8,152 research outputs found

    Optimal and fast detection of spatial clusters with scan statistics

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    We consider the detection of multivariate spatial clusters in the Bernoulli model with NN locations, where the design distribution has weakly dependent marginals. The locations are scanned with a rectangular window with sides parallel to the axes and with varying sizes and aspect ratios. Multivariate scan statistics pose a statistical problem due to the multiple testing over many scan windows, as well as a computational problem because statistics have to be evaluated on many windows. This paper introduces methodology that leads to both statistically optimal inference and computationally efficient algorithms. The main difference to the traditional calibration of scan statistics is the concept of grouping scan windows according to their sizes, and then applying different critical values to different groups. It is shown that this calibration of the scan statistic results in optimal inference for spatial clusters on both small scales and on large scales, as well as in the case where the cluster lives on one of the marginals. Methodology is introduced that allows for an efficient approximation of the set of all rectangles while still guaranteeing the statistical optimality results described above. It is shown that the resulting scan statistic has a computational complexity that is almost linear in NN.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOS732 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Continuous testing for Poisson process intensities: A new perspective on scanning statistics

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    We propose a novel continuous testing framework to test the intensities of Poisson Processes. This framework allows a rigorous definition of the complete testing procedure, from an infinite number of hypothesis to joint error rates. Our work extends traditional procedures based on scanning windows, by controlling the family-wise error rate and the false discovery rate in a non-asymptotic manner and in a continuous way. The decision rule is based on a \pvalue process that can be estimated by a Monte-Carlo procedure. We also propose new test statistics based on kernels. Our method is applied in Neurosciences and Genomics through the standard test of homogeneity, and the two-sample test

    Detection of an anomalous cluster in a network

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    We consider the problem of detecting whether or not, in a given sensor network, there is a cluster of sensors which exhibit an "unusual behavior." Formally, suppose we are given a set of nodes and attach a random variable to each node. We observe a realization of this process and want to decide between the following two hypotheses: under the null, the variables are i.i.d. standard normal; under the alternative, there is a cluster of variables that are i.i.d. normal with positive mean and unit variance, while the rest are i.i.d. standard normal. We also address surveillance settings where each sensor in the network collects information over time. The resulting model is similar, now with a time series attached to each node. We again observe the process over time and want to decide between the null, where all the variables are i.i.d. standard normal, and the alternative, where there is an emerging cluster of i.i.d. normal variables with positive mean and unit variance. The growth models used to represent the emerging cluster are quite general and, in particular, include cellular automata used in modeling epidemics. In both settings, we consider classes of clusters that are quite general, for which we obtain a lower bound on their respective minimax detection rate and show that some form of scan statistic, by far the most popular method in practice, achieves that same rate to within a logarithmic factor. Our results are not limited to the normal location model, but generalize to any one-parameter exponential family when the anomalous clusters are large enough.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOS839 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    High-dimensional change-point detection with sparse alternatives

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    We consider the problem of detecting a change in mean in a sequence of Gaussian vectors. Under the alternative hypothesis, the change occurs only in some subset of the components of the vector. We propose a test of the presence of a change-point that is adaptive to the number of changing components. Under the assumption that the vector dimension tends to infinity and the length of the sequence grows slower than the dimension of the signal, we obtain the detection boundary for this problem and prove its rate-optimality
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