4 research outputs found

    Enhancement Of Pixel Value Ordering Based Data Hiding By Row Block Partition

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    The development of information and communication technology that support digital data transmission such as text, image, audio and video gives several effects. One of them is data security that becomes the main priority during the transmission process. Pixel-Value-Ordering (PVO) which one of data hiding methods can be implemented to achieve the requirement. It embeds data on maximum pixel and minimum pixel in a blok which is a part of the carrier image. However, PVO has capacity a problem, that only 2 bits per block can be hidden. To handle this problem, we propose a new approach by dividing blocks dinamically based on its complexity. These blocks are grouped into 4: smooth block, semi-smooth block, normal block and rough block. Using this approach, the stego capacity can be improved up to 2.6 times in average of previous method by keeping the quality stego more than 65 dB for all testing image


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    The development of information and communication technology that support digital data transmission such as text, image, audio and video gives several effects. One of them is data security that becomes the main priority during the transmission process. Pixel-Value-Ordering (PVO) which one of data hiding methods can be implemented to achieve the requirement. It embeds data on maximum pixel and minimum pixel in a blok which is a part of the carrier image. However, PVO has capacity a problem, that only 2 bits per block can be hidden. To handle this problem, we propose a new approach by dividing blocks dinamically based on its complexity. These blocks are grouped into 4: smooth block, semi-smooth block, normal block and rough block. Using this approach, the stego capacity can be improved up to 2.6 times in average of  previous method by keeping the quality stego more than 65 dB for all testing image

    Peningkatan Kualitas Citra Stego pada Adaptive Pixel Block Grouping Reduction Error Expansion dengan Variasi Model Scanning pada Pembentukan Kelompok Piksel

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    Kebutuhan komunikasi yang terus bertambah dan ditandai dengan meningkatnya jumlah IP traffic dari 744 EB menjadi 1.164 EB menjadikan keamanan sebagai salah satu kebutuhan utama dalam menjaga kerahasiaan data. Adaptive Pixel Block Grouping Reduction Error Expansion (APBG-REE) sebagai salah satu metode data hiding dapat diterapkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Metode ini akan membagi citra carrier menjadi blok-blok dan membentuknya menjadi kelompok-kelompok piksel. Hasil dari proses ini akan dimanfaatkan untuk menyembunyikan data rahasia. Namun, metode ini memiliki kekurangan, yaitu belum diketahuinya metode scanning terbaik dalam pembentukan kelompok piksel untuk menciptakan citra stego dengan kualitas tinggi. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, kami mengusulkan 4 mode (cara) scanning berdasarkan arah scanning tersebut. Mode scanning tersebut memberikan hasil yang berbeda-beda untuk masing-masing citra stego yang diujikan. Namun berdasarkan hasil uji coba, setiap mode scanning mampu menjaga kualitas citra stego diatas 57,5 dB. Hasil ini akan meningkat seiring dengan berkurangnya jumlah shifted pixel yang terbentuk.   Abstract The need of communication has increased continously which is represented by the rise of number of IP traffic, from 744 EB to 1.164 EB. This has made data security one of the main requirements in terms of securing secret data. Adaptive Pixel Block Grouping Reduction Error Expansion (APBG-REE) as one of data hiding methods can be implemented to meet that requirement. It divides the carrier image into blocks which are then used as pixel groups. The result of this process is to be a space for secret data. However, this method has a problem in the scanning when creating pixel groups to generate a high quality stego image. To handle this problem, we propose four scanning models base on its direction. This means that the scanning can be done row-by-row or column-by-column. Base on the experiment, we find that those modes deliver various results and each of them is able to maintain the stego quality of more than 57,5 dB. This result increases along with the decreasing the number of shifted pixels

    Reversible Audio Steganography Menggunakan Metode Reduced Difference Expansion dan Sample Value Modification

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    Steganografi adalah teknik penyisipan data rahasia kedalam suatu media, sehingga selain pengirim dan penerima tidak ada yang mengetahui dan menyadari adanya informasi yang disisipkan. Audio merupakan salah satu media yang dapat digunakan dalam penyisipan data rahasia. Dalam proses penyisipannya dibutuhkan teknik penyisipan yang dapat meningkatkan tingkat keamanan tanpa mengurangi kualitas, kapasitas serta performa dari proses penyisipan yang lebih efisien. Tugas akhir ini mengimplementasikan dua metode penyisipan pesan rahasia kedalam media audio. Reduced Difference Expansion (RDE) dan Sample Value Modification (SVM), RDE memanfaatkan selisih sepasang sample untuk proses penyisipan pesan, sementara SVM memodifikasi nilai sepasang sample dalam proses penyisipan pesan. Hasil dari uji coba yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi metode RDE dan SVM dengan pengolahan pesan menggunakan Modulus Function dapat meningkatkan tingkat keamanan informasi, kualitas dan kapasitas dengan jenis penyisipan menggunakan Location Map dari pada tanpa Location Map. Sementara penyisipan pesan tanpa Location Map menghasilkan performa yang lebih baik dalam segi penggunaan memori yang lebih efisien dari pada menggunakan Location Map. ================================================================================================= Steganography is the technique of insertion of confidential data into a medium, so other than the sender and recipient nobody knows and aware of the embedded information. Audio is one medium that can be used in the insertion of confidential data. In the insertion process required the insertion technique that can improve the level of security without decreasing on quality, capacity and insertion process more efficient. This final project implements two methods of inserting confidential messages into audio media. Reduced Difference Expansion (RDE) and Sample Value Modification (SVM), RDE using differences pair of sample for the insertion process the message, while SVM modify a pair of sample values in the process of message insertion. Based on experiments, the combination of RDE and SVM methods with message processing using modulus function can improve the level of information security, quality and capacity with insertion type using location map than without location map. While message insertion process without the location map results in better performance, in term of memory usage efficiency, than using the location map