16 research outputs found

    Asymptotic behavior of quantum walks with spatio-temporal coin fluctuations

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    Quantum walks subject to decoherence generically suffer the loss of their genuine quantum feature, a quadratically faster spreading compared to classical random walks. This intuitive statement has been verified analytically for certain models and is also supported by numerical studies of a variety of examples. In this paper we analyze the long-time behavior of a particular class of decoherent quantum walks, which, to the best of our knowledge, was only studied at the level of numerical simulations before. We consider a local coin operation which is randomly and independently chosen for each time step and each lattice site and prove that, under rather mild conditions, this leads to classical behavior: With the same scaling as needed for a classical diffusion the position distribution converges to a Gaussian, which is independent of the initial state. Our method is based on non-degenerate perturbation theory and yields an explicit expression for the covariance matrix of the asymptotic Gaussian in terms of the randomness parameters

    Stationary measure for two-state space-inhomogeneous quantum walk in one dimension

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    We consider the two-state space-inhomogeneous coined quantum walk (QW) in one dimension. For a general setting, we obtain the stationary measure of the QW by solving the eigenvalue problem. As a corollary, stationary measures of the multi-defect model and space-homogeneous QW are derived. The former is a generalization of the previous works on one-defect model and the latter is a generalization of the result given by Konno and Takei (2015).Comment: 15 pages, revised version, Yokohama Mathematical Journal (in press

    Quantum and random walks as universal generators of probability distributions

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    Quantum walks and random walks bear similarities and divergences. One of the most remarkable disparities affects the probability of finding the particle at a given location: typically, almost a flat function in the first case and a bell-shaped one in the second case. Here I show how one can impose any desired stochastic behavior (compatible with the continuity equation for the probability function) on both systems by the appropriate choice of time- and site-dependent coins. This implies, in particular, that one can devise quantum walks that show diffusive spreading without loosing coherence, as well as random walks that exhibit the characteristic fast propagation of a quantum particle driven by a Hadamard coin.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures; revised and enlarged versio

    Discrete-time Quantum Walks in random artificial Gauge Fields

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    Discrete-time quantum walks (DTQWs) in random artificial electric and gravitational fields are studied analytically and numerically. The analytical computations are carried by a new method which allows a direct exact analytical determination of the equations of motion obeyed by the average density operator. It is proven that randomness induces decoherence and that the quantum walks behave asymptotically like classical random walks. Asymptotic diffusion coefficients are computed exactly. The continuous limit is also obtained and discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Physica

    Central limit theorem for reducible and irreducible open quantum walks

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    In this work we aim at proving central limit theorems for open quantum walks on Zd\mathbb{Z}^d. We study the case when there are various classes of vertices in the network. Furthermore, we investigate two ways of distributing the vertex classes in the network. First we assign the classes in a regular pattern. Secondly, we assign each vertex a random class with a uniform distribution. For each way of distributing vertex classes, we obtain an appropriate central limit theorem, illustrated by numerical examples. These theorems may have application in the study of complex systems in quantum biology and dissipative quantum computation.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Two-walker discrete-time quantum walks on the line with percolation

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    One goal in the quantum-walk research is the exploitation of the intrinsic quantum nature of multiple walkers, in order to achieve the full computational power of the model. Here we study the behaviour of two non-interacting particles performing a quantum walk on the line when the possibility of lattice imperfections, in the form of missing links, is considered. We investigate two regimes, statical and dynamical percolation, that correspond to different time scales for the imperfections evolution with respect to the quantum-walk one. By studying the qualitative behaviour of three two-particle quantities for different probabilities of having missing bonds, we argue that the chosen symmetry under particle-exchange of the input state strongly affects the output of the walk, even in noisy and highly non-ideal regimes. We provide evidence against the possibility of gathering information about the walkers indistinguishability from the observation of bunching phenomena in the output distribution, in all those situations that require a comparison between averaged quantities. Although the spread of the walk is not substantially changed by the addition of a second particle, we show that the presence of multiple walkers can be beneficial for a procedure to estimate the probability of having a broken link.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure