12 research outputs found

    A near-optimal approximation algorithm for Asymmetric TSP on embedded graphs

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    We present a near-optimal polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem for graphs of bounded orientable or non-orientable genus. Our algorithm achieves an approximation factor of O(f(g)) on graphs with genus g, where f(n) is the best approximation factor achievable in polynomial time on arbitrary n-vertex graphs. In particular, the O(log(n)/loglog(n))-approximation algorithm for general graphs by Asadpour et al. [SODA 2010] immediately implies an O(log(g)/loglog(g))-approximation algorithm for genus-g graphs. Our result improves the O(sqrt(g)*log(g))-approximation algorithm of Oveis Gharan and Saberi [SODA 2011], which applies only to graphs with orientable genus g; ours is the first approximation algorithm for graphs with bounded non-orientable genus. Moreover, using recent progress on approximating the genus of a graph, our O(log(g) / loglog(g))-approximation can be implemented even without an embedding when the input graph has bounded degree. In contrast, the O(sqrt(g)*log(g))-approximation algorithm of Oveis Gharan and Saberi requires a genus-g embedding as part of the input. Finally, our techniques lead to a O(1)-approximation algorithm for ATSP on graphs of genus g, with running time 2^O(g)*n^O(1)

    Solving Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem Using Dynamic Gaussian Process Regression

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    This paper solves the dynamic traveling salesman problem (DTSP) using dynamic Gaussian Process Regression (DGPR) method. The problem of varying correlation tour is alleviated by the nonstationary covariance function interleaved with DGPR to generate a predictive distribution for DTSP tour. This approach is conjoined with Nearest Neighbor (NN) method and the iterated local search to track dynamic optima. Experimental results were obtained on DTSP instances. The comparisons were performed with Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing. The proposed approach demonstrates superiority in finding good traveling salesman problem (TSP) tour and less computational time in nonstationary conditions

    Approximating ATSP by Relaxing Connectivity

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    The standard LP relaxation of the asymmetric traveling salesman problem has been conjectured to have a constant integrality gap in the metric case. We prove this conjecture when restricted to shortest path metrics of node-weighted digraphs. Our arguments are constructive and give a constant factor approximation algorithm for these metrics. We remark that the considered case is more general than the directed analog of the special case of the symmetric traveling salesman problem for which there were recent improvements on Christofides' algorithm. The main idea of our approach is to first consider an easier problem obtained by significantly relaxing the general connectivity requirements into local connectivity conditions. For this relaxed problem, it is quite easy to give an algorithm with a guarantee of 3 on node-weighted shortest path metrics. More surprisingly, we then show that any algorithm (irrespective of the metric) for the relaxed problem can be turned into an algorithm for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem by only losing a small constant factor in the performance guarantee. This leaves open the intriguing task of designing a "good" algorithm for the relaxed problem on general metrics.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, fixed some typos in previous versio

    Pipage Rounding, Pessimistic Estimators and Matrix Concentration

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    Pipage rounding is a dependent random sampling technique that has several interesting properties and diverse applications. One property that has been particularly useful is negative correlation of the resulting vector. Unfortunately negative correlation has its limitations, and there are some further desirable properties that do not seem to follow from existing techniques. In particular, recent concentration results for sums of independent random matrices are not known to extend to a negatively dependent setting. We introduce a simple but useful technique called concavity of pessimistic estimators. This technique allows us to show concentration of submodular functions and conc

    Thin Trees in Some Families of Graphs

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    Let =(,) be a graph and let be a spanning tree of . The thinness parameter of denoted by () is the maximum over all cuts of the proportion of the edges of in the cut. Thin trees play an important role in some recent papers on the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (ATSP). Goddyn conjectured that every graph of sufficiently large edge-connectivity has a spanning tree such that () ≤ . In this thesis, we study the problem of finding thin spanning trees in two families of graphs, namely, (1) distance-regular graphs (DRGs), and (2) planar graphs. For some families of DRGs such as strongly regular graphs, Johnson graphs, Crown graphs, and Hamming graphs, we give a polynomial-time construction of spanning trees of maximum degree ≤ 3 such that () is determined by the parameters of the graph. For planar graphs, we improve the analysis of Merker and Postle ("Bounded Diameter Arboricity", arXiv:1608.05352v1) and show that every 6-edge-connected planar graph has two edge-disjoint spanning trees ,′ such that (),(′) ≤ 14⁄15. For 8-edge-connected planar graphs , we present a simplified version of the techniques of Merker and Postle and show that has two edge-disjoint spanning trees ,′ such that (),(′) ≤ 12⁄13

    The Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem on Graphs with Bounded Genus

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    New Graph Algorithms via Polyhedral Techniques

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    In this thesis we give new algorithms for two fundamental graph problems. We develop novel ways of using linear programming formulations, even exponential-sized ones, to extract structure from problem instances and to guide algorithms in making progress. Somewhat surprisingly, similar polyhedral techniques can be harnessed in the two seemingly disparate settings. In the first part of the thesis we address a benchmark problem in combinatorial optimization: the asymmetric traveling salesman problem (ATSP). It consists in finding the shortest tour that visits all vertices of a given directed graph with weights on edges. Due to its NP-hardness, the theoretical study of algorithms for ATSP has focused on approximation algorithms: ones that are provably both efficient and give solutions competitive with the optimum. Specifically, a rho-approximation algorithm for ATSP is one that runs in polynomial time and always outputs a tour that is at most rho times longer than the shortest tour. Finding such an approximation algorithm with rho bounded (i.e., a constant factor) had been a long-standing open problem. In this thesis, we give such an algorithm. Our approximation guarantee is analyzed with respect to the standard linear programming relaxation, and thus our result also confirms the conjectured constant integrality gap of that relaxation. Our techniques build upon the constant-factor approximation algorithm for the special case of node-weighted metrics due to Svensson. In particular, we give a generic reduction to structured instances that resemble but are more general than those arising from node-weighted metrics. This reduction takes advantage of a laminar family of vertex sets that arises from the linear programming relaxation. In the second part of the thesis we address the perfect matching problem. The first polynomial-time algorithm for it, given by Edmonds in 1965, is historically associated with the introduction of the class P and our notion that ``polynomial-time'' means ``efficient''. That algorithm is sequential and deterministic. We have also known since the 1980s that the matching problem has efficient parallel algorithms if the use of randomness is allowed. Formally, it is in the class RNC, i.e., it has randomized algorithms that use polynomially many processors and run in polylogarithmic time. However, we do not know if randomness is necessary - that is, whether the matching problem is in the class NC. In this thesis we show that the matching problem is in quasi-NC. That is, we give a deterministic parallel algorithm that runs in O(log^3 n) time on n^{O(log^2 n)} processors. The result is obtained by a derandomization of the Isolation Lemma for perfect matchings, which was introduced in the classic paper by Mulmuley, Vazirani and Vazirani to obtain an RNC algorithm. Our proof extends the framework of Fenner, Gurjar and Thierauf, who proved the analogous result in the special case of bipartite graphs. Compared to that setting, several new ingredients are needed due to the significantly more complex structure of perfect matchings in general graphs. In particular, our proof heavily relies on the laminar structure of the faces of the perfect matching polytope