5 research outputs found

    Attribute-Based Signatures for Circuits from Bilinear Map

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    In attribute-based signatures, each signer receives a signing key from the authority, which is associated with the signer\u27s attribute, and using the signing key, the signer can issue a signature on any message under a predicate, if his attribute satisfies the predicate. One of the ultimate goals in this area is to support a wide class of predicates, such as the class of \emph{arbitrary circuits}, with \emph{practical efficiency} from \emph{a simple assumption}, since these three aspects determine the usefulness of the scheme. We present an attribute-based signature scheme which allows us to use an arbitrary circuit as the predicate with practical efficiency from the symmetric external Diffie-Hellman assumption. We achieve this by combining the efficiency of Groth-Sahai proofs, which allow us to prove algebraic equations efficiently, and the expressiveness of Groth-Ostrovsky-Sahai proofs, which allow us to prove any NP relation via circuit satisfiability

    Multilinear Maps from Obfuscation

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    We provide constructions of multilinear groups equipped with natural hard problems from indistinguishability obfuscation, homomorphic encryption, and NIZKs. This complements known results on the constructions of indistinguishability obfuscators from multilinear maps in the reverse direction. We provide two distinct, but closely related constructions and show that multilinear analogues of the DDH assumption hold for them. Our first construction is symmetric and comes with a Îș-linear map e : GÎș −→ GT for prime-order groups G and GT . To establish the hardness of the Îș-linear DDH problem, we rely on the existence of a base group for which the Îș-strong DDH assumption holds. Our second construction is for the asymmetric setting, where e : G1×· · ·×GÎș −→ GT for a collection of Îș+1 prime-order groups G and GT , and relies only on the 1-strong DDH assumption in its base group. In both constructions, the linearity Îș can be set to any arbitrary but a priori fixed polynomial value in the security parameter. We rely on a number of powerful tools in our constructions: probabilistic indistinguishability obfuscation, dual-mode NIZK proof systems (with perfect soundness, witness-indistinguishability, and zero knowledge), and additively homomorphic encryption for the group Z+N. At a high level, we enable “bootstrapping” multilinear assumptions from their simpler counterparts in standard cryptographic groups and show the equivalence of PIO and multilinear maps under the existence of the aforementioned primitives

    Attribute-Based Signatures for Unbounded Languages from Standard Assumptions

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    Attribute-based signature (ABS) schemes are advanced signature schemes that simultaneously provide fine-grained authentication while protecting privacy of the signer. Previously known expressive ABS schemes support either the class of deterministic finite automata and circuits from standard assumptions or Turing machines from the existence of indistinguishability obfuscations. In this paper, we propose the first ABS scheme for a very general policy class, all deterministic Turin machines, from a standard assumption, namely, the Symmetric External Diffie-Hellman (SXDH) assumption. We also propose the first ABS scheme that allows nondeterministic finite automata (NFA) to be used as policies. Although the expressiveness of NFAs are more restricted than Turing machines, this is the first scheme that supports nondeterministic computations as policies. Our main idea lies in abstracting ABS constructions and presenting the concept of history of computations; this allows a signer to prove possession of a policy that accepts the string associated to a message in zero-knowledge while also hiding the policy, regardless of the computational model being used. With this abstraction in hand, we are able to construct ABS for Turing machines and NFAs using a surprisingly weak NIZK proof system. Essentially we only require a NIZK proof system for proving that a (normal) signature is valid. Such a NIZK proof system together with a base signature scheme are, in turn, possible from bilinear groups under the SXDH assumption, and hence so are our ABS schemes

    Short Attribute-Based Signatures for Arbitrary Turing Machines from Standard Assumptions

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    This paper presents the first attribute-based signature (ABS) scheme supporting signing policies representable by Turing machines (TM), based on well-studied computational assumptions. Our work supports arbitrary TMs as signing policies in the sense that the TMs can accept signing attribute strings of unbounded polynomial length and there is no limit on their running time, description size, or space complexity. Moreover, we are able to achieve input-specific running time for the signing algorithm. All other known expressive ABS schemes could at most support signing policies realizable by either arbitrary polynomial-size circuits or TMs having a pre-determined upper bound on the running time. Consequently, those schemes can only deal with signing attribute strings whose lengths are a priori bounded, as well as suffers from the worst-case running time problem. On a more positive note, for the first time in the literature, the signature size of our ABS scheme only depends on the size of the signed message and is completely independent of the size of the signing policy under which the signature is generated. This is a significant achievement from the point of view of communication efficiency. Our ABS construction makes use of indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) for polynomial-size circuits and certain IO-compatible cryptographic tools. Note that, all of these building blocks including IO for polynomial-size circuits are currently known to be realizable under well-studied computational assumptions