3 research outputs found

    A novel FCTF evaluation and prediction model for food efficacy based on association rule mining

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    IntroductionFood-components-target-function (FCTF) is an evaluation and prediction model based on association rule mining (ARM) and network interaction analysis, which is an innovative exploration of interdisciplinary integration in the food field.MethodsUsing the components as the basis, the targets and functions are comprehensively explored in various databases and platforms under the guidance of the ARM concept. The focused active components, key targets and preferred efficacy are then analyzed by different interaction calculations. The FCTF model is particularly suitable for preliminary studies of medicinal plants in remote and poor areas.ResultsThe FCTF model of the local medicinal food Laoxianghuang focuses on the efficacy of digestive system cancers and neurological diseases, with key targets ACE, PTGS2, CYP2C19 and corresponding active components citronellal, trans-nerolidol, linalool, geraniol, 伪-terpineol, cadinene and 伪-pinene.DiscussionCenturies of traditional experience point to the efficacy of Laoxianghuang in alleviating digestive disorders, and our established FCTF model of Laoxianghuang not only demonstrates this but also extends to its possible adjunctive efficacy in neurological diseases, which deserves later exploration. The FCTF model is based on the main line of components to target and efficacy and optimizes the research level from different dimensions and aspects of interaction analysis, hoping to make some contribution to the future development of the food discipline

    Aplicaci贸n de t茅cnicas de miner铆a de datos geo-referenciados en los circuitos de comercializaci贸n alternativa de productos agr铆colas en Ecuador

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    A nivel mundial se utilizan sistemas de informaci贸n para realizar el seguimiento y optimizaci贸n de la producci贸n agr铆cola. En el Ecuador el ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia (MAG), tiene un pro-grama orientado a fortalecer la asociaci贸n de productores agr铆colas familiares que comercializan sus productos de manera directa con el consumidor, en un denominado circuito alternativo de comercializaci贸n (CIALCO). A la informaci贸n recolectada por el MAG, de ferias tipo Cialco, ubicadas en las provincias de Tungurahua y Chimborazo, se aplican t茅cnicas de miner铆a de datos descriptivas y predictivas, para descubrir patrones de comportamiento que permitan optimizar la utilizaci贸n del suelo y mejorar los ingreso en la comercializaci贸n de productos agr铆colas de este sector. En la parte descriptiva, basados en la inducci贸n de reglas de asociaci贸n, generadas utilizando los algoritmos A priori y FP-growth con par谩metros m铆nimos de soporte y confianza, se genera un conjunto que se compone de todos los elementos resultado de obtener las mejores reglas. El conjunto asociativo resultante se integra por los productos cebolla blanca, tomate de 谩rbol, zanahoria, br贸coli y tomate ri帽贸n. En la parte predictiva se busca realizar una estimaci贸n pron贸stica utilizando dos dimensiones: tiempo y ubicaci贸n geogr谩fica. Con un solo predictor, se genera una serie de tiempo utilizando el algoritmo SMOReg, para realizar una extrapolaci贸n pronostica con la que se encuentra valores de comercializaci贸n de productos agr铆colas fuera del periodo de registro de informaci贸n. Adicionando coordenadas geogr谩ficas a la informaci贸n inicial se ubican espacialmente las ferias en la regi贸n de estudio, compuesto por las provincias de Tungurahua y Chimborazo, para utilizar la dimensi贸n espacial y en base a procesos de kriging realizar interpolaci贸n pron贸stica para estimar va-lores de comercializaci贸n en lugares donde no se tiene informaci贸n. Una vez desarrollados estos tres procesos de miner铆a de datos se propone una metodolog铆a qu茅, utilizando el conjunto asociativo como predictor, vuelve a calcular la estimaci贸n pronostica para la dimensi贸n tiempo y la dimensi贸n espacio. La comparaci贸n de resultados con un solo predictor frente a los resultados de estimaci贸n pron贸stica utilizando el conjunto asociativo como predictor indican que los porcentajes de error en la estimaci贸n pronostica multivariable disminuyen de manera considerable. Para validar los resultados obtenidos de mejora de estimaci贸n pronostica, se crean dos modelos de datos utilizando variables externas al proceso de comercializaci贸n poblaci贸n y piso clim谩tico. En los resultados finales, se aprecia que las dos variables de forma independiente muy poco aportan en la disminuci贸n del error de estimaci贸n, mientras que si se las hace interactuar con el conjunto asociativo se vuelve a encontrar una disminuci贸n en el error de estimaci贸n pron贸stica obtenido.At the world level, information systems are used to monitor and optimize agricultural production. In Ecuador, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock has a program aimed at strengthening the association of family agricultural producers, who market their products directly with the consumer, in a socalled alternative marketing circuit (CIALCO). To the information collected from Cialcos-type fairs, located in the provinces of Tungurahua and Chimborazo, descriptive and predictive data mining techniques are applied. To discover patterns of behavior that allow to optimize the use of the soil and improve the income in the commercialization of agricultural products. In the descriptive part, based on the induction of association rules, generated using the Apriori and FP-growth algorithms with minimum support and Confidence parameters, a set is generated that consists of all the elements resulting from obtaining the best rules. The resulting associative set is integrated by the products white onion, tree tomato, carrot, broccoli and tomato kidney. The resulting associative set is integrated by the products: white onion, tree tomato, carrot, broccoli and tomato kidney. In the predictive part, a prognostic estimation is sought using two dimensions: time and geographic location. With a single predictor, a series of time is generated using the SMOReg algorithm, to perform a forecast extrapolation with which commercialization values of agricultural products are found outside the period of information registration. By adding geographical coordinates to the initial information, the fairs are located spatially in the study region, composed of the provinces of Tungurahua and Chimborazo, to use the spatial dimension and based on kriging processes to perform prognostic interpolation to estimate marketing values in places where you do not have information. Once these three processes of data mining have been developed, it is proposed to establish a methodology that, using the associative set as a predic-tor, recalculates the forecast forecast for the time dimension and the space dimension. The comparison of results with a single predictor versus the results of prognostic estimation using the associative set as a predictor they indicate that the percentages of error in the multivariable forecast estimate decrease considerably. In order to validate the results obtained from improvement of forecast estimation, two data models are created using variables external to the population and climatic floor marketing process. In the final results, it can be seen that the two variables independently contribute very little in the reduction of the estimation error, whereas if they are made to interact with the associative set, they will find a decrease in the error obtained.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a Inform谩tica por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Javier Bajo P茅rez.- Secretario: Miguel 脕ngel Patricio Guisado.- Vocal: Ana Mar铆a Bernardos Barboll

    Supporting the design of sequences of cumulative activities impacting on multiple areas through a data mining approach : application to design of cognitive rehabilitation programs for traumatic brain injury patients

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of disability worldwide. It is the most common cause of death and disability during the first three decades of life and accounts for more productive years of life lost than cancer, cardiovascular disease and HIV/AIDS combined. Cognitive Rehabilitation (CR), as part of Neurorehabilitation, aims to reduce the cognitive deficits caused by TBI. CR treatment consists of sequentially organized tasks that require repetitive use of impaired cognitive functions. While task repetition is not the only important feature, it is becoming clear that neuroplastic change and functional improvement only occur after a number of specific tasks are performed in a certain order and repetitions and does not occur otherwise. Until now, there has been an important lack of well-established criteria and on-field experience by which to identify the right number and order of tasks to propose to each individual patient. This thesis proposes the CMIS methodology to support health professionals to compose CR programs by selecting the most promising tasks in the right order. Two contributions to this topic were developed for specific steps of CMIS through innovative data mining techniques SAIMAP and NRRMR methodologies. SAIMAP (Sequence of Activities Improving Multi-Area Performance) proposes an innovative combination of data mining techniques in a hybrid generic methodological framework to find sequential patterns of a predefined set of activities and to associate them with multi-criteria improvement indicators regarding a predefined set of areas targeted by the activities. It combines data and prior knowledge with preprocessing, clustering, motif discovery and classes` post-processing to understand the effects of a sequence of activities on targeted areas, provided that these activities have high interactions and cumulative effects. Furthermore, this work introduces and defines the Neurorehabilitation Range (NRR) concept to determine the degree of performance expected for a CR task and the number of repetitions required to produce maximum rehabilitation effects on the individual. An operationalization of NRR is proposed by means of a visualization tool called SAP. SAP (Sectorized and Annotated Plane) is introduced to identify areas where there is a high probability of a target event occurring. Three approaches to SAP are defined, implemented, applied, and validated to a real case: Vis-SAP, DT-SAP and FT-SAP. Finally, the NRRMR (Neurorehabilitation Range Maximal Regions) problem is introduced as a generalization of the Maximal Empty Rectangle problem (MER) to identify maximal NRR over a FT-SAP. These contributions combined together in the CMIS methodology permit to identify a convenient pattern for a CR program (by means of a regular expression) and to instantiate by a real sequence of tasks in NRR by maximizing expected improvement of patients, thus provide support for the creation of CR plans. First of all, SAIMAP provides the general structure of successful CR sequences providing the length of the sequence and the kind of task recommended at every position (attention tasks, memory task or executive function task). Next, NRRMR provides specific tasks information to help decide which particular task is placed at each position in the sequence, the number of repetitions, and the expected range of results to maximize improvement after treatment. From the Artificial Intelligence point of view the proposed methodologies are general enough to be applied in similar problems where a sequence of interconnected activities with cumulative effects are used to impact on a set of areas of interest, for example spinal cord injury patients following physical rehabilitation program or elderly patients facing cognitive decline due to aging by cognitive stimulation programs or on educational settings to find the best way to combine mathematical drills in a program for a specific Mathematics course.El traumatismo craneoencef谩lico (TCE) es una de las principales causas de morbilidad y discapacidad a nivel mundial. Es la causa m谩s com煤n de muerte y discapacidad en personas menores de 30 a帽os y es responsable de la p茅rdida de m谩s a帽os de vida productiva que el c谩ncer, las enfermedades cardiovasculares y el SIDA sumados. La Rehabilitaci贸n Cognitiva (RC) como parte de la Neurorehabilitaci贸n, tiene como objetivo reducir el impacto de las condiciones de discapacidad y disminuir los d茅ficits cognitivos causados (por ejemplo) por un TCE. Un tratamiento de RC est谩 formado por un conjunto de tareas organizadas de forma secuencial que requieren un uso repetitivo de las funciones cognitivas afectadas. Mientras que el n煤mero de ejecuciones de una tarea no es la 煤nica caracter铆stica importante, es cada vez m谩s evidente que las transformaciones neuropl谩sticas ocurren cuando se ejecutan un n煤mero espec铆fico de tareas en un cierto orden y no ocurren en caso contrario. Esta tesis propone la metodolog铆a CMIS para dar soporte a los profesionales de la salud en la composici贸n de programas de RC, seleccionando las tareas m谩s prometedoras en el orden correcto. Se han desarrollado dos contribuciones para CMIS mediante las metodolog铆as SAMDMA y RNRRM basadas en t茅cnicas innovadoras de miner铆a de datos. SAMDMA (Secuencias de Actividades que Mejoran el Desempe帽o en M煤ltiples 脕reas) propone una combinaci贸n de t茅cnicas de miner铆a de datos y un marco de trabajo gen茅rico h铆brido para encontrar patrones secuenciales en un conjunto de actividades y asociarlos con indicadores de mejora multi-criterio en relaci贸n a un conjunto de 谩reas hacia las cuales las actividades est谩n dirigidas. Combina el uso de datos y conocimiento experto con t茅cnicas de pre-procesamiento, clustering, descubrimiento de motifs y post procesamiento de clases. Adem谩s, se introduce y define el concepto de Rango de NeuroRehabilitaci贸n (RNR) para determinar el grado de performance esperado para una tarea de RC y el n煤mero de repeticiones que debe ejecutarse para producir mayores efectos rehabilitadores. Se propone una operacionalizaci贸n del RNR por medio de una herramienta de visualizaci贸n llamada Plano Sectorizado Anotado (PAS). PAS permite identificar 谩reas en las que hay una alta probabilidad de que ocurra un evento. Tres enfoques diferentes al PAS se definen, implementan, aplican y validan en un caso real : Vis-PAS, DT-PAS y FT-PAS. Finalmente, el problema RNRRM (Rango de NeuroRehabilitaci贸n de Regiones M谩ximas) se presenta como una generalizaci贸n del problema del M谩ximo Rect谩ngulo Vac铆o para identificar RNR m谩ximos sobre un FT-PAS. La combinaci贸n de estas dos contribuciones en la metodolog铆a CMIS permite identificar un patr贸n conveniente para un programa de RC (por medio de una expresi贸n regular) e instanciarlo en una secuencia real de tareas en RNR maximizando las mejoras esperadas de los pacientes, proporcionando soporte a la creaci贸n de planes de RC. Inicialmente, SAMDMA proporciona la estructura general de secuencias de RC exitosas para cada paciente, proporcionando el largo de la secuencia y el tipo de tarea recomendada en cada posici贸n. RNRRM proporciona informaci贸n espec铆fica de tareas para ayudar a decidir cu谩l se debe ejecutar en cada posici贸n de la secuencia, el n煤mero de veces que debe ser repetida y el rango esperado de resultados para maximizar la mejora. Desde el punto de vista de la Inteligencia Artificial, ambas metodolog铆as propuestas, son suficientemente generales como para ser aplicadas a otros problemas de estructura an谩loga en que una secuencia de actividades interconectadas con efectos acumulativos se utilizan para impactar en un conjunto de 谩reas de inter茅s. Por ejemplo pacientes lesionados medulares en tratamiento de rehabilitaci贸n f铆sica, personas mayores con deterioro cognitivo debido al envejecimiento y utilizan programas de estimulaci贸n cognitiva, o entornos educacionales para combinar ejercicios de c谩lculo en un programa espec铆fico de Matem谩ticas