9 research outputs found

    A Contact-triggered Adaptive Soft Suction Cup

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    Advanced Bionic Attachment Equipment Inspired by the Attachment Performance of Aquatic Organisms: A Review

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    In nature, aquatic organisms have evolved various attachment systems, and their attachment ability has become a specific and mysterious survival skill for them. Therefore, it is significant to study and use their unique attachment surfaces and outstanding attachment characteristics for reference and develop new attachment equipment with excellent performance. Based on this, in this review, the unique non-smooth surface morphologies of their suction cups are classified and the key roles of these special surface morphologies in the attachment process are introduced in detail. The recent research on the attachment capacity of aquatic suction cups and other related attachment studies are described. Emphatically, the research progress of advanced bionic attachment equipment and technology in recent years, including attachment robots, flexible grasping manipulators, suction cup accessories, micro-suction cup patches, etc., is summarized. Finally, the existing problems and challenges in the field of biomimetic attachment are analyzed, and the focus and direction of biomimetic attachment research in the future are pointed out

    Microfabricated Dynamic Shape-Change Hydrogel Systems

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    Biomimicry is gaining traction in the engineering community to create simple, elegant designs and constructions. Combining this with the microfabrication skills that the semiconductor industry has perfected, has enabled researchers to create high throughput, cost effective solutions to major challenges in the study of soft material dynamics. This thesis provides an insight into the possibilities that come with understanding the mechanics behind fast movements in the plant kingdom, and origami, to create systems that exhibit bidirectional folding using microfabrication. A thermoresponsive hydrogel sheet was fabricated, with stiffer non-swelling polymer grids embedded in it, which was the basis for its self-folding properties and behavior. In addition to this, a gut parasite inspired system was introduced, which could potentially give rise to a new type of adhesive drug delivery devices. Microfabrication skills such as photolithography were used to a large extent, to photopattern thermoresponsive hydrogels like poly (N-isopropyl acrylamide) and mucoadhesive materials like chitosan. The drug release kinetics for this model was assessed, and future steps proposed, to make this a viable adhesive system

    Mechanics of remora adhesion

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    Remora fishes are capable of rapid, reversible, and robust attachment to a wide variety of marine hosts both natural and artificial with widely varying geometric and material properties. Despite its unique abilities, the mechanisms responsible for remora attachment have received little attention in scientific literature in comparison to the number of works commenting on it. The objective of this work is to identify and quantify the behavior and limitations of the critical mechanisms responsible for remora attachment. Traditional dissection techniques were combined with high-resolution three-dimensional scans to characterize and identify critical structural metrics pertaining to remora morphology. The structural metrics were incorporated into simulations to predict remora behavior during attachment. Finally, experimental methods were performed on artificial tissues to validate model predictions when necessary. The work is of value to both the engineering and biological communities through the creation of design tools, analyses, data sets, and simulations that provide both quantitative design data for bioinspired devices and/or methodologies, but also insight into the behavior of the remora itself.Ph.D

    New designs for bioinspired microstructures with adhesion to rough surfaces

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    Adhesion to substrates with surface roughness is a research field with many unsolved questions. A more thorough understanding of the underlying principles is important to develop new technologies with potential implications for instance in robotics, industrial automatization and wearable interfaces. Nature is a vast source of inspiration as animals have mastered climbing on various surfaces at high speed with several attachment and detachment events in a short time. In this work, new designs for dry adhesives inspired by natural blueprints are presented. Different strategies were explored to understand and tune adhesion on a range of substrates from smooth glass to polymers with skin-like roughness. Both the material properties and the geometry of the dry adhesives were utilized to improve adhesion strength. Three concepts are presented in this work: (i) composite structures with tunable interface, (ii) soft pressure sensitive adhesive layers, and (iii) funnel-shaped microstructures. This thesis aims for better understanding of the adhesion behavior as a function of several important factors including hold time, substrate material and roughness. The new concepts for bioinspired structures investigated in the present thesis will contribute to the development of performant, reversible adhesives for a variety of applications where surface roughness is involved.AdhĂ€sion an rauen OberflĂ€chen stellt immer noch ein Forschungsfeld mit vielen ungelösten Problemen dar. Um neue Technologien mit Bedeutung fĂŒr beispielsweise die Robotik, industrielle Automatisierung und körpernahe Sensorik zu entwickeln, bedarf es eines tieferen VerstĂ€ndnisses der zugrunde liegenden Prinzipien. Hier stellt die Natur eine vielfĂ€ltige Inspirationsquelle dar, da bestimmte Lebewesen in der Lage sind, auf unterschiedlichsten UntergrĂŒnden zu haften. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden der Natur nachempfundene Modelle und Lösungen zur Haftung vorgestellt. Zum VerstĂ€ndnis der Haftungsmechanismen und zur Optimierung der Hafteigenschaften auf einer Bandbreite von Substraten, von glattem Glas bis hin zu rauen, hautĂ€hnlichen PolymeroberflĂ€chen, wurden unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen untersucht. Zur Erhöhung der Haftkraft kamen sowohl Variationen in den verwendeten Materialien, als auch in der Geometrie der Haftstrukturen zum Einsatz. Drei Konzepte werden in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt: (i) Kompositstrukturen mit variablen GrenzflĂ€chen; (ii) weiche, drucksensitive Schichten und (iii) trichterförmige Mikrostrukturen. Es wird ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis des AdhĂ€sionsverhaltens in direktem Zusammenhang mit verschiedenen Struktur-, Substrat- und Messparametern angestrebt. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten, neuen Konzepte fĂŒr bioinspirierte Strukturen sollen zur Entwicklung performanter, reversibler Haftverbindungen fĂŒr einen breiten Anwendungsbereich auf rauen OberflĂ€chen beitragen.L’adhĂ©sion sur des surfaces rugueuses offre beaucoup de questions ouvertes aux chercheurs. Pour dĂ©velopper des technologies pionniĂšres dans les domaines comme la robotique, automatisation industrielle et les capteurs portables, une connaissance plus dĂ©taillĂ©e des mĂ©canismes gouvernant ce phĂ©nomĂšne est nĂ©cessaire. La nature est une source d’inspiration vaste avec une multitude d’animaux possĂ©dant la capacitĂ© d’escalader diverses surfaces Ă  grande vitesse. Cette thĂšse prĂ©sente de nouveaux designs d’adhĂ©sifs secs inspirĂ©s par la nature. DiffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies ont Ă©tĂ© explorĂ©es afin de comprendre et modifier l’adhĂ©sion sur des surfaces variĂ©es comme le verre poli ou des polymĂšres avec une texture de surface ressemblant celle de la peau. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s des matĂ©riaux et la gĂ©omĂ©trie des structures ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©es comme paramĂštres pour maximiser l’adhĂ©sion. Cette thĂšse comprend trois parties : (i) des structures composites avec interface variable, (ii) des films mous sensibles Ă  la pression, et (iii) des structures en forme d’entonnoir. Les paramĂštres Ă©tudiĂ©s englobent entre outre le temps d’attente, le matĂ©riau du substrat et sa rugositĂ©. Tous les concepts peuvent ĂȘtre raffinĂ©s et optimisĂ© envers certaines applications. Les nouveaux concepts de structures inspirĂ©s par la nature prĂ©sentĂ©s ci-dedans ont pour but de contribuer au dĂ©veloppement d’adhĂ©sifs performants et rĂ©versibles pour une variĂ©tĂ© d’applications pour lesquelles la rugositĂ© joue un important rĂŽle.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n. 340929 awarded to Eduard Arzt and by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) through the grant n. HE 7498/1-1 awarded to RenĂ© Hensel

    Adaptive robust interaction control for low-cost robotic grasping

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    Robotic grasping is a challenging area in the field of robotics. When a gripper starts interacting with an object to perform a grasp, the mechanical properties of the object (stiffness and damping) will play an important role. A gripper which is stable in isolated conditions, can become unstable when coupled to an object. This can lead to the extreme condition where the gripper becomes unstable and generates excessive or insufficient grip force resulting in the grasped object either being crushed, or falling and breaking. In addition to the stability issue, grasp maintenance is one of the most important requirements of any grasp where it guarantees a secure grasp in the presence of any unknown disturbance. The term grasp maintenance refers to the reaction of the controller in the presence of external disturbances, trying to prevent any undesired slippage. To do so, the controller continuously adjusts the grip force. This is a challenging task as it requires an accurate model of the friction and object’s weight to estimate a sufficient grip force to stop the object from slipping while incurring minimum deformation. Unfortunately, in reality, there is no solution which is able to obtain the mechanical properties, frictional coefficient and weight of an object before establishing a mechanical interaction with it. External disturbance forces are also stochastic meaning they are impossible to predict. This thesis addresses both of the problems mentioned above by:Creating a novel variable stiffness gripper, capable of grasping unknown objects, mainly those found in agricultural or food manufacturing companies. In addition to the stabilisation effect of the introduced variable stiffness mechanism, a novel force control algorithm has been designed that passively controls the grip force in variable stiffness grippers. Due to the passive nature of the suggested controller, it completely eliminates the necessity for any force sensor. The combination of both the proposed variable stiffness gripper and the passivity based control provides a unique solution for the stable grasp and force control problem in tendon driven, angular grippers.Introducing a novel active multi input-multi output slip prevention algorithm. The algorithm developed provides a robust control solution to endow direct drive parallel jaw grippers with the capability to stop held objects from slipping while incurring minimum deformation; this can be done without any prior knowledge of the object’s friction and weight. The large number of experiments provided in this thesis demonstrate the robustness of the proposed controller when controlling parallel jaw grippers in order to quickly grip, lift and place a broad range of objects firmly without dropping or crushing them. This is particularly useful for teleoperation and nuclear decommissioning tasks where there is often no accurate information available about the objects to be handled. This can mean that pre-programming of the gripper is required for each different object and for high numbers of objects this is impractical and overly time-consuming. A robust controller, which is able to compensate for any uncertainties regarding the object model and any unknown external disturbances during grasping, is implemented. This work has advanced the state of the art in the following two main areas: Direct impedance modulation for stable grasping in tendon driven, angular grippers. Active MIMO slip prevention grasp control for direct drive parallel jaw grippers