3,841 research outputs found

    Information driven self-organization of complex robotic behaviors

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    Information theory is a powerful tool to express principles to drive autonomous systems because it is domain invariant and allows for an intuitive interpretation. This paper studies the use of the predictive information (PI), also called excess entropy or effective measure complexity, of the sensorimotor process as a driving force to generate behavior. We study nonlinear and nonstationary systems and introduce the time-local predicting information (TiPI) which allows us to derive exact results together with explicit update rules for the parameters of the controller in the dynamical systems framework. In this way the information principle, formulated at the level of behavior, is translated to the dynamics of the synapses. We underpin our results with a number of case studies with high-dimensional robotic systems. We show the spontaneous cooperativity in a complex physical system with decentralized control. Moreover, a jointly controlled humanoid robot develops a high behavioral variety depending on its physics and the environment it is dynamically embedded into. The behavior can be decomposed into a succession of low-dimensional modes that increasingly explore the behavior space. This is a promising way to avoid the curse of dimensionality which hinders learning systems to scale well.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    A Neural Network Architecture for Autonomous Learning, Recognition, and Prediction in a Nonstationary World

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    In a constantly changing world, humans are adapted to alternate routinely between attending to familiar objects and testing hypotheses about novel ones. We can rapidly learn to recognize and narne novel objects without unselectively disrupting our memories of familiar ones. We can notice fine details that differentiate nearly identical objects and generalize across broad classes of dissimilar objects. This chapter describes a class of self-organizing neural network architectures--called ARTMAP-- that are capable of fast, yet stable, on-line recognition learning, hypothesis testing, and naming in response to an arbitrary stream of input patterns (Carpenter, Grossberg, Markuzon, Reynolds, and Rosen, 1992; Carpenter, Grossberg, and Reynolds, 1991). The intrinsic stability of ARTMAP allows the system to learn incrementally for an unlimited period of time. System stability properties can be traced to the structure of its learned memories, which encode clusters of attended features into its recognition categories, rather than slow averages of category inputs. The level of detail in the learned attentional focus is determined moment-by-moment, depending on predictive success: an error due to over-generalization automatically focuses attention on additional input details enough of which are learned in a new recognition category so that the predictive error will not be repeated. An ARTMAP system creates an evolving map between a variable number of learned categories that compress one feature space (e.g., visual features) to learned categories of another feature space (e.g., auditory features). Input vectors can be either binary or analog. Computational properties of the networks enable them to perform significantly better in benchmark studies than alternative machine learning, genetic algorithm, or neural network models. Some of the critical problems that challenge and constrain any such autonomous learning system will next be illustrated. Design principles that work together to solve these problems are then outlined. These principles are realized in the ARTMAP architecture, which is specified as an algorithm. Finally, ARTMAP dynamics are illustrated by means of a series of benchmark simulations.Advanced Research Projects Agency (N00014-92-J-4015); British Petroleum (89A-1204); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-J-4015); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0225

    Neural Networks for Complex Data

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    Artificial neural networks are simple and efficient machine learning tools. Defined originally in the traditional setting of simple vector data, neural network models have evolved to address more and more difficulties of complex real world problems, ranging from time evolving data to sophisticated data structures such as graphs and functions. This paper summarizes advances on those themes from the last decade, with a focus on results obtained by members of the SAMM team of Universit\'e Paris

    Power System Parameters Forecasting Using Hilbert-Huang Transform and Machine Learning

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    A novel hybrid data-driven approach is developed for forecasting power system parameters with the goal of increasing the efficiency of short-term forecasting studies for non-stationary time-series. The proposed approach is based on mode decomposition and a feature analysis of initial retrospective data using the Hilbert-Huang transform and machine learning algorithms. The random forests and gradient boosting trees learning techniques were examined. The decision tree techniques were used to rank the importance of variables employed in the forecasting models. The Mean Decrease Gini index is employed as an impurity function. The resulting hybrid forecasting models employ the radial basis function neural network and support vector regression. Apart from introduction and references the paper is organized as follows. The section 2 presents the background and the review of several approaches for short-term forecasting of power system parameters. In the third section a hybrid machine learning-based algorithm using Hilbert-Huang transform is developed for short-term forecasting of power system parameters. Fourth section describes the decision tree learning algorithms used for the issue of variables importance. Finally in section six the experimental results in the following electric power problems are presented: active power flow forecasting, electricity price forecasting and for the wind speed and direction forecasting

    An Adaptive Retraining Method for the Exchange Rate Forecasting

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    The paper advances an original artificial intelligence-based mechanism for specific economic predictions. The time series under discussion are non-stationary; therefore the distribution of the time series changes over time. The algorithm establishes how a viable structure of an artificial neural network (ANN) at a previous moment of time could be retrained in an efficient manner, in order to support modifications in a complex input-output function of financial forecasting. A "remembering process" for the former knowledge achieved in the previous learning phase is used to enhance the accuracy of the predictions. The results show that the first training (which includes the searching phase for the optimal architecture) always takes a relatively long time, but then the system can be very easily retrained, as there are no changes in the structure. The advantage of the retraining procedure is that some relevant aspects are preserved (remembered) not only from the immediate previous training phase, but also from the previous but one phase, and so on. A kind of slow forgetting process also occurs; thus it is much easier for the ANN to remember specific aspects of the previous training instead of the first training. The experiments reveal the high importance of the retraining phase as an upgrading/updating process and the effect of ignoring it, as well. There has been a decrease in the test error when successive retraining phases were performed.Neural Networks, Exchange Rate, Adaptive Retraining, Delay Vectors, Iterative Simulation

    A Real-Time Unsupervised Neural Network for the Low-Level Control of a Mobile Robot in a Nonstationary Environment

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    This article introduces a real-time, unsupervised neural network that learns to control a two-degree-of-freedom mobile robot in a nonstationary environment. The neural controller, which is termed neural NETwork MObile Robot Controller (NETMORC), combines associative learning and Vector Associative Map (YAM) learning to generate transformations between spatial and velocity coordinates. As a result, the controller learns the wheel velocities required to reach a target at an arbitrary distance and angle. The transformations are learned during an unsupervised training phase, during which the robot moves as a result of randomly selected wheel velocities. The robot learns the relationship between these velocities and the resulting incremental movements. Aside form being able to reach stationary or moving targets, the NETMORC structure also enables the robot to perform successfully in spite of disturbances in the enviroment, such as wheel slippage, or changes in the robot's plant, including changes in wheel radius, changes in inter-wheel distance, or changes in the internal time step of the system. Finally, the controller is extended to include a module that learns an internal odometric transformation, allowing the robot to reach targets when visual input is sporadic or unreliable.Sloan Fellowship (BR-3122), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0499

    An Unsupervised Neural Network for Real-Time Low-Level Control of a Mobile Robot: Noise Resistance, Stability, and Hardware Implementation

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    We have recently introduced a neural network mobile robot controller (NETMORC). The controller is based on earlier neural network models of biological sensory-motor control. We have shown that NETMORC is able to guide a differential drive mobile robot to an arbitrary stationary or moving target while compensating for noise and other forms of disturbance, such as wheel slippage or changes in the robot's plant. Furthermore, NETMORC is able to adapt in response to long-term changes in the robot's plant, such as a change in the radius of the wheels. In this article we first review the NETMORC architecture, and then we prove that NETMORC is asymptotically stable. After presenting a series of simulations results showing robustness to disturbances, we compare NETMORC performance on a trajectory-following task with the performance of an alternative controller. Finally, we describe preliminary results on the hardware implementation of NETMORC with the mobile robot ROBUTER.Sloan Fellowship (BR-3122), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0499
