269 research outputs found

    Al'brekht's Method in Infinite Dimensions

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    In 1961 E. G. Albrekht presented a method for the optimal stabilization of smooth, nonlinear, finite dimensional, continuous time control systems. This method has been extended to similar systems in discrete time and to some stochastic systems in continuous and discrete time. In this paper we extend Albrekht's method to the optimal stabilization of some smooth, nonlinear, infinite dimensional, continuous time control systems whose nonlinearities are described by Fredholm integral operators

    Algebraic geometric methods for the stabilizability and reliability of multivariable and of multimode systems

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    The extent to which feedback can alter the dynamic characteristics (e.g., instability, oscillations) of a control system, possibly operating in one or more modes (e.g., failure versus nonfailure of one or more components) is examined

    Generic pure quantum states as steady states of quasi-local dissipative dynamics

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    We investigate whether a generic multipartite pure state can be the unique asymptotic steady state of locality-constrained purely dissipative Markovian dynamics. In the simplest tripartite setting, we show that the problem is equivalent to characterizing the solution space of a set of linear equations and establish that the set of pure states obeying the above property has either measure zero or measure one, solely depending on the subsystems' dimension. A complete analytical characterization is given when the central subsystem is a qubit. In the N-partite case, we provide conditions on the subsystems' size and the nature of the locality constraint, under which random pure states cannot be quasi-locally stabilized generically. Beside allowing for the possibility to approximately stabilize entangled pure states that cannot be exact steady states in settings where stabilizability is generic, our results offer insights into the extent to which random pure states may arise as unique ground states of frustration free parent Hamiltonians. We further argue that, to high probability, pure quantum states sampled from a t-design enjoy the same stabilizability properties of Haar-random ones as long as suitable dimension constraints are obeyed and t is sufficiently large. Lastly, we demonstrate a connection between the tasks of quasi-local state stabilization and unique state reconstruction from local tomographic information, and provide a constructive procedure for determining a generic N-partite pure state based only on knowledge of the support of any two of the reduced density matrices of about half the parties, improving over existing results.Comment: 36 pages (including appendix), 2 figure

    Lower Bounds on Complexity of Lyapunov Functions for Switched Linear Systems

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    We show that for any positive integer dd, there are families of switched linear systems---in fixed dimension and defined by two matrices only---that are stable under arbitrary switching but do not admit (i) a polynomial Lyapunov function of degree ≤d\leq d, or (ii) a polytopic Lyapunov function with ≤d\leq d facets, or (iii) a piecewise quadratic Lyapunov function with ≤d\leq d pieces. This implies that there cannot be an upper bound on the size of the linear and semidefinite programs that search for such stability certificates. Several constructive and non-constructive arguments are presented which connect our problem to known (and rather classical) results in the literature regarding the finiteness conjecture, undecidability, and non-algebraicity of the joint spectral radius. In particular, we show that existence of an extremal piecewise algebraic Lyapunov function implies the finiteness property of the optimal product, generalizing a result of Lagarias and Wang. As a corollary, we prove that the finiteness property holds for sets of matrices with an extremal Lyapunov function belonging to some of the most popular function classes in controls

    Explicit Solutions and Stability Properties of Homogeneous Polynomial Dynamical Systems

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    In this paper, we provide a system-theoretic treatment of certain continuous-time homogeneous polynomial dynamical systems (HPDS) via tensor algebra. In particular, if a system of homogeneous polynomial differential equations can be represented by an orthogonally decomposable (odeco) tensor, we can construct its explicit solution by exploiting tensor Z-eigenvalues and Z-eigenvectors. We refer to such HPDS as odeco HPDS. By utilizing the form of the explicit solution, we are able to discuss the stability properties of an odeco HPDS. We illustrate that the Z-eigenvalues of the corresponding dynamic tensor can be used to establish necessary and sufficient stability conditions, similar to these from linear systems theory. In addition, we are able to obtain the complete solution to an odeco HPDS with constant control. Finally, we establish results which enable one to determine if a general HPDS can be transformed to or approximated by an odeco HPDS, where the previous results can be applied. We demonstrate our framework with simulated and real-world examples.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of nonlinear feedback under uncertainty

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    AbstractOur main purpose here is to demonstrate the potential of a new approach which is an important expansion of the feedback concept: we have chosen what seemed a natural way of tackling some traditional problems of the control theory and of comparing the results against those offered by conventional methods.The main problem considered is the output stabilization for uncertain plants. Using structural transformations, uncertain systems can change to the form convenient for output feedback design. Synthesis of observer-based control for asymptotical stabilization or uniform ultimate boundedness of the closed-loop system is provided.We consider the notions of asymptotic and exponential invariance of a control system implies its suboptimality.A method is described for stabilization of uncertain discrete-time plants of which only compact sets are known to which plants parameters and exogenous signals belong. New approaches for solving some central problems of mathematical control theory are considered for nonlinear dynamical systems. New criterious of local and global controllability and stabilizability are indicated and some synthesis procedures are suggested
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