20 research outputs found

    Psychophysiological Assessment Of Fear Experience In Response To Sound During Computer Video Gameplay

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    The audio Uncanny Valley:Sound, fear and the horror game

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    In-Game Intoxication: Demonstrating the Evaluation of the Audio Experience of Games with a Focus on Altered States of Consciousness

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    In this chapter, we consider a particular method of specifically evaluating the user experience of game audio. To provide a domain of game audio to evaluate, we focus on an increasingly occuring phenomenon in game; that of the altered state of consciousness. Our approach seeks to evaluate user experience of game audio from normal gameplay and gameplay that features altered states. As such, a brief background to person-centered approaches to use experience evaluation is presented and then we provide a detailed description of the method that has been adopted in this chapter: the use of personal construct theory via repertory grid interviews

    Virtual Reality and Its Potential for Stress Therapy

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    VR technology is the combination of AI technology, multimedia technology, computer networks technology, computer graphics technology and designed into a new HCI technology through which users can experience and interact with 3D environment using visual, auditory, haptic, taste, and so on interactions, similar to real-world experience. This paper explored the virtual reality and its potentials for stress therapies. Implications and future researches were also discusse

    Let’s Talk Games:An Expert Exploration of Speech Interaction with NPCs

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    Recent years have witnessed significant advances in speech recognition and language processing technologies, enabling natural language conversations with computers. Concurrently, the gaming industry seeks to heighten immersion as one of the leading mediums for entertainment. This work investigates the potential and challenges of using speech interaction in single-player video games, particularly for interactions with NPCs. We conducted an online survey with video game experts ((Formula presented.)) alongside in-depth interviews with researchers specializing in conversational user interfaces and game user research ((Formula presented.)). Our findings emphasize experts’ recognition of the considerable potential of speech interaction in games, fostering increased immersion, engagement, and entertainment. Additionally, experts address pertinent concerns like privacy issues and play environment limitations. Drawing from our findings, we provide practical recommendations for integrating speech interaction in single-player games. These encompass potential benefits, challenges, accessibility, and social implications. We further address potential regulatory requirements and offer implementation tips to enhance player experience.</p

    Principios pedagógicos en la adquisición de lenguas extranjeras mediante el enfoque basado en juegos digitales

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    [ES] La comercialización masiva de los Smartphone y Tablets a finales de la década de los 2000 parece haber sido uno de los principales marcadores del inicio de la última revolución digital (Meyer, 2018). Como resultado de esta innovación tecnológica, la sociedad contemporánea ha sufrido multitud de cambios incluyendo nuevos conceptos en las telecomunicaciones, relaciones sociales, gestión del comercio y servicios, y también en la educación y el ocio (Ayala-Pérez, 2011). Precisamente, esta revisión bibliográfica se centra en explicar la conexión de estas dos últimas en cuanto a los efectos de la mencionada revolución digital. Dichas herramientas digitales han traído consigo un nuevo sistema de creación, adquisición, gestión y uso de aplicaciones informáticas variadas a un coste bajo o incluso gratuito (Ramos-Méndez y Ortega-Mohedano, 2017). A pesar de la existencia de aplicaciones informáticas y estudios previos sobre la influencia del juego en la enseñanza, el actual contexto pedagógico mejorado tecnológicamente ha contribuido a desarrollar nuevas dimensiones en cuanto a la fusión de los juegos digitales y la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. El propósito de este estudio es exponer algunos de los principios pedagógicos acerca de cómo los estudiantes pueden aprender y adquirir lenguas extranjeras mediante distintos tipos de video-juego. El desarrollo de esta propuesta se basa en el modelo IPO - Input, Process, Output- (VanPatten y Sanz, 1995), conocido por su aplicación tanto en los campo de la informática como en el de enseñanza, entre otros. Este modelo sugiere que existen tres fases en el proceso de aprendizaje; siendo el orden de estas la entrada de nueva información, el procesamiento, y el producto. Este trabajo sugiere además que los videojuegos pueden aportar beneficios pedagógicos en cada una de estas tres fases, y que para ello los docentes deben ser consciente de los recursos que se pueden utilizar, el método de aplicación y la temporalidad.Casañ-Pitarch, R. (2019). Principios pedagógicos en la adquisición de lenguas extranjeras mediante el enfoque basado en juegos digitales. Tonos Digital. 37(1):1-25. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/15959412537

    Mogućnost primjene govora u računalnim igrama temeljenim na lokaciji

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    Iako je govor u računalno sintetiziranom obliku postao dio računalnih igara već 1978. godine, njegova primjena, osobito u žanru računalnih igara temeljenih na lokaciji, slabo je istražena. U ovom radu predstavljen je pregled implementacije govora u računalnim igrama nastalim u razdoblju od 1978. do 2018. godine i dosadašnja iskustva njegove primjene. Fokus je stavljen na analizu mogućnosti korištenja govornih tehnologija u računalnim igrama temeljenim na lokaciji. Zaključak donosi odgovor na pitanje ima li smisla, s obzirom na specifičnosti žanra i aktualno stanje tehnologije, uvoditi govorne tehnologije u igre temeljene na lokaciji te koji su preduvjeti za to


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    In interactive environments, the use of sound has not advanced as technology in the same proportion of graphics, and the predominance of visual stimulus has caused users - and developers - to take the absence of sound stimulus as a standard. As a result, a universe of non-audible or acoustically polluted interfaces has been tried out. However, in the last 20 years, a number of efforts have been conducted by several researchers to make the sound studies significative and relevant in the area of HCI. The present study aims to summarize such efforts, as well as expose the concepts of dynamic audio, and also contextualize its application. In raising such questions, the study seeks to contribute to related discussions about sound design and interface design.Nos ambientes interativos, o uso do som não tem avançado como tecnologia na mesma proporção de desenvolvimento dos elementos gráficos, e a predominância do estímulo visual tem feito com que usuários – e desenvolvedores – tomem a ausência do estímulo sonoro como um padrão. Como resultado, tem-se experimentado um universo de interfaces não-sonoras ou poluídas acusticamente. No entanto, nos últimos 20 anos, uma série de esforços tem sido conduzidos por diversos pesquisadores para que o som adquira significado e relevância na área de IHC. O presente estudo objetiva sumarizar tais esforços, bem como expor os conceitos pertinentes do áudio dinâmico, e contextualizar sua aplicação. Ao levantar tais questões, busca-se contribuir para que as discussões acerca do design de som e do design de interface adquiram relevância, e a temática de estudo venha a se desenvolver de modo consistente

    An Approach to Digital Game-Based Learning: Video-Games Principles and Applications in Foreign Language Learning

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    [EN] ¿During the present decade, researchers and educators of different fields have increased their attention towards digital game-based learning. The rise of interest towards this approach is partially connected to some important technological advances during the same period of time, such as the Smartphone, enhanced Internet connection from mobile devices, diversity and spread of free and low-cost video-games and educational applications in e-stores, development of speech recognition systems and artificial intelligence, among others. More concretely, this research focuses on the area of foreign language learning, an educational field which requires that students gain not only a solid theoretical knowledge on grammar and vocabulary, but they also need to develop different communicative competences; and this implies rehearsing and experiencing the use of the target language. The purpose of this paper is to define some basic concepts related to digital game-based learning, such as gamification and serious games, and to introduce some theoretical principles on foreign language learning and acquisition through the use of video-games based on literature review. Finally, a connection among these elements will be discussed.Casañ-Pitarch, R. (2018). An Approach to Digital Game-Based Learning: Video-Games Principles and Applications in Foreign Language Learning. Journal of Language Teaching and Research (Online). 9(6):1147-1159. https://doi.org/10.17507/jltr.0906.04S114711599