5 research outputs found

    Propuesta de modelo dinámico para la mejora de los proyectos de software

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    Software project’s success require to deal with the increasing complexity and dynamic characteristic of software development and software process changing. In order to improvement software projects, a dynamic simulation model is proposed to captures the dynamic of software projects in order to improvement the software process and the capability of the organizations according with the major standards of quality and software assessment. Therefore, new key feedback dynamics from previous models of project dynamics are identified as dynamic hypothesis. Also, metrics accordingly with software process capability has been proposed. A formal model in VenSim language is presented. The calibration of the model into a real project under construction, and the partials test might indicate the adequacy to simulate the dynamics of the project.Los proyectos de Software se caracterizan por su enorme complejidad y por sus dinámicas complejas. En orden a mejorar los proyectos de software se va a presentar una propuesta de un modelo para contemplar las dinámicas de los Proyectos Software con objeto de mejorar los procesos y capacidad de las organizaciones de acuerdo con los principales estándares de calidad y evaluaciones. Asimismo, a partir de modelos anteriores se van a identificar nuevas dinámicas claves; además, se va a proponer las métricas necesarias según las capacidad de los procesos. Su calibración y los tests necesarios van a indicar la adecuación para simular la dinámica de los proyectos

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A cumulative index to the 1980 issues

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    A cumulative index to the abstracts contained in the Supplements 203 through 214 of Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A Continuing Bibliography is presented. It includes three indexes--subject, personal author, and corporate source

    Strategies for IT Product Managers to Manage Microservice Systems in Enterprises

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    Many information technology (IT) product managers have experienced significant challenges in adopting microservice architecture (MSA) systems successfully in their organizations. Inefficiencies resulting from MSA system adoption are of concern to IT product managers as these inefficiencies increase the cost of maintenance and increase the time to deliver software updates to the business. Grounded in the technology-organization-environment theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the strategies used by IT product managers for the domain-driven design and development and operations practices to reduce the inefficiencies during the MSA system adoption. The participants were 18 IT product managers associated with the adoption and operation of microservice architecture systems at a global consumer goods manufacturer company and a global financial company, both with headquarters in Europe. Data were collected from semi structured interviews and a review of 7 documents. A thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Four major themes emerged to include organizational alignment in adopting MSA, ways of working, experienced-based approach to design MSA systems, and MSA environment landscape. A key recommendation for IT product managers is to adopt an IT organization structure aligned with the business context of the MSA system allowing for a full lifecycle approach. The implications for positive social change include the potential for IT product managers to improve the work environment for the MSA-related teams, which may lead to robust software systems and easier to use applications by removing barriers and increasing accessibility for users, thus supporting individuals in their daily life

    Essai de modélisation de la complexité sociale des projets et étude de cas

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    Cette recherche a pour objectif de modéliser la complexité des projets pour mieux la maîtriser et, ce faisant, mieux les piloter. Elle s’inscrit ainsi dans une perspective managériale de conduite des projets et d’amélioration de leurs performances. Elle est née de constats convergents sur les limites (théoriques et pratiques) du management de projet dans le contexte contemporain. Elle vise plus particulièrement à réintégrer dans ce pilotage les dynamiques sociales constitutives du projet. Avec elles, c’est donc l’irréductible complexité des systèmes sociaux et des activités concrètes qui s’y déploient ou qu’ils servent qui est réintroduite, permettant alors une autre lecture des problèmes et de leur résolution possible. Plutôt que d’en nier l’existence, la variété ou la variabilité, ces dynamiques sociales sont réintroduites dès les phases amont du projet. Cette réintégration dans une approche systémique du projet est soutenue par une approche méthodologique apte à saisir ces dynamiques et à prendre en compte leurs évolutions. On en escompte des possibilités de simulation, donc de travail sur la base de projections dans des futurs possibles plus à même de servir la conduite du projet et sa réussite.This research is intended to model project complexity, in an effort to better control its occurrence and, subsequently, improve how complexity is handled. This work addresses a dual management objective of project oversight and performance enhancement; it has been formulated from a series of convergent observations on the limitations (both theoretical and practical) of project management within contemporary settings. The research conducted focuses on reinserting into this management context the social dynamics central to project design. With such dynamics, the inherent complexity of social systems, along with the practical activities implemented or engendered by these systems, gets added back in, thus providing another perspective on the problems raised and their eventual resolution. Rather than denying their existence, variations or variability, social dynamics are reintroduced as of the project's early planning stages. This reintegration step played out in a systemic project approach is bolstered by a methodological approach capable of tracking dynamics and incorporating their evolution. Simulation possibilities also enter into play, offering perspective based on future scenario projections that benefit project management and the chances of project success