168,924 research outputs found

    Information systems evaluation: Navigating through the problem domain

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    Information systems (IS) make it possible to improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness, which can provide competitive advantage. There is, however, a great deal of difficulty reported in the normative literature when it comes to the evaluation of investments in IS, with companies often finding themselves unable to assess the full implications of their IS infrastructure. Although many of the savings resulting from IS are considered suitable for inclusion within traditional accountancy frameworks, it is the intangible and non-financial benefits, together with indirect project costs that complicate the justification process. In exploring this phenomenon, the paper reviews the normative literature in the area of IS evaluation, and then proposes a set of conjectures. These were tested within a case study to analyze the investment justification process of a manufacturing IS investment. The idiosyncrasies of the case study and problems experienced during its attempts to evaluate, implement, and realize the holistic implications of the IS investment are presented and critically analyzed. The paper concludes by identifying lessons learnt and thus, proposes a number of empirical findings for consideration by decisionmakers during the investment evaluation process

    Take-or-Pay Contracts for Renewables Deployment

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    Renewables require support policies to deliver the European 20% target. We discuss the requirements for least cost development and efficient operation and quantify how different schemes (i) allow for the development of a renewable energy technology portfolio; (ii) reduce rent transfers to infra-marginal technologies or better than marginal resource bases; and (iii) minimise regulatory risk and thus capital costs for new projects. Long-term take or pay contracts minimise regulatory uncertainty, create appropriate incentives for location and operation, allow for efficient system operation and seem compatible with European state aid. We discuss how property rights legislation protects existing renewables investors, and thus can ensure ongoing investment during a transition towards the new scheme

    Data analytics and algorithms in policing in England and Wales: Towards a new policy framework

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    RUSI was commissioned by the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (CDEI) to conduct an independent study into the use of data analytics by police forces in England and Wales, with a focus on algorithmic bias. The primary purpose of the project is to inform CDEI’s review of bias in algorithmic decision-making, which is focusing on four sectors, including policing, and working towards a draft framework for the ethical development and deployment of data analytics tools for policing. This paper focuses on advanced algorithms used by the police to derive insights, inform operational decision-making or make predictions. Biometric technology, including live facial recognition, DNA analysis and fingerprint matching, are outside the direct scope of this study, as are covert surveillance capabilities and digital forensics technology, such as mobile phone data extraction and computer forensics. However, because many of the policy issues discussed in this paper stem from general underlying data protection and human rights frameworks, these issues will also be relevant to other police technologies, and their use must be considered in parallel to the tools examined in this paper. The project involved engaging closely with senior police officers, government officials, academics, legal experts, regulatory and oversight bodies and civil society organisations. Sixty nine participants took part in the research in the form of semi-structured interviews, focus groups and roundtable discussions. The project has revealed widespread concern across the UK law enforcement community regarding the lack of official national guidance for the use of algorithms in policing, with respondents suggesting that this gap should be addressed as a matter of urgency. Any future policy framework should be principles-based and complement existing police guidance in a ‘tech-agnostic’ way. Rather than establishing prescriptive rules and standards for different data technologies, the framework should establish standardised processes to ensure that data analytics projects follow recommended routes for the empirical evaluation of algorithms within their operational context and evaluate the project against legal requirements and ethical standards. The new guidance should focus on ensuring multi-disciplinary legal, ethical and operational input from the outset of a police technology project; a standard process for model development, testing and evaluation; a clear focus on the human–machine interaction and the ultimate interventions a data driven process may inform; and ongoing tracking and mitigation of discrimination risk

    An exploratory study of information technology evaluation and benefits management practices of SMEs in the construction industry

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    While the number of articles on IT evaluation and benefits management has been substantial, limited attention has been given to these topics in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly the construction industry. This paper presents findings from a questionnaire survey that sought to examine the approaches used by 126 construction organisations to evaluate and justify their IT investments, as well as the benefits and costs that they have experienced due to IT implementation. The analysis of their responses identified three key findings. Firstly, different organisation types significantly differ in the amount they invest in IT and their firm size (in terms of turnover and number of employees) does not influence investment levels in IT. Secondly, the evaluation process adopted by construction SMEs is used as for both control and learning. Thirdly, a major barrier to justifying IT investments was attributed to having no strategic vision. While organisations experienced no significant differences in the tactical and operational benefits incurred after the adoption of IT, differences were found with respect to the strategic benefits. If construction SMEs are to leverage the benefits of IT, then this should form an integral part of their business strategy. Considering this, recommendations for IT evaluation for construction SMEs that are also pertinent for SMEs operating in other industry sectors, are presented

    Market failure and intellectual property: a response to Professor Lunney

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    Professor Lunney\u27s piece in this volume is interesting enough that I forgive him for misportraying my own work. In this short reply I will clarify my position, and then examine both the place of my market failure argument and the place of some of Professor Lunney\u27s arguments within the future of Intellectual Property scholarship as a whole

    The Logic and Limits of Environmental Criminal Law in the Global Setting: Brazil and the United States--Comparisons, Contrasts, and Questions in Search of a Robust Theory

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    Strict but arguably unfair and counterproductive systems of criminal environmental law and enforcement exist in both the United States and Brazll in the twenty-first century. In order to create a sovereignty dividend encompassing the rule of law and evenhanded administrative control in the competitive global setting, both countries should rethink and reform their respective systems of environmental criminal law by seeking answers to several questions of legal philosophy in search of a robust theory

    Land Police in Mozambique: Future Perspectives

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    It's became clear that Land is not only a basic factor of production, it also has a number of specific features. Against this background, it has long been recognized that clarifying property rights to land can enhance economic growth through a number of channels: - The mean macroeconomic view is that the land has to be provided and used by government and non-governmental institutions, local community and the private sector for a wide range of purposes. Enforced property rights and security will also increase incentives for land-demand related to investment and thus overall economic output. In that way, the enforcement of property rights to land will provide incentive for good natural resources management - Efficient mechanisms for enforcing the land access and property rights exchange or transfer, are a precondition to promote the land productivity, increase agriculture output and can be used for credit as collateral in the transaction. - Well-defined land rights are an indispensable basis to increase the tax-payees, important mechanism to increase government revenue.Land Economics/Use,

    Evaluating environmental issue- Valuation as co-ordination in a pluralistic world.

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    Les méthodes classiques d'évaluation des ressources environnementales et des impacts sur l'environnement font implicitement l'hypothèse que la détermination des bonnes valeurs est la question clé pour la décision publique. Le processus de décision est alors compris comme l'application d'un classement univoque et objectivement déterminé d'un ensemble d'actions possibles. Quelle que soit la complexité du processus de décision dans le monde réel, concepts et méthodes d'évaluation demeurent intangibles. Le paysage se transforme lorsqu'on considère les pratiques d'évaluation comme une composante d'un processus de coordination publique impliquant des acteurs en conflit et porteurs d'enjeux variés. L'hypothèse explorée dans cet article est que la reconnaissance du caractère complexe et conflictuel de la décision appelle une nouvelle compréhension de l'évaluation elle-même. L'article propose de considérer l'évaluation comme le support de la recherche d'un accord légitime entre plusieurs types d'acteurs. Ce faisant l'évaluation doit répondre aux exigences générales de justification sur la scène publique. De ce point de vue, l'évaluation économique offre un cadre important, qui n'est toutefois qu'un cadre parmi d'autres. L'article pointe une direction clé qui est la recherche de compromis de justification et l'adoption de conventions méthodologiques qui soient en ligne avec les repères de justification utilisés par les acteurs concernés.Ordres de justification;Environnement;Evaluation;Décision publique

    A methodology for the selection of new technologies in the aviation industry

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    The purpose of this report is to present a technology selection methodology to quantify both tangible and intangible benefits of certain technology alternatives within a fuzzy environment. Specifically, it describes an application of the theory of fuzzy sets to hierarchical structural analysis and economic evaluations for utilisation in the industry. The report proposes a complete methodology to accurately select new technologies. A computer based prototype model has been developed to handle the more complex fuzzy calculations. Decision-makers are only required to express their opinions on comparative importance of various factors in linguistic terms rather than exact numerical values. These linguistic variable scales, such as ‘very high’, ‘high’, ‘medium’, ‘low’ and ‘very low’, are then converted into fuzzy numbers, since it becomes more meaningful to quantify a subjective measurement into a range rather than in an exact value. By aggregating the hierarchy, the preferential weight of each alternative technology is found, which is called fuzzy appropriate index. The fuzzy appropriate indices of different technologies are then ranked and preferential ranking orders of technologies are found. From the economic evaluation perspective, a fuzzy cash flow analysis is employed. This deals quantitatively with imprecision or uncertainties, as the cash flows are modelled as triangular fuzzy numbers which represent ‘the most likely possible value’, ‘the most pessimistic value’ and ‘the most optimistic value’. By using this methodology, the ambiguities involved in the assessment data can be effectively represented and processed to assure a more convincing and effective decision- making process when selecting new technologies in which to invest. The prototype model was validated with a case study within the aviation industry that ensured it was properly configured to meet the