10 research outputs found

    Technical and Environmental Challenges of Collaboration Engineering in Distributed Environments

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    Collaboration in distributed settings has become a reality in organizational life. Yet we still have much to learn about issues inherent to distributed collaboration. One important area of study is the integration of Collaboration Engineering in distributed virtual teams for helping them in structuring their interaction. The field of Collaboration Engineering offers promising guidelines for process structures, but its application in distributed arenas is just beginning to be studied. We report on the design and development of a new collaboration environment for the incorporation of Collaboration Engineering principles, as well as the results of an initial study that examined leadership and process structure effects on the development of shared understanding. The paper describes the research motivation, the environment, and the results of the study, including an analysis of participants’ feedback and their message exchanges. We discuss both technical and environmental challenges for research on Collaboration Engineering in distributed environments

    Utilizando social BPM na colaboração de equipes de TI em uma empresa pública

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    This paper presents the main concepts and analysis related to the Social BPM, Collaboration Maturity Model, showing how this procedure is becoming more and more necessary in the organizations routine. The main objective of this paper is to present the main steps of business process management applied within institutions, having as secondary objectives: to emphasize the importance of communication for the procedures to be well developed, to highlight the concept and application of social BPM and to highlight how the process of collaboration is developed within companies. The methodology applied throughout the work will be a collaborative maturity model, called CollabMM, which consists of descriptive research, highlighting the main steps for the collaboration maturity to be performed efficiently within organizations. Seeking to further highlight the information presented throughout the article, a case study was conducted in which the importance of planning and improvement processes to achieve better performance is verified.O presente trabalho busca apresentar ao longo dos seus tópicos os principais conceitos e análises referentes ao Social BPM, Modelo de Maturidade da Colaboração, evidenciando como esse procedimento vem se tornando cada vez mais necessário na rotina das organizações. O objetivo principal do trabalho consiste em apresentar os principais passos do gerenciamento de processos de negócios aplicados dentro das instituições, tendo como objetivos secundários: ressaltar a importância da comunicação para que os procedimentos sejam bem desenvolvidos, evidenciar o conceito e aplicação do social BPM e destacar como é desenvolvido o processo de colaboração dentro das empresas. A metodologia aplicada ao longo do trabalho será modelo de maturidade em colaboração, chamado CollabMM, que consiste na pesquisa descritiva, ressaltando os principais passos para que a maturidade da colaboração seja realizada de forma eficiente dentro das organizações. Buscando evidenciar ainda mais as informações apresentadas ao longo do artigo, foi realizado um estudo de caso onde se verifica a importância do planejamento e dos processos de aperfeiçoamento para que consiga obter um melhor desempenho

    A Dyadic Composition to Foster Virtual Team Effectiveness: An Experimental Study

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    The importance of effectiveness for virtual teamwork continues to gain momentum as technology and globalization of work accelerate. The implementation of virtual teams provides one approach to enhance competitiveness, overcoming the disadvantages of space and time differences through collaborative technologies. The influence of structure to virtual team performance has not been clearly established in the literature. The purpose of this research study was to investigate the effectiveness of a dyad structured approach for virtual teams using a quasi-experimental research design. This research investigated four questions related to the influence of structure on virtual team effectiveness related to task performance, communication frequency, and team satisfaction. Research questions included: (1) How does a dyad structure influence virtual team performance?, (2) What is the impact of a dyad structure on virtual team effectiveness with respect to task outcome?, (3) What is the impact of a dyad structure on virtual team effectiveness with respect to team satisfaction?, and (4) What is the impact of dyadic communication on virtual team effectiveness in terms of reducing overflow communication? The research approach was a quasi-experiment design to test the effect of a dyad structure, compared to self-structured, design on virtual team performance. A total of one-hundred eleven participants were placed in thirty-eight virtual teams, including dyad and self-structured assignments. The participants included graduate and undergraduate students from different universities in the US, Israel, Colombia, and the Netherlands. The teams completed a task using a web-based virtual environment, reached a team decision, and reported their satisfaction and perceptions of the experience through a self-reporting web-based survey. Hypotheses on task performance, team satisfaction, and the amount of communication were tested for differences between dyad structured and self-structured virtual teams. Statistical analyses were conducted to assess differences between the dyad and self-structured teams. The results showed significance differences between the two virtual team structural configurations. Dyadic teams performed better in arriving at the task solution using less communication to finish the task. Dyadic teams were also more satisfied with their task solution than the self-structured teams. However, results indicated that dyadic teams were not satisfied with operating as a dyadic team in this study. The research also demonstrated that team satisfaction was the most significant predictor of virtual team effectiveness. The research document concludes with implications for further research and suggests guidance for improved effectiveness in design and implementation of virtual teams

    Market and price decision enhancement services for farmers in Uganda

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    A Gaming Laboratory to Study Distributed Collaboration Processes.

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    Current events present many examples of situations where a fast and coordinated response is required from many and diverse organizations and stakeholders. Technology-mediated communication and collaboration may be the only option for getting things done in situations like these. There is a real need for research on the kinds of environments and processes that best support fast response on urgent tasks for virtual teams. The paper presents the development and initial test of a gaming laboratory to study such processes. The laboratory is adaptable to different kinds of situations. We discuss the design principles and implementation of the laboratory environment, along with lessons learned from the first experiences with it

    A Usability Model for Software Development Processes and Practices

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    La usabilidad caracteriza buenas interacciones entre las personas y sus procesos y prácticas. Promueve la satisfacción y crea entornos seguros para la innovación. Los principios de usabilidad como el feedback y la tolerancia a errores están presentes en muchos conceptos de ingeniería de software, como los procesos iterativos y las revisiones de pares. El propósito de la investigación realizada para esta Tesis es traer el concepto de usabilidad de prácticas y procesos a la ingeniería de software. Para lograr este objetivo, y dada la falta de modelos de calidad de procesos enfocados en la usabilidad, un Modelo de Usabilidad de Prácticas y Procesos (UMP) ha sido creado, refinado y evaluado, siguiendo el marco Desing Science Research. UMP ha sido efectivamente aplicado a Scrum, Test Driven Development (TDD), Integración Continua, Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) y el método Visual Milestone Planning (VMP). UMP fue diseñado para ayudar a practicantes, coaches, consultores, docentes e investigadores. Para evaluar UMP se realizaron varios estudios empíricos: una evaluación de expertos inicial para determinar su factibilidad; un focus group para obtener feedback sobre las características y métricas de UMP; dos estudios de confiabilidad, un estudio de acuerdo entre evaluadores sobre Scrum y un estudio de confiabilidad entre evaluadores sobre TDD-BDD; y dos estudios para evaluar la utilidad de UMP, un estudio de caso sobre la aplicación de UMP al método VMP, y un cuasi-experimento de campo en el cual un equipo de desarrollo en la industria aplicó UMP para mejorar su práctica de BDD. Los resultados de los estudios de utilidad muestran que los usuarios consideran a UMP útil, y 37 evaluaciones independientes por expertos fueron realizadas sobre procesos y prácticas del mundo real. Las contribuciones de esta tesis incluyen: UMP con sus características y métricas, el proceso de evaluación de UMP, el conocimiento creado sobre la confiabilidad y utilidad de UMP a través de los estudios empíricos, y los perfiles que caracterizan la usabilidad de prácticas y procesos de amplio uso actual en la industria como Scrum, Integración Continua, TDD y BDD, obtenidos a través de la aplicación de UMP.Asesor científico: Alejandro Oliveros.Facultad de Informátic

    Measuring the Scale Outcomes of Curriculum Materials

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    Market and price decision enhancement services for farmers in Uganda

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    Door kleinere winstmarges en steeds grotere beperkingen op markten en productprijzen is besluitvorming in de agrarische sector in ontwikkelingslanden niet alleen belangrijker maar ook uitdagender geworden. Het doel van dit onderzoek is “het ontwikkelen, implementeren en evalueren van een decision enhancement studio op het gebied van markten en prijzen voor boeren in Oeganda”. De belangrijkste onderzoeksvraag luidt: “hoe kunnen Oegandese boeren hun besluitvorming aangaande markten en prijzen verbeteren?” Op basis van verkennend veldonderzoek en literatuurstudies is een artefact ontwikkeld in de vorm van een Farmers’ Decision Enhancement Studio (FDES), die bestaat uit een Market Identification Suite, a Price Determination Suite en een Communication Suite. De studio met bijbehorende services is geprototyped en geïmplementeerd in de Oegandese districten Gulu en Soroti. De implementatie vond voornamelijk plaats aan de hand van open source tools en van de beschikbare middelen en capaciteiten van de boeren. Er werd een open source sms gateway gebruikt om de studioprestaties te verifiëren en te testen. De resultaten laten zien dat de boeren die voor uitdagingen op het gebied van markt- en prijsbesluiten staan, baat hebben bij de studio

    Improving design coordination in computer supported environments in SMEs : implementation of a tool for capturing and analysing collaboration between actors

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    To remain competitive in a context of multi-partner projects companies are increasingly concerned with the coordination of design projects. Information systems such as PLM or CSCW are implemented to support the coordination of product information flows. Project managers are nevertheless finding it increasingly difficult to manage projects effectively. The impact of collaboration aspects on the design process is especially difficult for them to evaluate. Indeed, failing to integrate collaboration aspects into coordination can account for a great deal of design mistakes and finding a solution could lead to improved design coordination. The main obj ective of this researchi s then to help project managersi mprove coordination in design processes through a detailed analysis of collaboration between actors. A model of coordination and an associated model of collaboration have been devised together with a tool ('CoCa') to be used by researchers, consultants or project managers in the analysis of collaboration. This analysis can lead to the understanding of collaboration aspects and identification of the problems caused. Consequently, guidelines can be defined to prevent the re-emergence of the identified design problems in new projects. These guidelines are recommendations to introduce collaborative aspects, flexibility in the design process and elements for decision making when defining future design situations. Finally, a study of a specific application implementing PLM tools demonstrates that they are not able to manage firstly design projects and human resources whilst taking into account collaborative aspects or, secondly, the necessary synchronisation between human design activities and document workflow tasks. It is thus evident that these two factors are needed in PLM tools in order to apply the proposed model of coordination. An industrial partnership with an SME led to the study of its information system, an experiment with the CoCa tool, practical design process improvements, and implementation of a PLM prototype.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo