354 research outputs found

    Topics in construction safety and health : struck-by and caught-in hazards : an interdisciplinary annotated bibliography

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    "These referenced articles provide literature on the dangers to construction workers from job hazards in their occupations including the equipment they use and the type of work environment they are working in" - NIOSHTIC-2NIOSHTIC no. 20068258Production of this document was supported by cooperative agreement OH 009762 from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NIOSH.Struck-by-and-Caught-in-Hazards-annotated-bibliography.pdfcooperative agreement OH 009762 from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Healt

    Environmental Field Surveys, EMF Rapid Program, Engineering Project No.3

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    Weightless Environment Training Facility (WETF) materials coating evaluation, volume 3

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    This volume consists of Appendices C, D, E, and F to the report on the Weightless Environment Training Facility Materials Coating Evaluation project. The project selected 10 coating systems to be evaluated in six separate exposure environments, and subject to three tests for physical properties. Appendix C is the photographic appendix of the test panels. Appendix D details methods and procedures. Appendix E lists application equipment costs. Appendix F is a compilation of the solicitation of the candidate coating systems

    A study of safety and production problems and safety strategies associated with industrial robot systems

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    Imperial Users onl

    Pinellas Plant facts

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    Work Life 2000 Yearbook 2: 2000

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    This volume reported the proceedings of a series of international research workshops in 1999, funded by the Swedish National Institute for Working Life, in preparation for the Swedish Presidency of the European Union in 2001

    Space resources. Volume 2: Energy, power, and transport

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    This volume of the Space Resources report covers a number of technical and policy issues concerning the energy and power to carry out advanced space missions and the means of transportation to get to the sites of those missions. Discussed in the first half of this volume are the technologies which might be used to provide power and a variety of ways to convert power from one form to another, store it, move it wherever it is needed, and use it. In the second half of this volume, various kinds of transportation, including both interplanetary and surface systems, are discussed