3 research outputs found

    Research on Teaching and Learning In Biology, Chemistry and Physics In ESERA 2013 Conference

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    This paper provides an overview of the topics in educational research that were published in the ESERA 2013 conference proceedings. The aim of the research was to identify what aspects of the teacher-student-content interaction were investigated frequently and what have been studied rarely. We used the categorization system developed by Kinnunen, Lampiselkä, Malmi and Meisalo (2016) and altogether 184 articles were analyzed. The analysis focused on secondary and tertiary level biology, chemistry, physics, and science education. The results showed that most of the studies focus on either the teacher’s pedagogical actions or on the student - content relationship. All other aspects were studied considerably less. For example, the teachers’ thoughts about the students’ perceptions and attitudes towards the goals and the content, and the teachers’ conceptions of the students’ actions towards achieving the goals were studied only rarely. Discussion about the scope and the coverage of the research in science education in Europe is needed.Peer reviewe

    A Multiple Case Study of Mandatory Professional Development, Change, and Transformation

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    Higher education institutions are making significant investments in online education and are implementing comprehensive new programs to teach faculty how to become effective online instructors. These investments often come with significant strings attached that require that changes be made across the board to efficiently accommodate 21st Century teaching and learning tools and techniques. The purpose of this multiple case study is to explore the experiences of higher education faculty who participated in mandated professional development to learn how to effectively design and deliver online courses. An additional purpose is to determine the elements of professional development that create opportunities for transformative learning and impactful change in faculty teaching practice. This qualitative study collected data from semi-structured interviews and surveys, and from a review of online courses artifacts that were generated as a result of the mandatory professional development initiative. The data demonstrated that mandated professional development was generally perceived as a positive signal for organizational change, but professional development needs to be highly targeted to specific interests and levels of digital fluency. Mandated professional development enabled the faculty participants to see new possibilities and potential for their online practice. The results of this research may provide insights into how professional development can be designed to help faculty transform their online teaching.Ed.D., Educational Leadership and Management -- Drexel University, 201

    Interactive Teaching of Corpus Linguistics at MA Studies of English Language andLinguistics: Theoretical, Methodological andPractical Aspects

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    Ova disretacija bavi se korpusnom IZ lingvistikom, ali iz perspektive teorijskih metodoloških i praktičnih aspekata koncipiranja kursa korpusne lingvistike koji je utemeljen na principima interaktivne nastave. Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja jeste da se u njemu formulišu principi projektovanja interaktivnih kurseve koji su usklađeni sa sadržajima studijskih programa i sadržaja ostalih kurseva, ali i koji su pedagoški efikasni i orijentisani na studenta. Drugi cilj istraživanje jeste da se u skladu sa ovim principima koncipira kurs korpusne lingvistike koji je optimalno prilagođen uvođenju korpusne lingvistike i interaktivne natave na diplomske akademske studije anglistike u Srbiji. Treći cilj istraživanja je da proveri inicijalnu hipotezu da će kurs korpusne lingvistike projektovan u skladu sa principima koncipiranja interaktivne natave i sproveden u hibridnom okruženju biti superioran u odnosi na kurs istih sadržaja ali sproveden isključivo primenom tradicionalnih metoda nastave.This thesis deals with corpus linguistics, but AB from the point of view of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of designing a course in corpus lingusitics which is based on the principles of interactive teaching and learning. The main aim of the research is to formulate principles of designing interactive courses which are alligned with curricula and syllaby, but which are also pegogically efficient and student-friendly. The secondary aim is to design a course in accordance with these principles which is optimally suitable for introducing corpus linguistic and interactive teaching methods to MA studies of English language and linguistics in Serbia. The third aim of the research is to test the initial hypothesis that a course designed in accordance with interactive principles of course design and realized as a hybrid course will be superior to the same course based entirely on traditional teaching methods