40 research outputs found

    IT Operations and Firm Performance: A Review Paper

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    This article emphasises the competencies in IT market, and how IT affects the development of companies Performance by the financial ratios. This piece of work is a review paper and reviews the literature on the IT Operations and Firms Performance. Most of the firms just invest on IT operation and just focus on new skills by their workforce without caring about other important factors such as the way they should transfer the knowledge, human capitals and organisation learning. Improved training programs help employees to be familiar with the new technological advancement. The Review of the Literature has allowed us to conclude that the value of human capital can generate to the customers derived from skills about the costs incurred. Regarding the uniqueness of human capital, it is a derived fact that, if an asset or skill cannot be duplicated or imitated by another firm, it provides a potential source of competitive advantage to the business.The paper proceeds as follows. The first section is about Introduction. Next three section reviews the empirical literature on the IT Operations, Information Sharing, and Human Capital respectively. Part five,  we will present our analysis of  Firm Performance and IT Operation.part six will introduce an organisational performance, and  Finally, Section seven concludes. Keywords: IT Operations, Information Sharing, Firm performance, and Human

    How organisations know what they know : a survey of knowledge identification methods among Australian organisations

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    Literature surrounding the Knowledge Management process of identifying what knowledge exists within an organisation is scarce. This research project set out to fill the research gaps surrounding that particular Knowledge Management process called Knowledge Identification. This paper reports on the findings of a survey sent to 973 Australian organisations to investigate their Knowledge Identification practices. The survey findings show that while organisations do perceive Knowledge Identification to be important, the practice of KI has not reached mainstream adoption yet. The reasons why and why not, and the range of methods organisations currently use to establish what knowledge exists within their four walls are identified. The survey findings also reveal two opposing approaches organisations take in practising KI: proactive KI and reactive KI.<br /

    Investigating the Knowledge Management Infrastructures of SBMU-Affiliated Libraries

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    Introduction:&nbsp;Increasing productivity in academic libraries can be due to knowledge management. The successful implementation of knowledge management requires appropriate infrastructures. In this study, to determine the level of readiness of SBMU-affiliated libraries and to implement knowledge management, the infrastructure of the management approach, organizational culture, human resources, organizational structure, and information technology has been examined. &nbsp; Methods:&nbsp;The descriptive-survey research method was used to determine the status of the infrastructures studied to obtain the opinions of 58 librarians working in the libraries of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. The opinions of 10 experts obtained to analyze the qualitative validity. Content validity‏ ratio (CVR) was calculated to analyze the quantitative content validity, content validity index (CVI), and the validity of each item, which was considered 62% and 79%, respectively. Cronbach's alpha was also used to measure reliability, which was 0.92, indicating that reliability is appropriate. A 5-point Likert scale was used to weigh a 50- item questionnaire. &nbsp; Results:&nbsp;The mean obtained for the infrastructures of the management approach was 2.72, organizational structure 2.66, organizational culture 3.13, human resources 3.26, and technology 3.21, respectively. &nbsp; Conclusion:&nbsp;The status of the two infrastructures of management approach and organizational structure was undesirable, and the three infrastructures of organizational culture, human resources, and technology were at a moderate level. Consequently, these infrastructures need investment and exceptional attention to provide a suitable platform for the implementation of knowledge management in the SBMU-affiliated libraries

    An Approach to Satisfy Managerial Awareness of Strategic Events in the Field of M-Commerce

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    Continued success in business relies on the capability to notice changes in the market before others and to access expert experience and knowledge that has been built over many years. Today the increased usage of mobile commerce (M-commerce) in business produces opportunities to access these changes and information anywhere, anytime, and any place. The opportunities that arise from M-Commerce not only support increased engagement through multiple channels, but enable the development of a thriving market sector which is shifting how businesses make strategic decisions. The present study introduces a new approach to create managerial awareness of strategic events in the field of mobile commerce. Specifically, a new method including a tool is presented and validated using expert interviews

    A Comprehensive Instrument for Measuring Knowledge Management System Satisfaction

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    This paper study on measuring the user satisfactionof Knowledge Resources for Science and Technology ExcellenceMalaysia (KRSTE.my) as a medium for managing knowledge inScience, Technology and Innovation (STI), amongst theregistered users. As a Knowledge Management System (KMS),KRSTE.my functions as a collector of STI information relatedmaterial, provides a platform for collaboration and discussion ofthe community, and also a receptor of the latest inventions inSTI. This study proposes an integrated instrument for theempirical evaluation of user’s satisfaction of a KMS. We haveconsolidated factors from several instruments developed byprevious researchers. This effort has resulted in a comprehensiveinstrument for measuring users' satisfaction of a knowledgemanagement system. The instrument consists of six knowledgefactors, namely: content, map, manipulation, community,usefulness, and security, which measure the level of usersatisfaction towards the system. The instrument includes 22items that measure user satisfaction of KRSTE.my. A total of271 Malaysian citizen registered subscribers that has accessed tothe system are involved in this study. Quantitative researchmethods have been employed in data collection processconducted over a period of seven weeks. This study involved astatistical analysis to determine significant factors that measureuser satisfaction on KRSTE.my. Results from the analysisindicate that the instrument is reliable which show all itemsmeasuring the six dimensions are correlated. The finding of thestudy shown that knowledge content and knowledge map gives ahigh level of satisfaction to the user based on the mean score.While only the knowledge security, knowledge manipulation,knowledge usefulness and knowledge community are at moderatelevel of satisfaction. Overall, user satisfaction is high onKRSTE.my with the mean score of 3.49 (of the maximum score of5). This study also makes an important contribution indetermining the level of user satisfaction toward KRSTE.my as aKMS. In addition, the study produced a reliable instrument

    The indirect impacts of management support and commitment on knowledge management systems (KMS) adoption: evidence from Malaysian Technology Industries

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    The study investigates the impacts of management support and commitment on the adoption of knowledge management systems (KMS) in Malaysian technology industries. By analysing data from a survey of 108 managers across the Malaysian technology industries, the study contributes to the KMS adoption literature by empirically establishing the indirect impacts of organisations’ management support and commitment through the mediations of other organisational elements. First of all, the results suggest that the effects of management support and commitment are only indirect through the mediation of other variables, namely knowledge classification and knowledge sharing culture. Moreover, knowledge classification has a positive influence on perceived benefits, which is a determinant of KMS adoption. Second, even though management support and commitment has a positive impact on rewards and incentives, and policy and procedures, the findings indicate that these organisational elements did not have any influence on KMS adoption. However, policies and procedures did influence perceived ease of use, which is a determinant of perceived benefits. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed

    Information technology for knowledge management in Malaysia: The effects of organisational factors

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    This study attempts to identify organisational factors that could influence the adoption of IT to support KM in a Malaysian setting. In addition to the two major constructs of the technology acceptance model (TAM), a research model was developed by incorporating six variables of organisational factors. Analysis of data collected from a survey of 830 Malaysian listed organisations showed that all variables of organisational factors have significant contribution to the adoption of IT for KM, except management support and commitment, and reward and incentive. This research outlines some management implications and extends the applicability of TAM in Malaysian KM context

    Implementasi Knowledge Management System Pada Bank Tabungan Negara di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    ABSTRACTThis study discusses the Implementation of Knowledge Management System (KMS) at the National Savings Bank (BTN) in South Sumatra, as a government bank. Given the role of banks in the economy and the extraordinary level of competition. This research is expected to be a reference in implementing KMS in banking. Banks need KMS to run business processes in the application of expertise in organizations, because KMS is able to improve the bank's core competencies. KMS acts as a liaison in the knowledge provider to broaden and deepen knowledge, contribute to overcoming competition between banks in raising funds to create forms of innovative product services provided to the public. This research is to identify the implementation of KMS in the organization, so it can be seen the success factors of KMS in banking institutions. Data collected by questionnaire, then made a research model. The survey results revealed that the KMS model suitable for use as a reference model for KMS implementation in BTN South Sumatra was influenced by factors, namely KM; organizational factors measurement objectives / specific strategies and leadership support, information technology and service innovation to consumers.Keywords : Implementation KMS, KMS on Banking, KMS Success FactorsABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas Implementasi Knowledge Management System (KMS) di Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) di Sumatera Selatan, sebagai Bank pemerintah. Mengingat peran bank dalam perekonomian dan tingkat persaingan yang luar biasa. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi dalam mengimplementasikan KMS di perbankan. Bank membutuhkan KMS untuk menjalankan proses bisnis dalam penerapan keahlian dalam organisasi, karena KMS mampu meningkatkan kompetensi inti bank. KMS bertindak sebagai penghubung dalam penyedia pengetahuan untuk memperluas dan memperdalam pengetahuan, berkontribusi untuk mengatasi persaingan antara bank dalam mengumpulkan dana untuk menciptakan bentuk-bentuk layanan produk inovatif yang disediakan untuk publik. Penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi implementasi KMS dalam organisasi, sehingga dapat dilihat faktor keberhasilan KMS di lembaga perbankan. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner, kemudian dibuat model penelitian. Hasil survei mengungkapkan model KMS yang cocok untuk digunakan sebagai model referensi implementasi KMS di BTN Sumatera Selatan dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor, yaitu KM; faktor organisasi tujuan pengukuran / strategi tertentu dan dukungan kepemimpinan, teknologi informasi dan inovasi layanan kepada konsumen.Kata kunci : Implementasi KMS, KMS di Perbankan, Faktor Keberhasilan KM