7 research outputs found

    Assessing Online Discussion Forum Participation

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    As a socially constructive learning tool, discussion forums remain central to online education. They have continued to evolve in functionality, acquiring ever-increasing usability features. However, development has lagged in providing instructors the means to assess student work in forums. The author submits an overview of his software program that provides instructors with the means to evaluate forum work quickly, easily, and repeatedly. The software accomplishes this by accessing the forums\u27 underlying database, searching for manifest and latent data, and calculating data associated with an array of metrics. This is a Web-based tool built on Open Source and standards-based languages, providing opportunities to port the program to numerous Learning Management Systems. It is the intention of this author to provide this tool, when completed, for such use as a free, Open Source tool. Interested parties may e-mail the author for progress updates. Currently, however, further work on the project must await the completion of another project, the author\u27s dissertatio

    E-assessment: Past, present and future

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    This review of e-assessment takes a broad definition, including any use of a computer in assessment, whilst focusing on computer-marked assessment. Drivers include increased variety of assessed tasks and the provision of instantaneous feedback, as well as increased objectivity and resource saving. From the early use of multiple-choice questions and machine-readable forms, computer-marked assessment has developed to encompass sophisticated online systems, which may incorporate interoperability and be used in students’ own homes. Systems have been developed by universities, companies and as part of virtual learning environments. Some of the disadvantages of selected-response question types can be alleviated by techniques such as confidence-based marking. The use of electronic response systems (‘clickers’) in classrooms can be effective, especially when coupled with peer discussion. Student authoring of questions can also encourage dialogue around learning. More sophisticated computer-marked assessment systems have enabled mathematical questions to be broken down into steps and have provided targeted and increasing feedback. Systems that use computer algebra and provide answer matching for short-answer questions are discussed. Computer-adaptive tests use a student’s response to previous questions to alter the subsequent form of the test. More generally, e-assessment includes the use of peer-assessment and assessed e-portfolios, blogs, wikis and forums. Predictions for the future include the use of e-assessment in MOOCs (massive open online courses); the use of learning analytics; a blurring of the boundaries between teaching, assessment and learning; and the use of e-assessment to free human markers to assess what they can assess more authentically

    A qualitative assessment of an online support community for ovarian cancer patients

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    Modelo para estruturação e representação de diálogos em fórum de discussão

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    The traditional learning practices adaptation to the distance learning introduces several changes in school practice. Since in distance learning the direct contact between educators and students does not exist, new technological artifacts become necessary in order to replace direct interaction. One of these artifacts is the discussion forum, which works as a catalyzer element of the communication between involved ones and can be an important tool in the educational process. Nevertheless, non-structured nature of text messages on a forum hampers its use as a tool in individual student assessment. Analysis and qualification of message contents stored on a forum represents an important challenge for instructors. The absence of a formal representation of concepts, ideas and beliefs from students could be designated as one of the factors that make this challenge even harder. This research proposes the development of a model that allows the messages on a forum can be structured and represented. This structuration considers three message aspects: i) presented concepts, ii) who has presented it, and iii) when concepts have been presented. As a means to validate this model, a computer program was developed and tested in a Moodle virtual environment forum. The concepts developed to the Structuration and Representation of the Forum Messages Model were used on this computer program development. Through the use of this model a map or guide is generated. This map or guide can be accessed by the professor or instructor. This new feature can be used as a support tool to analysis or evaluation of a Moodle forum environment.A adaptação dos sistemas tradicionais de ensino presencial para o ambiente de ensino a distância introduz diversas mudanças na práxis escolar. Com a ausência do contato direto entre educador e educandos, surge a necessidade de utilização de artefatos tecnológicos que substituam a interação direta. O fórum de discussão é um desses artefatos tecnológicos. Ele possui a característica de ser um elemento catalisador da comunicação entre os envolvidos e pode ser um importante instrumento no processo educacional. Contudo, a natureza não estruturada das mensagens textuais de um fórum dificulta o seu uso como instrumento na avaliação individual do aluno. A análise e qualificação do conteúdo das mensagens armazenadas em um fórum representa um grande desafio para o instrutor. A ausência de uma estrutura formal de representação dos conceitos, crenças e idéias dos alunos poderia ser apontado como um dos elementos que contribuem para esse desafio. A proposta desta pesquisa é o desenvolvimento de um modelo que permita a estruturação e representação das mensagens de um fórum. Essa estruturação considera três aspectos da mensagem: i) os conceitos apresentados, ii) quem os apresentou e finalmente iii) quando esses conceitos foram apresentados. Para validar esse modelo, um programa de computador foi desenvolvido e testado em um fórum do ambiente virtual Moodle. O conceitos desenvolvidos para o Modelo de Estruturação e Representação das Mensagens do Fórum foram utilizados no desenvolvimento desse programa de computador. Por meio desse modelo de estruturação e representação das mensagens, um mapa ou guia é gerado. Esse mapa ou guia pode ser acessado pelo professor ou instrutor. Esse novo recurso desenvolvido, pode ser utilizado como uma ferramenta de apoio à análise ou avaliação do fórum do ambiente Moodle como um todo ou de cada participação individual do aluno

    Learners’ Experiences of Written Complexities Development Through Discussion Board Activities in Chinese as a Foreign Language Class

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    This qualitative case study examines learners’ experiences in the development of written complexities during Discussion Board (DB) assignments in an Advanced university level Chinese class. Discussion Board was chosen as the avenue for written complexity development because it provides learners a supplementary space with additional time and opportunities for low anxiety writing. The data collection for this study came from two sources, DB posts and interviews. This study seeks to fill gap in the literature in two ways: one, this study proposes a measurement of written complexities that consists of propositional complexity, lexical sophistication and accuracy. Second, this study highlights student experiences and explores the learning process from their perspectives. Using Vygotsky’s (1978) Sociocultural theory as theoretical framework, the findings of this study generated new knowledge about what tools and strategies Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) learners used to develop written complexities during the DB discussion activities. Additionally, this study examined how CFL learners utilized DB activities and interactions on DB to develop written complexities. Finally, this study demonstrates how DB can serve as a supplementary learning space, where if designed appropriately, can lead to opportunities for students to develop their written complexities

    Online Discussion Forum Influence on Professional Sport Fan Support: an Exploratory Study

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    With professional sports continually attracting new supporters and these supporters increasingly using Internet technologies, questions arise about the relationship between sport fan online activities and actual fan support for a professional sport team. This paper explores the behaviours and perceptions exhibited by Yellow Fever (online fan site) members as they interact within their online discussion forum. It also studies how these interactions may influence support for the A-League franchise, the Wellington Phoenix football club. To explore and describe member interactions and opinions, the paper uses a qualitative research approach and data collected from both the forum archives as well as an online questionnaire. The research appears to show that Yellow Fever members do affect fan support for the Wellington Phoenix. It also suggests several ways in which the members can influence fan support. Despite some limitations, there are implications for sporting clubs and technology research. The study also provides a basis for further research both with sport support groups as well as other types of membership dependent organisations such as community projects, local schools and political organisations

    Assessing Online Discussion Forum Participation

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