4 research outputs found


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    O uso de interfaces naturais em sistemas computacionais vem aumentado devido Ć  evoluĆ§Ć£o das tecnologias de toque, gesto e voz, permitindo criar aplicaƧƵes extremamente ricas especialmente para pessoas com pouca experiĆŖncia ou com necessidades especiais. Em situaƧƵes de emergĆŖncia, como nos apresenta o aplicativo Alerta Brusque, Ć© fundamental a fĆ”cil interaĆ§Ć£o dos usuĆ”rios com o aplicativo para localizar rapidamente as informaƧƵes de acesso aos nĆ­veis de rio e chuva em situaĆ§Ć£o de preocupaĆ§Ć£o extrema. Este artigo refere-se a um projeto de pesquisa que visa implementar funcionalidades de comando por voz e resposta automĆ”tica por Ć”udio das informaƧƵes sobre nĆ­vel de rio e chuva do rio ItajaĆ­ Mirim no aplicativo Alerta Brusque, atravĆ©s da conversĆ£o da voz em comandos inteligentes e converter sua resposta em voz atendendo de forma imediata Ć s necessidades do usuĆ”rio, aumentando a relaĆ§Ć£o do usuĆ”rio com dispositivo mĆ³vel

    Comandos de reconhecimento de voz em soluƧƵes corporativas

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    O uso do reconhecimento de voz em aplicaƧƵes mĆ³veis aumentadevido aos avanƧos que essa Ć”rea obteve nos Ćŗltimos anos. No entanto, autilizaĆ§Ć£o da voz como alternativa mais natural em sistemas corporativos nĆ£oĆ© muito explorada. Neste trabalho, um sistema corporativo foi adaptado parautilizar reconhecimento de voz com a Web Speech API e expressƵes regulares.Realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa sobre a opiniĆ£o dos usuĆ”rios na utilizaĆ§Ć£odo reconhecimento de voz no dia a dia. Demonstramos que o uso de expressĆ£oregular com engines de reconhecimento de voz Ć© viĆ”vel mesmo para aplicaƧƵesweb. AlĆ©m disso, hĆ” uma indicaĆ§Ć£o de que os usuĆ”rios entendem o reconhecimentode voz como uma alternativa viĆ”vel mas ainda resistem ao uso porquestƵes culturais

    Auditory Display Design : An Investigation of a Design Pattern Approach

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    PhDThis thesis investigates the design of audio for feedback in human-technology interactionā€” auditory displays. Despite promising progress in research and the potential benefits, we currently see little impact of audio in everyday interfaces. Changing interaction paradigms, new contexts of use and inclusive design principles, however, increase the need for an efficient, non-visual means of conveying information. Motivated by these needs, this work describes the development and evaluation of a methodological design framework, aiming to enhance knowledge and skill transfer in auditory display design and to enable designers to build more efficient and compelling auditory solutions. The work starts by investigating the current practice in designing audio in the user interface. A survey amongst practitioners and researchers in the field and a literature study of research papers highlighted the need for a structured design approach. Building on these results, paco ā€“ pattern design in the context space has been developed, a framework providing methods to capture, apply and refine design knowledge through design patterns. A key element of paco, the context space, serves as the organising principle for patterns, artefacts and design problems and supports designers in conceptualising the design space. The evaluation of paco is the first comparative study of a design methodology in this area. Experts in auditory display design and novice designers participated in a series of experiments to determine the usefulness of the framework. The evaluation demonstrated that paco facilitates the transfer of design knowledge and skill between experts and novices as well as promoting reflection and recording of design rationale. Alongside these principle achievements, important insights have been gained about the design process which lay the foundations for future research into this subject area. This work contributes to the field of auditory display as it reflects on the current practice and proposes a means of supporting designers to communicate, reason about and build on each otherā€™s work more efficiently. The broader field of human-computer interaction may also benefit from the availability of design guidance for exploiting the auditory modality to answer the challenges of future interaction design. Finally, with paco a generic methodology in the field of design patterns was proposed, potentially similarly beneficial to other designing disciplines

    Audio Navigation Patterns

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    Nowadays, the design of effiient speech interfaces is considered to be more an art than an engineering science. Several guidelines exist, but are more or less hints about what should be avoided. We introduce a first set of patterns integrating many guidelines and solution approaches developed during the past 15 years. Our goal is to document and share this knowledge with new designers as well as providing a language to talk about Voice User Interface (VUI) designs