experimental results proved that the system could be implemented successfully. A prototype of the developed system has been implemented and experiments over the Laboratory Local Area Network (LAN)and UPM campus LAN to investigate the issues mentioned before