12 research outputs found

    Modelling Gherkin Scenarios Using UML

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    Gherkin scenarios are examples of the behavior of the system under development. They maybe part of the requirement specification, they may be part of the test suite and they are an excellenttool for gathering information among stakeholders, testers and developers. However,little work have been done formalizing Gherkin scenarios and modelling them as part of UMLdiagrams. This paper introduces an abstract syntax and concrete syntax for modeling Gherkinscenarios in UML Use Case diagrams. This paper also introduces a tool for running Gherkinscenarios from UML Use Case diagrams as test case

    Improving communication in risk management of health information technology systems by means of medical text simplification

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    Health Information Technology Systems (HITS) are increasingly used to improve the quality of patient care while reducing costs. These systems have been developed in response to the changing models of care to an ongoing relationship between patient and care team, supported by the use of technology due to the increased instance of chronic disease. However, the use of HITS may increase the risk to patient safety and security. While standards can be used to address and manage these risks, significant communication problems exist between experts working in different departments. These departments operate in silos often leading to communication breakdowns. For example, risk management stakeholders who are not clinicians may struggle to understand, define and manage risks associated with these systems when talking to medical professionals as they do not understand medical terminology or the associated care processes. In order to overcome this communication problem, we propose the use of the “Three Amigos” approach together with the use of the SIMPLE tool that has been developed to assist patients in understanding medical terms. This paper examines how the “Three Amigos” approach and the SIMPLE tool can be used to improve estimation of severity of risk by non-clinical risk management stakeholders and provides a practical example of their use in a ten step risk management process

    An Overview of the Current State of the Test-First vs. Test-Last Debate

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    When it comes to software development, perhaps one of the most important and time consuming processes is that of software testing. In fact, early studies on software testing estimated that it could consume fifty percent or more of development costs for a product. Because of this, the ability to optimize testing to reduce testing costs can be very valuable. In this paper we compare two popular methods, test-last testing, often used in waterfall software development processes, and test-first testing, often used in Agile test driven software development methods, by reviewing recent studies on the subject. In this review we discuss the possible benefits of test-first and test-last testing and possible problems with the current data comparing these two testing methods. After that, we explore other methods in test-first testing besides test driven development, such as behavior driven development, in an attempt to and a better test-first testing model. In the end we discuss our results and potential future studies to help clarify current data

    Semi Automated User Acceptance Testing using Natural Language Techniques

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    User Acceptance Testing is typically the final phase in a software development process in which the software is given to the intended audience or domain experts. These domain experts know the functional requirements of the application and write user acceptance tests (UAT) in their natural language. A normal UAT test case in English typically follows an imperative sentence structure, i.e. a sentence that gives advice or instructions, or that expresses a request or command. We propose a methodology to write UAT test automation code using natural language processing techniques on test scripts written in free form English text by using the assumption that test cases are written in an imperative style. We have also built a proof of concept tool, the Autotestbot, to demonstrate the feasibility of our idea. In addition, with the help of Autotestbot, we also demonstrate the feasibility of our proposed approach to semi-automate the time consuming and cumbersome manual UAT test code generation process. The scope of this thesis is restricted to automating Web applications

    Pankin mobiilisovelluksen graafisen käyttöliittymän testaaminen

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    Tiivistelmä. Digitalisaation myötä merkittävä osa pankkipalveluista on siirtynyt mobiilisovelluksiin. Sovellusten ominaisuudet monipuolistuvat ja niiden käyttäjämäärät kasvavat koko ajan. Mobiilisovellusten kehittämisen ja testaamisen eräs ongelma on laitesukupolvien nopea kehitys. Eri käyttöjärjestelmät, ohjelmistoversiot, laitevalmistajat, laitteiden mallit, näyttökoot, näytön kuvasuhteet ja resoluutiot tuottavat lukemattoman määrän erilaisia laiteprofiileja, joiden kanssa sovelluksen tulisi toimia virheettömästi. Testaus on toistettava jokaisen uuden sovellus-, laite- ja käyttöjärjestelmäversion kohdalla. Laajasta laitekirjosta johtuen fyysisistä mobiililaitteista koostuvan testilaboratorion ylläpitäminen ei välttämättä ole realistista. Tässä diplomityössä on tarkasteltu pankkipalveluiden mobiilisovellusten testausta vertaamalla laitepohjaista ratkaisua, simulaattoreita ja emulaattoreita, virtuaalikoneita sekä pilvipalveluissa tapahtuvaa testausta. Pankkisovelluksen tapauksessa tietoturvalla on keskeinen merkitys, sillä kyseessä on asiakkaiden henkilötietojen sekä raha-asioiden käsittely. Tarkkojen ja yhtenäisten kriteereiden määrittely pankin mobiilisovelluksen graafisen käyttöliittymän testauksen automatisointiin on haasteellista. Testausratkaisun valinta riippuu kontekstista, tiimin asettamista vaatimuksista ja työyhteisön kulttuurista. Tässä tutkielmassa tehdyt analyysit antavat pohjan valinnalle.Testing the graphical user interface of the mobile banking application. Abstract. With digitalization, a significant portion of banking services have shifted to mobile applications. The features of the applications are diversifying, and the number of their users is constantly growing. One problem with the development and testing of mobile applications is the rapid development of device generations. Different operating systems, software versions, device manufacturers, device models, screen sizes, screen aspect ratios, and resolutions produce a myriad of different device profiles with which the application should work flawlessly. Testing must be repeated for each new version of application, device, and operating system. Due to the large variety of hardware, maintaining a test lab made up of physical mobile devices may not be realistic. This thesis examines the testing of mobile applications in banking services by comparing a device-based solution, simulators and emulators, virtual machines and testing in cloud services. In the case of a banking application, data security is of key importance, as it involves the processing of customers’ personal data as well as financial matters. Defining exact and unified criteria for automating the graphical user interface testing of a mobile banking application is challenging. The selection of the testing solution depends on the context, the requirements set by the team, and the culture of the work community. The analyses in this thesis provide a foundation for such a choice