216 research outputs found

    The inverse problem for representation functions for general linear forms

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    The inverse problem for representation functions takes as input a triple (X,f,L), where X is a countable semigroup, f : X --> N_0 \cup {\infty} a function, L : a_1 x_1 + ... + a_h x_h an X-linear form and asks for a subset A \subseteq X such that there are f(x) solutions (counted appropriately) to L(x_1,...,x_h) = x for every x \in X, or a proof that no such subset exists. This paper represents the first systematic study of this problem for arbitrary linear forms when X = Z, the setting which in many respects is the most natural one. Having first settled on the "right" way to count representations, we prove that every primitive form has a unique representation basis, i.e.: a set A which represents the function f \equiv 1. We also prove that a partition regular form (i.e.: one for which no non-empty subset of the coefficients sums to zero) represents any function f for which {f^{-1}(0)} has zero asymptotic density. These two results answer questions recently posed by Nathanson. The inverse problem for partition irregular forms seems to be more complicated. The simplest example of such a form is x_1 - x_2, and for this form we provide some partial results. Several remaining open problems are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, no figure

    Phase transitions in the Ramsey-Turán theory

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    Let f(n) be a function and L be a graph. Denote by RT(n, L, f(n)) the maximum number of edges of an L-free graph on n vertices with independence number less than f(n). Erdos and Sós asked if RT (n, K5, c√ n) = o (n2) for some constant c. We answer this question by proving the stronger RT(n, K5, o (√n log n)) = o(n2). It is known that RT (n, K5, c√n log n )= n2/4 + o (n2) for c > 1, so one can say that K5 has a Ramsey-Turán-phase transition at c√n log n. We extend this result to several other Kp's and functions f(n), determining many more phase transitions. We shall formulate several open problems, in particular, whether variants of the Bollobás-Erdos graph, which is a geometric construction, exist to give good lower bounds on RT (n, Kp, f(n)) for various pairs of p and f(n). These problems are studied in depth by Balogh-HuSimonovits, where among others, the Szemerédi's Regularity Lemma and the Hypergraph Dependent Random Choice Lemma are used.National Science Foundatio

    Tur\'{a}n's inequality, nonnegative linearization and amenability properties for associated symmetric Pollaczek polynomials

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    An elegant and fruitful way to bring harmonic analysis into the theory of orthogonal polynomials and special functions, or to associate certain Banach algebras with orthogonal polynomials satisfying a specific but frequently satisfied nonnegative linearization property, is the concept of a polynomial hypergroup. Polynomial hypergroups (or the underlying polynomials, respectively) are accompanied by L1L^1-algebras and a rich, well-developed and unified harmonic analysis. However, the individual behavior strongly depends on the underlying polynomials. We study the associated symmetric Pollaczek polynomials, which are a two-parameter generalization of the ultraspherical polynomials. Considering the associated L1L^1-algebras, we will provide complete characterizations of weak amenability and point amenability by specifying the corresponding parameter regions. In particular, we shall see that there is a large parameter region for which none of these amenability properties holds (which is very different to L1L^1-algebras of locally compact groups). Moreover, we will rule out right character amenability. The crucial underlying nonnegative linearization property will be established, too, which particularly establishes a conjecture of R. Lasser (1994). Furthermore, we shall prove Tur\'{a}n's inequality for associated symmetric Pollaczek polynomials. Our strategy relies on chain sequences, asymptotic behavior, further Tur\'{a}n type inequalities and transformations into more convenient orthogonal polynomial systems.Comment: Main changes towards first version: The part on associated symmetric Pollaczek polynomials was extended (with more emphasis on Tur\'{a}n's inequality and including a larger parameter region), and the part on little qq-Legendre polynomials became a separate paper. We added several references and corrected a few typos. Title, abstract and MSC class were change

    Taylor Domination, Difference Equations, and Bautin Ideals

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    We compare three approaches to studying the behavior of an analytic function f(z)=k=0akzkf(z)=\sum_{k=0}^\infty a_kz^k from its Taylor coefficients. The first is "Taylor domination" property for f(z)f(z) in the complex disk DRD_R, which is an inequality of the form akRkC maxi=0,,N aiRi, kN+1. |a_{k}|R^{k}\leq C\ \max_{i=0,\dots,N}\ |a_{i}|R^{i}, \ k \geq N+1. The second approach is based on a possibility to generate aka_k via recurrence relations. Specifically, we consider linear non-stationary recurrences of the form ak=j=1dcj(k)akj,  k=d,d+1,, a_{k}=\sum_{j=1}^{d}c_{j}(k)\cdot a_{k-j},\ \ k=d,d+1,\dots, with uniformly bounded coefficients. In the third approach we assume that ak=ak(λ)a_k=a_k(\lambda) are polynomials in a finite-dimensional parameter λCn.\lambda \in {\mathbb C}^n. We study "Bautin ideals" IkI_k generated by a1(λ),,ak(λ)a_{1}(\lambda),\ldots,a_{k}(\lambda) in the ring C[λ]{\mathbb C}[\lambda] of polynomials in λ\lambda. \smallskip These three approaches turn out to be closely related. We present some results and questions in this direction.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1301.603