7,461 research outputs found

    Density estimation for grouped data with application to line transect sampling

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    Line transect sampling is a method used to estimate wildlife populations, with the resulting data often grouped in intervals. Estimating the density from grouped data can be challenging. In this paper we propose a kernel density estimator of wildlife population density for such grouped data. Our method uses a combined cross-validation and smoothed bootstrap approach to select the optimal bandwidth for grouped data. Our simulation study shows that with the smoothing parameter selected with this method, the estimated density from grouped data matches the true density more closely than with other approaches. Using smoothed bootstrap, we also construct bias-adjusted confidence intervals for the value of the density at the boundary. We apply the proposed method to two grouped data sets, one from a wooden stake study where the true density is known, and the other from a survey of kangaroos in Australia.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOAS307 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Local Multiplicative Bias Correction for Asymmetric Kernel Density Estimators

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    We consider semiparametric asymmetric kernel density estimators when the unknown density has support on [0, ¥). We provide a unifying framework which contains asymmetric kernel versions of several semiparametric density estimators considered previously in the literature. This framework allows us to use popular parametric models in a nonparametric fashion and yields estimators which are robust to misspecification. We further develop a specification test to determine if a density belongs to a particular parametric family. The proposed estimators outperform rival non- and semiparametric estimators in finite samples and are simple to implement. We provide applications to loss data from a large Swiss health insurer and Brazilian income data.semiparametric density estimation; asymmetric kernel; income distribution; loss distribution; health insurance; specification testing

    A Reproducing Kernel Perspective of Smoothing Spline Estimators

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    Spline functions have a long history as smoothers of noisy time series data, and several equivalent kernel representations have been proposed in terms of the Green's function solving the related boundary value problem. In this study we make use of the reproducing kernel property of the Green's function to obtain an hierarchy of time-invariant spline kernels of different order. The reproducing kernels give a good representation of smoothing splines for medium and long length filters, with a better performance of the asymmetric weights in terms of signal passing, noise suppression and revisions. Empirical comparisons of time-invariant filters are made with the classical non linear ones. The former are shown to loose part of their optimal properties when we fixed the length of the filter according to the noise to signal ratio as done in nonparametric seasonal adjustment procedures.equivalent kernels, nonparametric regression, Hilbert spaces, time series filtering, spectral properties

    Bayesian Cointegrated Vector Autoregression models incorporating Alpha-stable noise for inter-day price movements via Approximate Bayesian Computation

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    We consider a statistical model for pairs of traded assets, based on a Cointegrated Vector Auto Regression (CVAR) Model. We extend standard CVAR models to incorporate estimation of model parameters in the presence of price series level shifts which are not accurately modeled in the standard Gaussian error correction model (ECM) framework. This involves developing a novel matrix variate Bayesian CVAR mixture model comprised of Gaussian errors intra-day and Alpha-stable errors inter-day in the ECM framework. To achieve this we derive a novel conjugate posterior model for the Scaled Mixtures of Normals (SMiN CVAR) representation of Alpha-stable inter-day innovations. These results are generalized to asymmetric models for the innovation noise at inter-day boundaries allowing for skewed Alpha-stable models. Our proposed model and sampling methodology is general, incorporating the current literature on Gaussian models as a special subclass and also allowing for price series level shifts either at random estimated time points or known a priori time points. We focus analysis on regularly observed non-Gaussian level shifts that can have significant effect on estimation performance in statistical models failing to account for such level shifts, such as at the close and open of markets. We compare the estimation accuracy of our model and estimation approach to standard frequentist and Bayesian procedures for CVAR models when non-Gaussian price series level shifts are present in the individual series, such as inter-day boundaries. We fit a bi-variate Alpha-stable model to the inter-day jumps and model the effect of such jumps on estimation of matrix-variate CVAR model parameters using the likelihood based Johansen procedure and a Bayesian estimation. We illustrate our model and the corresponding estimation procedures we develop on both synthetic and actual data.Comment: 30 page

    Efficient Estimation of Conditional Asset Pricing Models

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    A semiparametric efficient estimation procedure is developed for the parameters of multivariate GARCH-in-mean models when the disturbances have a distribution that is assumed to be elliptically symmetric but is otherwise unrestricted. Under high level restrictions, the resulting estimator achieves the asymptotic semiparametric efficiency bound. The elliptical symmetry assumption allows us to avert the curse of dimensionality problem that would otherwise arise in estimating the unknown error distribution. This framework is suitable for the estimation and testing of conditional asset pricing models such as the conditional CAPM, and we apply our estimator in an empirical study of stock prices, with Monte Carlo simulation results also being reported. Nous développons un nouvel estimateur pour les paramètres d'un modèle de GARCH en moyenne (" GARCH-M ") avec plusieurs variables. L'estimateur a l'efficacité semiparamétrique quand les erreurs suivent une loi de probabilité qui est elliptiquement symétrique mais n'aucune autre restriction. Sous les hypothèses de haut niveau, notre estimateur obtient la limite d'efficacité semiparamétrique. L'hypothèse de la symétrie elliptique nous permet d'éviter le problème d'estimer non-paramétriquement une fonction de haut dimension, parce qu'on peut écrire la densité d'un loi elliptique comme un fonction d'une transformation unidimensionnelle de la variable aléatoire multidimensionnelle. Ce cadre est approprié pour analyser des modèles conditionnels des prix des actifs financiers, comme le CAPM conditionnel. Nous appliquons notre méthodologie à l'étude des prix des actions, et nous rendons compte des résultats d'une étude simulation "Monte-Carlo".Capital asset pricing model, elliptical symmetry, semiparametric efficiency, GARCH.

    Applied Nonparametric Methods

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    Multiariate Wavelet-based sahpe preserving estimation for dependant observation

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    We present a new approach on shape preserving estimation of probability distribution and density functions using wavelet methodology for multivariate dependent data. Our estimators preserve shape constraints such as monotonicity, positivity and integration to one, and allow for low spatial regularity of the underlying functions. As important application, we discuss conditional quantile estimation for financial time series data. We show that our methodology can be easily implemented with B-splines, and performs well in a finite sample situation, through Monte Carlo simulations.Conditional quantile; time series; shape preserving wavelet estimation; B-splines; multivariate process