10 research outputs found

    Une revue systématique de la littérature sur les interfaces utilisateur intelligentes: résultats préliminaires

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    National audienceThe user interfaces (UIs) promote the interaction with the software system to achieve the users' goals. In this way different types of interaction are provided, such as direct manipulation, web UI or tangible interaction. These interfaces have evolved, including artificial intelligence and adaptation mechanisms to answer the evolution of the technological areas. From this evolution emerged the intelligent user interfaces (IUIs) that aim to be more effective, efficient, and natural. Considering the importance of IUI nowadays, we have performed a systematic literature review (SLR) to investigate the design trends of IUIs in the context of contemporary software systems (CSS), such as software systems based on internet of things (IoT) or dedicated to smart cities. Preliminary results show which models and technologies are most used to develop IUIs, and which application domain is mostly represented.Les interfaces utilisateur (IU) visent à favoriser l'interaction avec le système pour permettre aux utilisateurs d'atteindre leurs buts. Ainsi, différents types d'interaction sont possibles, tels que la manipulation directe, les interfaces web ou l'interaction tangible. Ces interfaces ont évolué au fil du temps, tout en intégrant des mécanismes issus de l'intelligence artificielle, tels des mécanismes d'adaptation, pour répondre à l'évolution des domaines technologiques. De cette évolution ont emergé les interfaces utilisateur intelligentes (IUI) qui visent à être efficaces et naturelles. Ainsi nous sommes en train de mener une revue systématique de la littérature pour étudier les tendances de conception des IUI dans le contexte des systèmes logiciels contemporains (SLC), tels que les systèmes basés sur l'internet des objets ou dédiés aux villes intelligentes. Les résultats préliminaires montrent quels sont les modèles et technologies les plus utilisés pour développer des IUIs, ainsi que le domaine d'application le plus représenté

    End-user adoption of animated interface agents in everyday work applications

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    Recognizing the potential contribution that interactive software agents bring to everyday work applications, this paper reports on end-user adoption of animated interface agents in one particular work application environment: Microsoft 1 Office. The paper develops and empirically tests a theoretical model of the factors affecting an end-user’s choice to adopt and utilize such interface agents. From this theoretical model, a survey instrument was adapted and administered to 261 participants, familiar with animated interface agents. Results from a partial least squares (PLS) analysis indicates that a variety of factors are at play, which inhibit or foster a person’s choice to utilize and adopt animated interface agents. Of significance is that: (a) both perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment are important influencing factors; (b) users with high scores in innovativeness toward information technology are less likely to find animated interface agents enjoyable; (c) individuals with high animation predisposition scores perceive animated interface agents to be more enjoyable; and (d) users who perceive animated interface agents to be more enjoyable also perceive them to be more useful. Such insights can be used to leverage the introduction and rollout of animated interface agents in everyday work applications in ways that promote their avid adoption and use

    Modélisation des interfaces utilisateur intelligentes pour les environnements informatisés dédiés à l'apprentissage humain

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    Les interfaces utilisateur intelligentes (IUI) est un domaine de recherche relativement jeune et pluridisciplinaire, car il fait appel à l'ingénierie des connaissances et au domaine des interfaces personne-machine. Nous avons choisi un cadre spécifique, les environnements informatisés dédiés à l'apprentissage humain (EIAH), pour ainsi bien cibler nos recherches. En étudiant la documentation scientifique sur les IUI dans des EIAH, nos recherches ont montré qu'il y a absence de modèle pour construire des IUI efficaces. Pour remédier ce problème, nous proposons un modèle générique d'IUI qui intègre cinq composantes d'interface pour améliorer les EIAH. Ce modèle a été construit à partir de l'étude des critères d'évaluation d'interfaces et de l'étude d'IUI dans des EIAH existantes. Ce modèle a pour but de créer des IUI qui répondent mieux aux besoins des utilisateurs, qui améliorent l'interaction entre l'humain et la machine, et donc aident les personnes dans leur apprentissage. De plus, il se veut un guide afin de faciliter la conception de ces IUI. Ce modèle a été mis à l'épreuve par une évaluation heuristique par des experts afin de démontrer que notre modèle atteint bien ses objectifs. L'intégration des cinq composantes rend les IUI plus efficaces et de meilleure qualité et leur description peut facilement être réutilisable pour toute autre conception d'IUI de EIAH. Cependant, la mise à jour régulière du modèle s'avère nécessaire et une description plus formelle des composantes pourraient être proposées

    Interfaces cérebro-computador no desenho de páginas web

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    Ao longo de várias gerações, o Homem sonhou com a capacidade de comunicar e, eventualmente, controlar as máquinas que o rodeiam através do pensamento. Até há algumas décadas, esse fascínio não passava de um impulso virtual, apenas ao alcance de cirurgias complexas e perigosas ao cérebro, onde são implantados eléctrodos que medem a corrente elétrica. Contudo, o desenvolvimento tecnológico permitiu a evolução de dispositivos, não-invasivos, portáteis e recarregáveis, que registam a atividade cerebral, recorrendo a eléctrodos aplicados no couro cabeludo, e que, a partir de algoritmos computacionais, possibilitam a comunicação entre o cérebro e um computador. Atualmente, estão já comercialmente disponíveis alguns dispositivos que permitem o desenvolvimento de interfaces baseados no paradigma cérebro-computador e que, fundamentalmente, abrem portas à investigação e desenvolvimento de novas técnicas e abordagens de interação. Este tipo de equipamentos registam as correntes elétricas do cérebro e viabilizam a associação de padrões mentais a um conjunto de comandos predeterminadosnum computador. Assim, objetivo desta Dissertação é desenvolver um espaço concetual de design que contemple interfaces cérebro-computador no desenho de páginas web. Para isso, será realizada uma revisão dos princiais autores, conceitos e projetos relacionados com o paradigma de interação cérebro-computador, bem como o contexto desta na complexa área da HCI, envonvendo outras tipologias de interfaces e Web Design. Até ao desenvolvimento de experiências e provas de conceito de aplicações que culminarão com o contacto e contributo de utilizadores para o espaço concetual de design proposto

    Eye Tracking: A Promising Means of Tracing, Explaining, and Preventing the Effects of Display Clutter in Real Time.

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    Display clutter is a widely-acknowledged but ill-defined problem that affects operators in complex, data-rich domains, such as medicine and aviation. Largely regarded a function of data density and display organization, clutter has been shown to degrade performance on a range of tasks, most notably visual search and noticing. Clutter effects may be exacerbated by stress, a major performance-shaping factor in the above domains. The goal of this dissertation was to develop an eye tracking-based approach for tracing and preventing the effects of clutter and stress on attention allocation and information acquisition. The research involved three stages: 1) identify the most diagnostic eye tracking metrics for capturing and explaining the effects of clutter and stress on performance, 2) determine which eye tracking metrics can detect the effects of clutter early on, in real time, and form the basis for models of clutter effects, and 3) evaluate the effectiveness of real-time display adjustments for preventing performance decrements. This research was carried out in several contexts, including emergency department (ED) electronic medical records (EMRs). First, three experiments were conducted in different application domains, including the ED, to establish the relationship between clutter, stress, attention, and performance during visual search and noticing tasks. Clutter resulted in performance decrements on both tasks. The underlying changes in attention allocation were captured by several eye tracking metrics, some of which were able to differentiate between the effects of data density and organization. A fourth experiment calculated the most promising eye tracking metrics in real time and used them as input to logistic regression models of response time. Long response time due to poor organization could be modeled most accurately. Finally, a fifth experiment presented ED physicians with real-time adaptations (highlighting and shortcut panel) to their EMR while they reviewed patient records to perform diagnoses. Both adjustments led to better performance and were viewed favorably by physicians. Overall, this research adds to the knowledge base on clutter and visual attention, supports the further development of eye tracking as a basis for real-time processing, and contributes to improved safety in various domains by supporting timely and accurate information acquisition.PhDIndustrial and Operations EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113627/1/nadmarie_1.pd

    Interaction-driven User Interface Personalisation for Mobile News Systems

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    User interfaces of mobile apps offer personalised experience primarily through manual customisation rather than spontaneous adaptation. This thesis investigates methods for adaptive user interfaces in the context of future mobile news apps that are expected to systematically monitor users' news access patterns and adapt their interface and interaction in response. Although mobile news services are now able to recommend news that a user would be likely to read, there has not been equivalent progress in personalising the way that news content is accessed and read. This thesis addresses key issues for the development of adaptive user interfaces in the mobile environment and contributes to the existing literature of adaptive user interfaces, user modelling, and personalisation in the domain of news in four ways. First, using survey methods it explores differences in how people consume and read news content on mobile news apps and it defines a News Reader Typology that characterises the individual news consumer. Second, it develops a method for monitoring news reading patterns through a deployed news app, namely Habito News, and it proposes a framework for modelling users by analysing those patterns; machine learning algorithms are exploited selectively in the analysis. Third, it explores the design space of personalised user interfaces and interactions that would be tailored to the needs and preferences of individual news readers. Finally, it demonstrates the effectiveness of automatic adaptation through Habito News, the prototype mobile news app that was developed, which systematically monitors users' news reading interaction behaviour and automatically adjusts its interface in response to their news reading characteristics. The results indicate the feasibility of user interface personalisation and help shape the future of automatically changing user interfaces by systematic monitoring, profiling and adapting the interface and interaction

    An Intelligent Expert System for Decision Analysis and Support in Multi-Attribute Layout Optimization

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    Layout Decision Analysis and Design is a ubiquitous problem in a variety of work domains that is important from both strategic and operational perspectives. It is largely a complex, vague, difficult, and ill-structured problem that requires intelligent and sophisticated decision analysis and design support. Inadequate information availability, combinatorial complexity, subjective and uncertain preferences, and cognitive biases of decision makers often hamper the procurement of a superior layout configuration. Consequently, it is desirable to develop an intelligent decision support system for layout design that could deal with such challenging issues by providing efficient and effective means of generating, analyzing, enumerating, ranking, and manipulating superior alternative layouts. We present a research framework and a functional prototype for an interactive Intelligent System for Decision Support and Expert Analysis in Multi-Attribute Layout Optimization (IDEAL) based on soft computing tools. A fundamental issue in layout design is efficient production of superior alternatives through the incorporation of subjective and uncertain design preferences. Consequently, we have developed an efficient and Intelligent Layout Design Generator (ILG) using a generic two-dimensional bin-packing formulation that utilizes multiple preference weights furnished by a fuzzy Preference Inferencing Agent (PIA). The sub-cognitive, intuitive, multi-facet, and dynamic nature of design preferences indicates that an automated Preference Discovery Agent (PDA) could be an important component of such a system. A user-friendly, interactive, and effective User Interface is deemed critical for the success of the system. The effectiveness of the proposed solution paradigm and the implemented prototype is demonstrated through examples and cases. This research framework and prototype contribute to the field of layout decision analysis and design by enabling explicit representation of experts? knowledge, formal modeling of fuzzy user preferences, and swift generation and manipulation of superior layout alternatives. Such efforts are expected to afford efficient procurement of superior outcomes and to facilitate cognitive, ergonomic, and economic efficiency of layout designers as well as future research in related areas. Applications of this research are broad ranging including facilities layout design, VLSI circuit layout design, newspaper layout design, cutting and packing, adaptive user interfaces, dynamic memory allocation, multi-processor scheduling, metacomputing, etc