3,168 research outputs found

    Assessing the impact of OCR quality on downstream NLP tasks

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    A growing volume of heritage data is being digitized and made available as text via optical character recognition (OCR). Scholars and libraries are increasingly using OCR-generated text for retrieval and analysis. However, the process of creating text through OCR introduces varying degrees of error to the text. The impact of these errors on natural language processing (NLP) tasks has only been partially studied. We perform a series of extrinsic assessment tasks — sentence segmentation, named entity recognition, dependency parsing, information retrieval, topic modelling and neural language model fine-tuning — using popular, out-of-the-box tools in order to quantify the impact of OCR quality on these tasks. We find a consistent impact resulting from OCR errors on our downstream tasks with some tasks more irredeemably harmed by OCR errors. Based on these results, we offer some preliminary guidelines for working with text produced through OCR

    Impact Analysis of OCR Quality on Research Tasks in Digital Archives

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    Humanities scholars increasingly rely on digital archives for their research in place of time-consuming visits to physical archives. This shift in research methodology has the hidden cost of working with digi- tally processed historical documents: how much trust can a scholar place in noisy representations of source texts? In a series of interviews with historians about their use of digital archives, we found that scholars are aware that optical character recognition (OCR) errors may bias their results. They were, however, unable to quantify this bias or to indicate what information they would need to estimate it. Based on the interviews and a literature study, we provide a classification scheme relating schol- arly research tasks to their specific OCR-induced uncertainty and the data required for more reliable uncertainty estimations. We conducted a use case study on a national newspaper archive with example research tasks. From this we learned what data is typically available in digital archives and how it could be used to reduce and/or assess the uncer- tainty in result sets. We conclude that the current knowledge situation on the users’ side as well as on the tool makers and data providers’ side is insufficient and needs further research to be improved

    OCR Quality Affects Perceived Usefulness of Historical Newspaper Clippings. A User Study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Copyright for this paper by its authors.Effects of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) quality on historical information retrieval have so far been studied in data-oriented scenarios regarding the effectiveness of retrieval results. Such studies have either focused on the effects of artificially degraded OCR quality (see, e.g., [1-2]) or utilized test collections containing texts based on authentic low quality OCR data (see, e.g., [3]). In this paper the effects of OCR quality are studied in a user-oriented information retrieval setting. Thirty-two users evaluated subjectively query results of six topics each (out of 30 topics) based on pre-formulated queries using a simulated work task setting. To the best of our knowledge our simulated work task experiment is the first one showing empirically that users' subjective relevance assessments of retrieved documents are affected by a change in the quality of optically read text. Users of historical newspaper collections have so far commented effects of OCR'ed data quality mainly in impressionistic ways, and controlled user environments for studying effects of OCR quality on users' relevance assessments of the retrieval results have so far been missing. To remedy this The National Library of Finland (NLF) set up an experimental query environment for the contents of one Finnish historical newspaper, Uusi Suometar 1869-1918, to be able to compare users' evaluation of search results of two different OCR qualities for digitized newspaper articles. The query interface was able to present the same underlying document for the user based on two alternatives: either based on the lower OCR quality, or based on the higher OCR quality, and the choice was randomized. The users did not know about quality differences in the article texts they evaluated. The main result of the study is that improved optical character recognition quality affects perceived usefulness of historical newspaper articles significantly. The mean average evaluation score for the improved OCR results was 7.94% higher than the mean average evaluation score of the old OCR results.Peer reviewe

    Colour Text Segmentation in Web Images Based on Human Perception

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    There is a significant need to extract and analyse the text in images on Web documents, for effective indexing, semantic analysis and even presentation by non-visual means (e.g., audio). This paper argues that the challenging segmentation stage for such images benefits from a human perspective of colour perception in preference to RGB colour space analysis. The proposed approach enables the segmentation of text in complex situations such as in the presence of varying colour and texture (characters and background). More precisely, characters are segmented as distinct regions with separate chromaticity and/or lightness by performing a layer decomposition of the image. The method described here is a result of the authors’ systematic approach to approximate the human colour perception characteristics for the identification of character regions. In this instance, the image is decomposed by performing histogram analysis of Hue and Lightness in the HLS colour space and merging using information on human discrimination of wavelength and luminance

    Accuracy of Author Names in Bibliographic Data Sources: An Italian Case Study

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    We investigate the accuracy of how author names are reported in bibliographic records excerpted from four prominent sources: WoS, Scopus, PubMed, and CrossRef. We take as a case study 44,549 publications stored in the internal database of Sapienza University of Rome, one of the largest universities in Europe. While our results indicate generally good accuracy for all bibliographic data sources considered, we highlight a number of issues that undermine the accuracy for certain classes of author names, including compound names and names with diacritics, which are common features to Italian and other Western languages
