5,029 research outputs found

    Between Sense and Sensibility: Declarative narrativisation of mental models as a basis and benchmark for visuo-spatial cognition and computation focussed collaborative cognitive systems

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    What lies between `\emph{sensing}' and `\emph{sensibility}'? In other words, what kind of cognitive processes mediate sensing capability, and the formation of sensible impressions ---e.g., abstractions, analogies, hypotheses and theory formation, beliefs and their revision, argument formation--- in domain-specific problem solving, or in regular activities of everyday living, working and simply going around in the environment? How can knowledge and reasoning about such capabilities, as exhibited by humans in particular problem contexts, be used as a model and benchmark for the development of collaborative cognitive (interaction) systems concerned with human assistance, assurance, and empowerment? We pose these questions in the context of a range of assistive technologies concerned with \emph{visuo-spatial perception and cognition} tasks encompassing aspects such as commonsense, creativity, and the application of specialist domain knowledge and problem-solving thought processes. Assistive technologies being considered include: (a) human activity interpretation; (b) high-level cognitive rovotics; (c) people-centred creative design in domains such as architecture & digital media creation, and (d) qualitative analyses geographic information systems. Computational narratives not only provide a rich cognitive basis, but they also serve as a benchmark of functional performance in our development of computational cognitive assistance systems. We posit that computational narrativisation pertaining to space, actions, and change provides a useful model of \emph{visual} and \emph{spatio-temporal thinking} within a wide-range of problem-solving tasks and application areas where collaborative cognitive systems could serve an assistive and empowering function.Comment: 5 pages, research statement summarising recent publication

    Building a territorial working group to reduce gender gap in the field of artificial intelligence

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    The gender gap (both at vocational and professional sides) in Artificial Intelligence (AI), and scientific and technological fields in general, is one of the most critical challenges that the current digital society must solve. This paper describes the proposal of the gender commission donesIAcat to create a gender working group formed by Catalan AI scientists and professionals who work in a network for bridging this gap. The main objectives for letting girls know that they can study and work in the AI field are presented in this paper. A general methodological framework is proposed, following the internal organization of the Catalan group donesIAcat. Several key actions are explained and classified into six blocks. A relevant contribution of the paper is the definition of the guidelines required to build a territorial network-based structure capable of launching several AI-related activities targeting people at different stages of their life. The activities done at donesIAcat illustrate the possible outcomes of the proposed methodology and show successful initiatives to engage girls in technology and AI. The paper shows the validity of this model for small homogeneous territories where activities can be suitable for the different cities in the region. Proximity is one of the advantages of such a model and one of the reasons for its success.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Moving Beyond Text Digitization in Archives Using Both Human and Technological Resources

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    In the past, the digitization of archival collections has focused on capture of and access to plain images of textual material. In the current cultural heritage environment, particularly with the shift of many archives workers and patrons to telework during the COVID-19 pandemic, an image of the archival object alone is not enough. Today archival collections need to be searchable and transcribable. This session discusses the power of both technological developments and more traditional humanistic "people power" to enhance digitized archival collections at scale. Come and hear how archives are crowdsourcing transcriptions of digitized texts, both through "volunpeers" from the public and teleworking staff, and using informatics tools for new methods of seeing and understanding collections such as OCR and artificial intelligence (AI)


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    The development and deployment of Artificial intelligence (AI) in organizations is of growing interest to the Information systems (IS) discipline. This can be approached from a sociotechnical perspective contributing to managing the unintended outcomes of AI while extending AI use boundaries. This paper presents the findings from a systematic literature review on organizational maturity and readiness for AI development and development. A key result is that extant research has lost sight of AI systems\u27 humanistic and ethical aspects, and principles related to responsible AI are not sufficiently defined. This is a hurdle because principles for responsible AI are fundamental for AI development and deployment ensuring long-term benefits. Drawing from the literature review findings, we provide a conceptual maturity model with two main dimensions (responsible and instrumental), twelve conditions and thirty factors. The maturity and readiness factors for responsible AI are deduced from synthesizing 35 articles in related literature. Specifically, the paper identified six capabilities for responsible AI: AI model, Cooperative AI, ethical awareness, laws & regulations, data governance and continuous improvement; six instrumental capabilities were also identified: strategic alignment, technology, culture, data management, financial and human resource management

    Work Informatics—Mon Amour

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    This article displays the professional career of the author. It is started with a chronological narrative of his academic work highlighting some crucial events in it. The main contribution of his work is a conceptual framework called ‘Work Informatics’ that regards the use of information technology as an inherent part of the work of the actual user. This framework is briefly explained. The final discussion tries to transcend the restrictions created by the unusual subjective character of this paper: what are the lessons learned and how are the two stories connected

    A padronização das decisões judiciais feita pela inteligência artificial: uma crítica para a nova ciência do direito

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    The standardization of decisions by the informatics of law, aiming at an exact science would result in a science in which progress and transformations would not drive the emergence of new rights or the readjustment of those already established. The present article proposed to examine, by means of a doctrinal-critical analysis, the impacts of the advance of the new automated technique of law, especially considering the configurations of a legal Fordism. We sought to answer what is the possibility of implementing Artificial Intelligence in the civil jurisdictional process and what would be the possible consequences, with regard to the advancement of rights already established and the advent of new rights through jurisdictional provision. The hypothetical-deductive approach was chosen, with the purpose of analyzing the problematic regarding the failures of the Fordist legal science. The monographic and historical methods of procedure were used, together with the bibliographical research technique, for a better analysis of the theme and the basis of the critical-conclusive analysis. Finally, what can be deduced is the need for constant improvement and in-depth studies before the artificial machine, which is not even capable of understanding the basic principles of law as a guarantee of the citizen’s humanity.La estandarización de las decisiones por parte de la informática del derecho, apuntando a una ciencia exacta, resultaría en una ciencia en la que el progreso y las transformaciones no impulsarían el surgimiento de nuevos derechos o el reajuste de los ya establecidos. El presente artículo se propuso examinar, mediante un análisis doctrinal-crítico, los impactos del avance de la nueva técnica automatizada del derecho, especialmente considerando las configuraciones de un fordismo jurídico. Se buscó responder cuál es la posibilidad de implementar la Inteligencia Artificial en el proceso jurisdiccional civil y cuáles serían las posibles consecuencias, en relación con el avance de los derechos ya establecidos y el advenimiento de nuevos derechos a través de la prestación jurisdiccional. Se ha optado por el enfoque hipotético-deductivo, con el fin de analizar la problemática relativa a los fracasos de la ciencia jurídica fordista. Se utilizaron los métodos de procedimiento monográfico e histórico, junto con la técnica de investigación bibliográfica, para un mejor análisis del tema y la base del análisis crítico-conclusivo. Finalmente, lo que se deduce es la necesidad de perfeccionamiento y profundización constante ante la máquina artificial, que ni siquiera es capaz de entender los principios básicos del derecho como garantía de la humanidad del ciudadano.A padronização das decisões por parte da informática do direito, visando uma ciência exata, resultaria em uma ciência em que o progresso e as transformações não impulsariam o aparecimento de novos direitos ou o reajuste dos já estabelecidos. O presente artigo se propôs examinar, através de uma análise doutrinal-crítico, os impactos do avanço da nova técnica automatizada do direito, especialmente considerando as configurações de um fordismo jurídico. Procurou-se responder qual é a possibilidade de aplicar a inteligência artificial no processo jurisdicional civil e quais seriam as possíveis consequências, em relação com o avanço dos direitos já estabelecidos e o aparecimento de novos direitos através da prestação jurisdicional. Foi escolhida como metodologia procedimento monográfico e histórico, junto com a técnica de investigação bibliográfica, para uma melhor análise do tema e análise da base crítico-conclusiva. Finalmente o que se deduz é a necessidade de aperfeiçoamento e ampliação constante face a máquina artificial, que nem sequer é capaz de entender os princípios básicos do direito como garantia da humanidade do cidadão

    Homo Virtualis: existence in Internet space

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    The study of a person existence in Internet space is certainly an actual task, since the Internet is not only a source of innovation, but also the cause of society's transformations and the social and cultural problems that arise in connection with this. Computer network is global. It is used by people of different professions, age, level and nature of education, living around the world and belonging to different cultures. It complicates the problem of developing common standards of behavior, a system of norms and rules that could be widely accepted by all users. On the other hand, the Internet space can be viewed as a new form of existence where physical laws do not work, and in connection with this, social ones are often questioned. This paper focuses on how social norms regulate relations in Internet space. The authors represents the typology of deviant behavior in the network. The empirical basis of the research includes the sociological survey of students of the senior courses in the Institute of Computer Science and Technology of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Sociological survey allows to identify students’ understanding of Internet space. The selection of students is conditioned by the fact that IT professionals are considered simultaneously as ordinary users of the network and as future professionals in this field

    From Infology to Artificial Science

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    This paper studies the ideas of two actors in the Scandinavian field of Information Systems development. It analyzes the writings of Börje Langefors and Bo Dahlbom in the 1980s and 1990s, and focuses on their collaboration resulting in the publication of Langefors’ Essays on Infology. Langefors was at that time honored as the founder of the information systems discipline in Scandinavia, but had also been criticized by several authors in the field. Dahlbom was a philosopher who had ventured into information systems development in the late 1980s. At the brink of the 1980s significant changes in both computer technology and Western society were evident. Computer technology saw a development from mainframe computing towards networked computing, as well as the advent of the home computer and the beginnings of the internet. Western societies changed significantly in the same period. I analyze the writings of Langefors using Paul N. Edwards concept of the cybernetic paradigm as a framework. Taking this as my starting point, I investigate whether the two writers can be said to operate within the cybernetic paradigm. Furthermore I interpret their theories along two axes. One seeing a shift from modernity to post-modernity, and one seeing a shift from humanism to post-humanism. I argue that both Langefors and Dahlbom can be understood as part of a cybernetic paradigm, although not univocally. Langefors can largely be interpreted as a product of Swedish post-war modernity, while Dahlbom related to a “postmodern condition” in Lyotard’s terms. As well as investigating the two authors as actors in the information systems development field, I investigate whether their theories also could be read as philosophy. I take Louis Althusser's notion of “the spontaneous philosophy of scientists” as my starting point for this discussion. I argue that Langefors and Dahlbom can be understood as philosophers from two different perspectives. Langefors took his experiences as a practitioner and generalized them into philosophy, while Dahlbom wanted to bring philosophical reflection to the practice of systems development. Finally, I ask what motivated Dahlbom and Langefors, two very different theorists with very different backgrounds, to collaborate. My findings indicate that Dahlbom was partly motivated by his intention of developing a “new informatics” in Sweden, and saw Langefors as an inspiration for this project. Both of the authors were motivated by seeing common adversaries in the information systems development field