5 research outputs found

    Formal change impact analyses for emulated control software

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    Processor emulators are a software tool for allowing legacy computer programs to be executed on a modern processor. In the past emulators have been used in trivial applications such as maintenance of video games. Now, however, processor emulation is being applied to safety-critical control systems, including military avionics. These applications demand utmost guarantees of correctness, but no verification techniques exist for proving that an emulated system preserves the original system’s functional and timing properties. Here we show how this can be done by combining concepts previously used for reasoning about real-time program compilation, coupled with an understanding of the new and old software architectures. In particular, we show how both the old and new systems can be given a common semantics, thus allowing their behaviours to be compared directly

    An Efficient Platform for the Automatic Extraction of Patterns in Native Code

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    Different software tools, such as decompilers, code quality analyzers, recognizers of packed executable files, authorship analyzers, and malware detectors, search for patterns in binary code. The use of machine learning algorithms, trained with programs taken from the huge number of applications in the existing open source code repositories, allows finding patterns not detected with the manual approach. To this end, we have created a versatile platform for the automatic extraction of patterns from native code, capable of processing big binary files. Its implementation has been parallelized, providing important runtime performance benefits for multicore architectures. Compared to the single-processor execution, the average performance improvement obtained with the best configuration is 3.5 factors over the maximum theoretical gain of 4 factors

    Get rid of inline assembly through verification-oriented lifting

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    Formal methods for software development have made great strides in the last two decades, to the point that their application in safety-critical embedded software is an undeniable success. Their extension to non-critical software is one of the notable forthcoming challenges. For example, C programmers regularly use inline assembly for low-level optimizations and system primitives. This usually results in driving state-of-the-art formal analyzers developed for C ineffective. We thus propose TInA, an automated, generic, trustable and verification-oriented lifting technique turning inline assembly into semantically equivalent C code, in order to take advantage of existing C analyzers. Extensive experiments on real-world C code with inline assembly (including GMP and ffmpeg) show the feasibility and benefits of TInA

    Reconfiguration of legacy software artifacts in resource constraint embedded systems

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    Hochgradig ressourcenbeschrĂ€nkte eingebettete Systeme befinden sich ĂŒberall. Einige dieser Systeme befinden sich in Smart-Phones oder elektronischen Kontroll-Einheiten, andere in Sensor-Netzwerken oder auch Smart-Cards. Gerade die zuletzt genannten gehören zu den in Bezug auf Prozessorleistung und Speicherplatz am meist beschrĂ€nkten Systemen. Um bei gleicher Ressourcenauslastung mehr FunktionalitĂ€t bereitzustellen fĂŒhrt diese Arbeit ein Verfahren ein, welche es erlaubt durch Rekonfigurationstechniken dieses Problem zu lösen. Im Gegensatz zu traditionellen Verwendungszwecken von Rekonfigurationstechniken wird in dieser Arbeit Rekonfiguration zur Reduktion der AnwendungsgrĂ¶ĂŸe verwendet. Heutige Architekturen, welche Rekonfiguration ermöglichen, basieren auf der UnterstĂŒtzung dieser Mechanismen auf Entwurfs- bzw. Source-Code Ebene. Software Lösungen basieren jedoch zum großen Teil auf wiederverwertbaren Bibliotheken oder Drittanbieter-Komponenten, welche keine UnterstĂŒtzung von Rekonfiguration mit sich bringen und zumeist im BinĂ€rformat vorliegen. Diese Arbeit stellt eine Methode vor, um ein existierendes System unter Verwendung von BinĂ€rcode automatisch in ein rekonfigurierbares System umzuwandeln, mit dem Ziel die AnwendungsgrĂ¶ĂŸe zuverringern und dabei weiterhin harten Echtzeitbedingungen zu genĂŒgen. Das Verfahren basiert auf der Verwendung von BinĂ€rcode-Analyse Techniken zur Rekonstruktion der Anwendungssemantik, welche es erlauben dem Benutzer durch Bedingungen in einer Hochsprache Komponenten aus der Anwendungen zu extrahieren. Diese Komponenten werden anschließend optimiert. Mit dem Verfahren ist es möglich nicht rekonfigurierbare binĂ€re Softwaresysteme in rekonfigurierbare Systeme umzuwandeln, welche die AnwendungsgrĂ¶ĂŸe reduzieren und dabei harte Echtzeit-Bedingungen erfĂŒllen.Highly resource-constrained embedded systems are everywhere. Some of them can be found inside smartphones, electronic control units, others in wireless sensor networks or smart cards. The last two systems are among the most restrictive ones in the sense of processing power, energy consumption and memory availability. Pricing policies often lead to a reduction in software functionality as cheaper hardware with less resources is demanded for the final product. In order to allow more complex software to run on such constrained systems, this thesis proposes the use of software reconfiguration. In contrast to traditional uses of reconfiguration this thesis proposes the use of reconfiguration mechanisms in order to reduce the footprint of an deeply embedded application while maintaining real-time constraints. Todays adaptable architectures require the support of reconfigurability and adaptability at design level. However, modern software products are often constructed out of reusable but non-adaptable legacy software artifacts to meet early time-to-market requirements. This thesis proposes a methodology to semiautomatically use existing binaries in a reconfigurable manner. It is based on using binary analysis techniques to reconstruct the semantics of the binary application in order to allow the system developer to select meaningful code parts as components from the binary code. Using a set of high level constraints the user is able to extract components from the binary application. These components are then subject to a design space exploration step, which optimizes the resulting reconfigurable system regarding parameters as, e.g., worst case blocking time and flash lifetime. With this approach, reconfiguration can be added with a low effort to non-adaptive binary software in order to decrease the footprint of the application while maintaining real-time constraints.Tag der Verteidigung: 05.04.2013Paderborn, Univ., Diss., 201

    Assembly to high-level language translation

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    Translation of assembly code to high-level language code is of importance in the maintenance of legacy code, as well as in the areas of program understanding, porting, and recovery of code. We present techniques used in the asm2c translator, a SPARC assembly to C translator. The techniques involve data and control flow analyses. The data flow analysis eliminates machine dependencies from the assembly code and recovers high-level language expressions. The control flow analysis recovers control structure statements. Simple data type recovery is also done. The presented techniques are extensions and improvements on previously developed CISC techniques. The choice of intermediate representation allows for both RISC and CISC assembly code to be supported by the analyses. We tested asm2c against SPEC95 SPARC assembly programs generated by a C compiler. Results using both unoptimized and optimized assembly code are presented