62 research outputs found

    Cartographic Concept of Atlas Information System "ÖROK Atlas Online" - AIS Austria

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    U ovom je članku prikazana koncepcija i realizacija atlasnog informacijskog sustava “ÖROK Atlas Online” – AIS Austrije, s naglaskom na kartografskom konceptu. To je sustav prostornih informacija koji se od čistog GIS-a razlikuje po svojem snažnom kartografskom karakteru. Taj online sustav nije zbirka alata zasnovanih na GIS-u, nego sustav koji dalje dijeli sve funkcionalnosti u kartografski koncepcijski i strukturiran red. On mora odgovarati svojstvima kartografskog informacijskog sustava koji je utemeljen na pravilima i istovremeno prilagođen osobi, korisniku. Prototip bi trebao omogućiti kartografsku vizualizaciju različitih geometrijskih i statističkih podataka iz osnovnog skupa geopodataka u obliku tematskih karata, grafika, statističkih prikaza i tekstova, kao i pretraživanja baze podataka. Primarni izazov i cilj kartografskog koncepta je razvoj kartografike, odnosno kartografskog dizajna, koji treba biti u skladu s izlaznim medijem. Nadalje, bit će moguća analiza, istraživanje i nadgledanje tih skupova podataka za različite korisničke skupine putem grafičkog korisničkog sučelja zasnovanog na karti. Ograničavajuće-fleksibilno vođenje korisnika u tom interaktivnom sustavu preuzima odgovornost nad onim čemu u kartografskom ili semantičkom smislu nije moguće pristupiti ili onome što nije korisno. Tek tada atlasni informacijski sustav može podržati značajnu kartografsku komunikaciju.The conception and realization of the Atlas Information System “ÖROK Atlas Online” – AIS Austria, with the point on cartographic concept is presented in the following article. It is a spatial information system that is different from pure GIS because of its strong cartographic character. The online system is not a collection of GIS based tools, but a system that subdivides all functionalities into a cartographically conceptional and structured order. It must correspond with the characteristics of a cartographical, rule-based and personalized information system. The prototype should allow the cartographical visualization of different geometry and statistical data from the elementary geo-data pool in form of thematic maps, graphics, statistics and texts, as well as queries of the database. The primary challenge and aim of the cartographic concept is the development of map graphic or rather of the cartographic design, which has to match the output media. Further, analysis, exploration and monitoring of these data sets via map-based graphical user interface for different user groups shall be possible. The restrictive-flexible user guidance in this interactive system takes responsibility of what is not in cartographic or semantical sense accessible or useful. Only in this case an atlas information system can support meaningful cartographic communication

    Kartografski informacijski sustav \u27\u27ÖROK Atlas Online\u27\u27 – AIS Austrija kao komunikacijski portal temeljnih geopodataka o Austriji

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    \u27\u27ÖROK Atlas Online\u27\u27 – Atlas Information System Austria (AIS-Austria) – is a research and development project of the Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning (ÖROK) for the construction of a prototype for an interactive, multi-media thematic atlas in cooperation with the Department of Geography and Regional Sciences (IFGR) – University Vienna, the Department of Geoinformation and Cartography (IGK) – University of Technology Vienna and the Austrian Institute of Regional Planning (ÖIR) – Information Services GmbH (I: D). The project started in September 2004. The project duration is 1,5 years. In the prototype of the web atlas, on the basis of the topographical basic geo-data, predefined and prepared for several scales (the basic scale for Austria is 1:1,000.000), thematic contents will be visualized and made accessible over the interactive map based graphical user interface as a communication portal. AIS-Austria is a hybrid system which should be able to ensure also the printed map in a high graphic resolution (the dual atlas principle). The user navigation and system functionalities, which provide the geo-communication, will be presented.\u27\u27ÖROK Atlas Online\u27\u27 – Atlas Information System Austria (AIS-Austria) – je znanstveno-tehnološki projekt Austrijske konferencije za prostorno planiranje (Österreichische Raumordnungskonferenz). U projektu je razrađen prototip interaktivnog, multimedijskog tematskog atlasa na čijoj realizaciji sudjeluju Institut za geografiju i regionalne znanosti Sveučilišta u Beču, Institut za geoinformacije i kartografiju Tehničkog sveučilišta u Beču i Austrijski institut za regionalno planiranje. Projekt je započeo u rujnu 2004. i trajat će 1,5 godinu. U prototipu atlasa bit će realiziran pristup temeljnim topografskim geopodacima, koji su kartografski unaprijed pripremljeni u nekoliko osnovnih mjerila. Nadalje, vizualizacija i interaktivni pristup tematskim podacima bit će dostupan preko korisničkog sučelja kao komunikacijskog portala, čiji je temelj kartografski prikaz (topografija ili već vizualizirana tematika). AIS-Austria je zamišljen kao hibridni informacijski sustav, koji prema želji korisniku daje mogućnost izdavanja sadržaja po vlastitom izboru u vidu papirnate karte visoke kvalitete (dualni princip atlasa). U članku će biti prikazane mogućnosti navigacije kao i funkcionalnost sustava, što podržava geokomunikaciju

    Kartografski informacijski sustav \u27\u27ÖROK Atlas Online\u27\u27 – AIS Austrija kao komunikacijski portal temeljnih geopodataka o Austriji

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    \u27\u27ÖROK Atlas Online\u27\u27 – Atlas Information System Austria (AIS-Austria) – is a research and development project of the Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning (ÖROK) for the construction of a prototype for an interactive, multi-media thematic atlas in cooperation with the Department of Geography and Regional Sciences (IFGR) – University Vienna, the Department of Geoinformation and Cartography (IGK) – University of Technology Vienna and the Austrian Institute of Regional Planning (ÖIR) – Information Services GmbH (I: D). The project started in September 2004. The project duration is 1,5 years. In the prototype of the web atlas, on the basis of the topographical basic geo-data, predefined and prepared for several scales (the basic scale for Austria is 1:1,000.000), thematic contents will be visualized and made accessible over the interactive map based graphical user interface as a communication portal. AIS-Austria is a hybrid system which should be able to ensure also the printed map in a high graphic resolution (the dual atlas principle). The user navigation and system functionalities, which provide the geo-communication, will be presented.\u27\u27ÖROK Atlas Online\u27\u27 – Atlas Information System Austria (AIS-Austria) – je znanstveno-tehnološki projekt Austrijske konferencije za prostorno planiranje (Österreichische Raumordnungskonferenz). U projektu je razrađen prototip interaktivnog, multimedijskog tematskog atlasa na čijoj realizaciji sudjeluju Institut za geografiju i regionalne znanosti Sveučilišta u Beču, Institut za geoinformacije i kartografiju Tehničkog sveučilišta u Beču i Austrijski institut za regionalno planiranje. Projekt je započeo u rujnu 2004. i trajat će 1,5 godinu. U prototipu atlasa bit će realiziran pristup temeljnim topografskim geopodacima, koji su kartografski unaprijed pripremljeni u nekoliko osnovnih mjerila. Nadalje, vizualizacija i interaktivni pristup tematskim podacima bit će dostupan preko korisničkog sučelja kao komunikacijskog portala, čiji je temelj kartografski prikaz (topografija ili već vizualizirana tematika). AIS-Austria je zamišljen kao hibridni informacijski sustav, koji prema želji korisniku daje mogućnost izdavanja sadržaja po vlastitom izboru u vidu papirnate karte visoke kvalitete (dualni princip atlasa). U članku će biti prikazane mogućnosti navigacije kao i funkcionalnost sustava, što podržava geokomunikaciju

    The Meaning of Cartographic Spatial Data Geovisualization in a Multimedia Interactive Atlas Information System

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    Atlasni informacijski sustavi (Atlas Information Systems - AIS) još su u procesu razvoja. Ponajviše se bave funkcionalnostima, ali se često ne koncentriraju na aspekte vizaulizacije. Prema tome, rješenja variraju od čistih implementacija GIS-a bez kartografskih svojstava do sustava koji su jednostavno utemeljeni na skeniranim kartama i koji ignoriraju tehnička ograničenja zaslona kao izlaznog medija. Upotreba čitljive kartografike u multimedijskim i interaktivnim AIS-ima (MI-AIS) koji su prilagođeni tehničkim zahtjevima izlaznog medija jedan je od glavnih kriterija za prihvaćanje od strane korisnika. Danas MI-AIS mora biti hibridni sustav. Hibridni sustav oslanja se na kartografski poboljšanu kartografiku primjerenu i za vizualizaciju na zaslonu i za tisak visoke kvalitete. Uspostavom povezanosti između tih dvaju medija trebalo bi dobiti metodu proizvodnje odgovarajućih papirnatih karata visoke grafičke kvalitete kao sastavnog dijela sustava. U radu se raspravlja o rezultatima istraživanja na Tehničko sveučilištu u Beču, do kojih je došla Istraživačka skupina za kartografiju. Rad se bavi tehničkim ograničenjima zaslona kao izlaznog medija, prilagodbom kartografike te međuovisnostima između razlučivosti izlaznog medija i mjerila. Kartografike za zaslon i tisak razlikuju se u vizualizaciji ovisno o razlučivosti izlaznog medija. Veći grafički prikaz karte na zaslonu može se otisnuti u odgovarajućem manjem mjerilu s visokom grafičkom kvalitetom. Za primjer je uzeta upotrebljivost odgovarajućih grafičkih prikaza karte za vizualizacije na zaslonu u mjerilima 1:250 000 i 1:1 000 000.Atlas Information Systems (AIS) are still in a development process. They largely deal with functionalities, but often do not concentrate on visualisation aspects. Sequentially, the solutions vary from pure GIS implementations without cartographic characteristics to systems that are simply based on scanned maps, ignoring the technical restrictions of the screen as an output medium. Using legible map graphics in multimedia and interactive AIS (MI-AIS) adapted to the technical requirements of the output medium is one of the main criteria for user acceptance. Today, the MI-AIS has to present a hybrid system. A hybrid system is relying on cartographically improved map graphics suitable for both screen visualisation and high-quality printing. By establishing connections between the two media, a method for the production of adequate paper maps in a high graphical quality as an integral part of the system is to be smoothed. This paper discusses research results at the Vienna University of Technology (research group Cartography) concerning the topics mentioned above. It will focus on technical restrictions of the screen as an output medium, the adaptation of map graphics and interdependencies between resolution of the output medium and scale. Map graphics for the screen and printing differ in visualisation depending on the output medium resolution. The same larger screen map graphics could be printed in an adequate smaller scale with a high map graphics quality. As an example, the usability of related map graphics for 1:250 000 screen visualisations and 1:1 000 000 printing will be shown


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    In the present and future development of the Arctic region, much attention is and will be given to environmental problems. Along with social and economic, these issues are the most essential components of a model of sustainable development of the region. Cartographic studies implemented in the atlas format (either printed or electronic) provide the most comprehensive, adequate, and complete representation of the Arctic environment. Such Atlas will serve as a basis for creation of the Atlas Information System “Environment of the Arctic.” The material presented herein describes the purpose of the Atlas and its scientific-methodological principles. The Atlas includes 7 parts (thematic blocks) and over 18 sub-blocks that characterize natural and anthropogenic factors of formation of the natural environment, the state of the natural environment, population ecology, and efforts of Russian and international organizations aimed at optimization of the regional environment. The material also presents methodological features of the Atlas and its role in the study and management of Arctic territories

    Sistema de información geográfica para la generación de mapas temáticos (SIGMAT). Producción de cartografía temática

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    El Sistema de Información Geográfica para la Generación de Mapas Temáticos (SIGMAT) es una nueva herramienta que incorpora las más avanzadas tecnologías y métodos a la producción de cartografía temática. Mediante la introducción de numerosos asistentes facilita todas las tareas de gestión, elaboración y publicación automatizada de los mapas controlando así el ciclo de vida completo de los mismos. Su diseño permite actualizar automáticamente los mapas cuando cambian los datos vinculados.Geographic Information System for Thematic Map Generation (SIGMAT from spanish) is a new tool that incorporates the most advanced technologies and methods to production in thematic mapping. With the introduction of numerous assistants makes easy all the tasks of management, production and publication of the maps thus controlling the whole life cycle of the same. Its design allows to automatically update the maps when we change the linked data

    The Concept of Creating and Designing of Overview Digital Hydrological Atlas Maps within the GIS Project

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    The paper presents the possibility of drafting and modelling of a part of geographic content of four overview atlas maps of Digital Hydrological Atlas of Serbia (DHAS), scale 1: 5000 000 by using available open access cartographic sources and data, and applying cartographic methods and established steps of GIS digitization. The mapping territory and the approximate DHAS structure have been defined in the paper, as well as the mathematical elements of the overview atlas maps. A way of obtaining new modified overview atlas maps through the GIS integration of various cartographic data representing a part of the territory of the continent of Europe has been presented. The advantages of contemporary cartographic and GIS systems for modelling digital atlases and thematic hydrological atlas maps have been explained

    Current usage of Component based Principles for Developing Web Applications with Frameworks: A Literature Review

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    Component based software development has become a very popular paradigm in many software engineering branches. In the early phase of Web 2.0 appearance, it was also popular for web application development. From the analyzed papers, between this period and today, use of component based techniques for web application development was somewhat slowed down, however, the recent development indicates a comeback. Most of all it is apparent with W3C’s component web working group. In this article we want to investigate the current state of web application development with component approach. Most of all we are interested in which way components are used, which web development frameworks are being used, for which domains is component based web development most popular and successful, etc. How many current web development frameworks explicitly refer to component-based approach? To answer this question, we performed a literature review