570 research outputs found

    Statement Regarding Foxconn’s plan to install 1,000,000 Robots

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide. Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.CLW_2011_Report_China_statement_regarding.pdf: 31 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Aplikácia kognitivného modelu vizuálnej pozornosti v automatizovanej montáži

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    Zásobovacie zariadenia a podsystémy v štruktúrach montážnych systémov majú významné postavenie. Technickú zložitosť klasických zásobovacích zariadení a podsystémov je možné eliminovať pružnými programovateľnými automatizovanými zariadeniami. Informácie o spomínanom objekte zabezpečované senzorovými modulmi sa spracovávajú v riadiacom systéme zariadenia resp. na vyššej úrovni riadenia montážneho systému. Spracované informácie sú distribuované ako riadiace informácie výkonným jednotkám a prvkom, ktoré vykonávajú príslušné funkcie. Riadiace systémy programovateľných zásobovacích zariadení a podsystémov plnia viaceré funkcie napr. spracovanie informácií od senzorových jednotiek a modulov, správne vyhodnotenie polohy súčiastky a určenie postupu činnosti výkonných jednotiek a prvkov, distribúcia výkonných inštrukcií pohonovým jednotkám, atď. Programové vybavenie založené na využívaní kognitívneho modelu vizuálnej pozornosti charakterizuje nový prístup k riešeniu uvádzaných problémov. Pri vizuálnom vnímání scény obsahujúcej rôzne objekty a pre potrebu interakcie s určitým cieľovým objektom nachádzajúcim sa v tejto scéne je nutné aby systém upriamil svoju pozornosť na tento (cieľový) objekt. Tento mechanizmus je jedným z principiálnych prvkov videnia a podobne ako mnoho biologicky motivovaných systémov je veľmi výhodne využiteľný v praxi. Navrhovaný model je implementáciou mechanizmu vizuálnej pozornosti vo vytvorenom počítačom simulovanom prostredí.Logistic devices and sub - systems in the structures of assembly systems have significant position. Technical complexity of classical devices and sub - systems can be decreased by using of flexible programmable automated devices. Information's about objects provided by sensor modules are handled in processing system of the device, respective on the higher level of the assembly system. Executed information is distributed like processing information to executive units and elements. Control systems of programmable supply devices and sub - systems take handle of many functions, for example: processing information from sensor devices and modules, right calculating of the bearing of the component, distributing of executive instructions to actuating units, and many others. Software accessories based on the using of cognitive model of visual attention featured a new way of solving former problems. By visual reception the scenes contains miscellaneous objects and for the demand of the interaction with the target object is necessary that the system is need to be focused to this object. This mechanism is one of the pricipally elements of vision, and like many biologically motivated systems is very useful in practice. Designed model is an implementation of the mechanism of visual attention in the computer created simulation environment

    Basic set of behaviours for programming assembly robots

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    We know from the well established Church-Turing thesis that any computer program­ming language needs just a limited set of commands in order to perform any computable process. However, programming in these terms is so very inconvenient that a larger set of machine codes need to be introduced and on top of these higher programming languages are erected.In Assembly Robotics we could theoretically formulate any assembly task, in terms of moves. Nevertheless, it is as tedious and error prone to program assemblies at this low level as it would be to program a computer by using just Turing Machine commands.An interesting survey carried out in the beginning of the nineties showed that the most common assembly operations in manufacturing industry cluster in just seven classes. Since the research conducted in this thesis is developed within the behaviour-based assembly paradigm which views every assembly task as the external manifestation of the execution of a behavioural module, we wonder whether there exists a limited and ergonomical set of elementary modules with which to program at least 80% of the most common operations.IIn order to investigate such a problem, we set a project in which, taking into account the statistics of the aforementioned survey, we analyze the experimental behavioural decomposition of three significant assembly tasks (two similar benchmarks, the STRASS assembly, and a family of torches). From these three we establish a basic set of such modules.The three test assemblies with which we ran the experiments can not possibly exhaust ah the manufacturing assembly tasks occurring in industry, nor can the results gathered or the speculations made represent a theoretical proof of the existence of the basic set. They simply show that it is possible to formulate different assembly tasks in terms of a small set of about 10 modules, which may be regarded as an embryo of a basic set of elementary modules.Comparing this set with Kondoleon’s tasks and with Balch’s general-purpose robot routines, we observed that ours was general enough to represent 80% of the most com­mon manufacturing assembly tasks and ergonomical enough to be easily used by human operators or automatic planners. A final discussion shows that it would be possible to base an assembly programming language on this kind of set of basic behavioural modules

    Knowledge representation system for assembly using robots

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    Assembly robots combine the benefits of speed and accuracy with the capability of adaptation to changes in the work environment. However, an impediment to the use of robots is the complexity of the man-machine interface. This interface can be improved by providing a means of using a priori-knowledge and reasoning capabilities for controlling and monitoring the tasks performed by robots. Robots ought to be able to perform complex assembly tasks with the help of only supervisory guidance from human operators. For such supervisory quidance, it is important to express the commands in terms of the effects desired, rather than in terms of the motion the robot must undertake in order to achieve these effects. A suitable knowledge representation can facilitate the conversion of task level descriptions into explicit instructions to the robot. Such a system would use symbolic relationships describing the a priori information about the robot, its environment, and the tasks specified by the operator to generate the commands for the robot

    Constraint-aware coordinated construction of generic structures

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    This paper presents a constraint-aware decentralized approach to construction with teams of robots. We present an extension to existing work on a distributed controller for robotic construction of simple structures. Our previous work described a set of adaptive algorithms for constructing truss structures given a target geometry using continuous and graph-based equal-mass partitioning [1], [2]. Using this work as a foundation, we present an algorithm which performs construction tasks and conforms to physical constraints while considering those constraints to parallelize tasks. This is accomplished by defining a mass function which reflects the priority of part placement and prevents physically impossible states. This mass function generates a set of pointmasses in ℝn, and we present a novel algorithm for finding a locally optimal, equal-mass, convex tessellation of such a set.Boeing CompanyNational Science Foundation (U.S.).National Science Foundation (U.S.). Office of Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (Grant #0735953)United States. Army Research Office. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative. Swarms of Autonomous Robots and Mobile Sensors Project (Grant number N0014-09-1051)United States. Army Research Office. Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative. Scalable (Grant number 544252

    Developing rehabilitation robots for the brain injured

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    Designing rehabilitation robots for the brain injured

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    IkeaBot: An autonomous multi-robot coordinated furniture assembly system

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    We present an automated assembly system that directs the actions of a team of heterogeneous robots in the completion of an assembly task. From an initial user-supplied geometric specification, the system applies reasoning about the geometry of individual parts in order to deduce how they fit together. The task is then automatically transformed to a symbolic description of the assembly-a sort of blueprint. A symbolic planner generates an assembly sequence that can be executed by a team of collaborating robots. Each robot fulfills one of two roles: parts delivery or parts assembly. The latter are equipped with specialized tools to aid in the assembly process. Additionally, the robots engage in coordinated co-manipulation of large, heavy assemblies. We provide details of an example furniture kit assembled by the system.Boeing Compan